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WHO says girls don't like porn?

Last updated on: November 24, 2011 14:50 IST

It may be a taboo in our culture, but that hasn't stopped the fairer sex from indulging in this habit.

"When I first watched it, I never thought I'd like porn," 24-year-old Seema says, admitting she now enjoys it on a regular basis.

Studies worldwide show that the market for female-oriented porn is on the rise. However, it will still be a while before the secrecy around this form of self-indulgence disappears, explains the Mumbai-based advertising professional.


"It all started with a bit of curiosity. I remember being 16 and watching a porn DVD with a group of friends to find out what all the fuss was about. I wasn't sexually active then and, frankly speaking, it grossed me out. I didn't find the penis attractive, I didn't understand why people enjoyed sex!"

"It was only after I engaged in lovemaking and found the experience pