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Women's horoscopes 2011: Motherhood, careers, more!

Last updated on: March 7, 2011 19:15 IST

With Women's Day coming up tomorrow, astrologer Mandaar Naik presents an astrology special for the fairer sex!

What can Saggi single ladies expect romance-wise in 2011? Will Leo lionesses' finances improve this year? Read on and find out right here!

Aries (March 21 to April 20)

Traits: The Arian woman is active and aggressive and is always coming up with great ideas.

Career: You are on the verge of a major change in your professional life. An appraisal or promotion is around the corner and if you're looking for a new job, now's the perfect time -- but don't take any decision in a hurry. Take your time, understand your limitations and focus on your priorities. You may get a chance to travel abroad for work, so keep your passport ready.

Finances: As there is an improvement on the professional front, it's bound to improve your income too -- your finances will be strong this year. But in mid-April and August, expenditure will increase (especially in April -- you may incur medical expenses). In the latter half of the year, you will be able to curtail unnecessary expenditure and be able to save properly.

Motherhood: May and June are favourable months to start trying for a baby if you're planning a pregnancy. If you already have children, you're lucky this year -- from May onward, your children will perform well in academics and have good social and family lives. Take care of your children's health in September, as there are chances they may suffer some illness in the first two weeks of that month.

Romance: 2011 is a good year for Arian women who are in love. It's likely you will get married post May if you are in a relationship, but don't make any hasty decisions. Even if it's love at first sight, ask for expert advice before tying the knot. For those who are single and looking for love, they may meet 'the one' between July and September, most likely when you're out of station undertaking adventurous activities, like picnicking in the outdoors or trekking. This period is a favourable time for romantic ventures, so be prepared.

Basically, this year is good for your professional life, for marriage and to have children and there will also be self-realisation and self-improvement.

Illustrations: Uttam Ghosh

Taurus (April 21 to May 21)

Traits: The Taurean woman is graceful, softspoken and artistic at heart.

Career: Your career will go well till the end of April, after which you will have to face some challenges. The situation will not be as easily handled as others you have tackled in the past, but after a hard struggle you will succeed.  For that, you need to give your career an energetic effort and extra time. Don't make a major decision after April, as the stars foretell an increase in mental stress, which will shift your focus from your career. On the upside, if you are a working professional, your employer may offer you accommodation or financial aid to buy your own.

Finances: The month of April is good for gain. You will gain some extra funds -- invest them well. The latter half of the year is just average on the financial front, so don't get excited with your windfall in April -- save it in case of an emergency and don't spend lavishly on luxuries.

Motherhood: If you're planning for a child, you can expect some good news at the end of the year. For Taurean mothers, children do well academically in 2011. Next year, you will have to get them to work harder, as they may become a little laidback. The month of September sees relations at their best -- your children will be more supportive and you will enjoy their company.

Romance: The month of March will bring some memorable moments in your love life. If you are single you will find your soulmate and if you are in a relationship, you can expect more out of it. Give your relationship more of an effort at this time to keep things on a favourable track. If you miss the boat, though, try again in August. Make sure you don't settle into monotony, because boredom will follow. Just spin that wheel of change and breathe new life into your romance. Laziness and a slow, indifferent attitude on your part may be a reason for separation.

In aggregate, this year is a blend of ups and downs. You have to fight your problems at an emotional level, so if you are strong spiritually, it will help you overcome all troubles. Don't miss out on a chance to learn meditation in the first week of April.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)

Traits: The Geminian is a woman of duality -- she takes two steps forward and one back. But then that is the way to success in life.

Career: Your hard work will be appreciated this year. People in the teaching and banking professions will particularly benefit. If you're looking for a job, try out in a teaching institute or financial firm. You will bond well with your superiors. 2011 is also a good year for those into the performing arts like singing or acting. In September, you have to travel for your job or for higher education. There is a chance of getting a promotion in October, but a tiny dispute may arise between you and your superiors. You will, however, succeed in settling the matter.

Finances: Your financial situation is good, incomewise. In the month of May, you will enjoy a good increment -- invest it well, as financial losses are shown in June due to poor investments. Don't be tempted by short-term, high return schemes as they will prove very risky.

Motherhood: Except for the month of July, the whole year is good for you when it comes to parenthood. July will be a little stressful, but don't worry, as your children will progress well in acadamics and careers.

Romance: Due to your social and talkative nature, you're always surrounded by people but one is a secret admirer. You'll have to spot him in the crowd, as he may be a little shy to express his feelings. Geminian women who are in a relationship may be fickle-minded about their partners, but give things a little time. Don't hurry love -- let it blossom between both of you and things will be sorted soon.

This is the year when you have to assume resposibility for your quality of life. Don't be shallow -- accept whatever comes your way and justify it well, because by the end of the year you'll be a different person.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23)

Traits: The Cancerian woman is loving and tender -- sometimes she likes to be alone and at other times she loves socialising.

Career: Your tendency to be precise and your deep dedication definitely bring you success in your career this year, say your stars. You'll taste success by the end of April in your career, but it's not such a favourable time to change jobs if you're planning a switch. For that, wait till September -- and the same goes for would-be entrepreneurs looking to start a new business venture.

Finances: Financially, June and July are good months. There are strong possibilities of recovering money you lent someone, or gaining from matured policies, bonds or fixed deposits. Be sure to utilise these gains very well. In September your expenditure may increase, so avoid unnecessary expenditure in that month.

Motherhood: This is a good year to plan for kids -- your stars are good when it comes to having a baby, so plan things well, because the month of May is stressful for would-be Cancerian mothers. Those who have schoolgoing children can expect academic stress in June and July.

Romance: April is your month of marriage, especially love marriages. Cupid is showering his grace on you and you may be popped the question. The second half of 2011 is not so favourable for your love life. You will need to balance your relationship with time and tenderness, because the second half of 2011 may not match up to the fun and enjoyment you had in the first half. Be patient.

Overall, this year something new breaks into your life and a decision will be taken, so be open to accepting what destiny offers you.

Leo (July 24 to August 23)

Traits: The Leo woman has her own way. A kind and generous leader, she's ready to take the world in her stride.
Career: May to September is a favourable period for your career -- you will get what you wish for. In the month of July, you will face opposition from colleagues (particularly women), but you will succeed in handling it. At the same time, responsibilities at work will increase, so you have to prepare for them. You will, however, enjoy the added tasks, as it is only those who are ready to accept more responsibilities that grow in their careers. The month of October is good for those who belong to the art world.

Finances: You will benefit from increments or gifts from your in-laws/husband till May. Also, you may gain an unexpected windfall from the lottery or stock market. In September, you will spend on jewellery, clothes and long-distance travel for pleasure.

Motherhood: The month of March is a little stressed for Leo mothers. Your children may suffer from an insect-related illness, so keep your home pest-free. Your children will tend to spend a lot of time out of the house, so you should give attention to their activities.

Romance: You are surrounded by eligible bachelors, but don't make any hasty decisions -- wait till the second week of May, when the picture will be more clear and you can manage to choose the right one. For those who are already in a relationship, there will be no isses between you and your partner. Two aspects of your relationship, however -- the money and your family -- may leave you frustrated. Don't take your frustration out on your soulmate.

This year brings you good money and a higher position, but at the same time, it's good for spiritual growth too, so give that priority as well.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23)

Traits: The Virgoan is a calculative woman who thinks practically. Although her opinions are straightforward, she can convince you of anything because of her effective communication skills.

Career: You will travel for work or business, but results are not so fruitful -- they may not match up to your expectations. The beginning of the year is disappointing. In June, an opportunity for another job or business may come along, but strictly avoid it -- just carry on with your existing venture. September is extremely good careerwise -- your efforts will be appreciated. This is particularly a good month for people dealing in documentation and communication.

Finances: It's quite an average year from the financial aspect of things. In fact, you learn to utilise money very well with a slow and steady source of income. This year is like a lesson for you, on how to save and invest.

Motherhood: Being more calculative, you try to be the perfect mother and this what makes you more restless. Don't doubt your capabilities or parenting skills -- the situation with your children is not tense and anxiety is unnecessary. Parenting is about caring and your present stars cause you worry without reason. Relax and enjoy watching your kids grow.

Romance:  It's good when your dear ones are there to support you -- in such situations, love grows. This year, there won't be too many outings or lots of quality time together, but you both will enjoy facing the challenge together. Your beloved one will be your strength and support this year.

You'll face many ups and downs in 2011, but remember the old saying -- 'Slow  and steady wins the race'.

Libra (September 24 to October 23)

Traits: The Libran is a balanced and beautiful woman who can conquer the world with her loving attitude.

Career: There are strong possibilities of travelling aboard for a higher education. If you are thinking about post-graduation or an MBA from a foreign university this is a good year for it. For the working professional, it's an average year, but be careful of false commitments from your employer. Communicate well with your employer and decide your package thoughtfully.

Finances: This is a financially good year. Your main gain is from investment in property -- you'll be buying some very soon, but calculate your income well as there may be confusion between your income and expenditure. You are spending on a lavish and luxurious life, so stay away from people who influence you in that manner.  Your stars say you have to face some losses from theft too, so be careful.

Motherhood: No doubt your are a loving and caring mother. Your children may travel for education, so give them lots of quality time when you're with them.

Romance: May is the month for marriage. The chances of a love marriage are strong, but a little argument may arise between the two of you in April.  Your soft and gentle attitude will manage the situation well. You will spend a lot of time together, especially dining out or shopping for fashionable clothing and accessories. But be careful with your spending,

In 2011, opt for a balanced attitude towards spending, as well as towards your life partner.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)

Traits: Scorpions are dynamic women who like multitasking and serve others, but sometimes they invite their own problems.

Career: The month of April is good for artistic Scorpions and working professionals. May and June bring promotions as well as a transfer, so start now to manage that transfer to a favourable destination. If you are pursuing your education, May will be a busy month of hard work and you may have to face some ups and downs then. Business women should start planning a new venture in the latter half of the year -- it is good for business expansions. But make sure you check out all aspects of it and don't take shortcuts.

Finances: September is a favourable month gains-wise.You will benefit from extra income, but don't lavishly spend on luxurious items. Also, don't invest in speculative income schemes as there are chances of major losses from the stock market, gambling etc.

Motherhood: Newly married Scorpion women should prepare for motherhood, as the planetary positions show chances of getting pregnant in May. Those who have school-going children may face a tough time, especially in April, but remember to be a calm parent. Take care of your kids in May, as they may fall prey to minor infections.

Romance: Those glances, smiles, compliments, small favours, gifts...You will play a lot of flirting games with that special someone, but now is the time to ask, 'Will you be mine?' If you're planning a wedding, do it before June or you'll have to postpone it until next year. Scorpion women in a relationship should remain loyal and committed -- don't try your dirty flirty games elsewhere! If you do, you'll be inviting trouble

This year, don't chase materialistic pleasures. Everything that shines is not gold. Try to pursue inner happiness.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)

Traits: Saggitarian women are a perfect blend of intelligence and good looks. They are calm and patient, but can unleash fury in certain situations.

Career: The first half of the year sees you travel for work or business. If you are working for a government organisation, you may soon be offered accomodation or a vehicle, maybe both.  April and May are good if you are an artist. Businesswomen with their newly hatched plans will be successful as per their expectations.

Finances: The month of April is good for property investment, so manage to arrange the finance for it. From August onward, this is a super year for financial gains. Besides your regular income, you will gain an added source of added funds. Try for the lottery in the last two weeks of April -- you never know, luck may shine on you!

Motherhood: As a mother, this year is good for you. Your child will excel in studies from the month of May onward. In September and October, s/he will see success in competitive exams. If you are planning to try for a baby, June is the perfect month for  it -- go on a second honeymoon.

Romance: Romance will happen in the summer. You will be introduced to someone very compatible, but you need to socialise for that -- you've been spending way too much time alone. For Saggi women in a relationship, make time for your partners -- don't isolate yourself as this habit may create distance between you and your beloved. You need to ensure that he does not feel ignored.

This year is meant for financial independence, so save a good amount of money for future expansions.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)

Traits: The Capricorn woman is gentle and polite. She moves silently and gradually towards her goals but needs to realise that she shouldn't be overly keen as nothing is ever perfect.

Career: If you are a working professional, April is a month of promotions and appraisals. Even freshers will get good opportunities. Those in business can make good profits in the month of July and August. Those in art will also get a chance to showcase their talent during this period.

Finances: It's a good year financially, especially the months of May, June and July. You will receive chances to invest in land, especially in agricultural property or say, a farmhouse. You will recover a pending payment to you in the month of November, quite unexpectedly.

Motherhood: If you are pregnant and expecting a child in the first eight months of 2011, be careful in the month of May -- a little complication may arise. Don't worry, as proper precautions and treatment will help you tackle it successfully. If you have schoolgoing children, there may problems with them in the months of June and July. Don't expect perfection from them -- just try to understand what they want.

Romance: May and December are the months when Cupid will play games with you, so take your pick and choose the right partner. There may be a small dispute in August and possibly, a separation, but that will help you realise what went wrong and you'll patch up soon. No need to worry -- be open with your partner and accepting of who he is, because nobody is perfect.

This year, don't expect much perfection from life. You are getting what you deserve and if you're expecting more than that, you will end up disappointed.

Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)

Traits: Aquarians are visionary women -- calm,patient and firm in their decisions.

Career: April is a favourable month for those in the performing arts. Aspiring artists can avail of opportunities to exhibit their art to people, which will be a good start to long careers. For working professionals, the month of May will bring opportunities to prove yourself. You may show your superiors your capabilities and can impress your boss. This will help you with future promotions. If you're looking for a new job, April is the perfect month. September is good for businesswomen -- you may travel abroad for work.

Finances: You are good at managing money, but you may tend to be overconfident of that in the first half of the year. Don't make any decisions regarding investments or financial transactions in a hurry -- ask expert opinions, as your stars show a chance of being cheated during a financial transaction. Don't invest high amounts in property, especially in August -- invest moderately. September is your best financial month.

Motherhood: 2011 is easy on you as a mother, except for the month of August. Small health issues related to your children may come up, so take care of them.

Romance: It's going very well, so don't worry unnecessarily. Love is a gift from God -- enjoy the journey, don't take see it as a destination. In September your partner may travel for work, so you may face a temporary separation from him. But it will only make you love him more. If you are in a relationship, don't turn your dates into philosophical debates. This year, everything will happen the way you wish.

2011 is good for you if you take care of your hard-earned money and your health.

Pisces (February 20 to March 20)

Traits: The Piscean woman is religious, gentle and caring. She loves her home and family.

Career: The month of March brings much professional responsibility and you become action-oriented. You will be a more confident career woman. By the end of May, you may travel for work or business. If you are an artist, you may travel abroad to perform. September brings in promotions or business expansions and you will enjoy their fruits from the month of November onward. Basically, its a year of upgrading your career.

Finances: This year, the financial situation is good for you, but you have to control your spending habit. Especially stay away from friends who influence you to spend on luxurious things. The month of May sees you receiving perks from work and November sees your finances improve further. A little expenditure may occur on family medical bills.

Motherhood: August is a slightly stressful month for pregnant ladies -- you have to take proper precautions. Strictly follow rules and regulations meant for expectant mothers. If you have children, small illnesses will trouble you once in a while, so take care of your kids. Make sure their hygiene is up to par, as prevention is better than cure.

Romance: This year you will get a lot of attention from eligible bachelors around you. No doubt you will pick Mr Perfect from among them. Surprisingly, you will meet him at some educational institute or a religious spot. If you are in a relationship, you have to spare a little time for your partner as this is a very busy year for you.

2011 is basically for upgradation of self in all aspects of life for Piscean women. The way you mould yourself this year is going to help you well into the future.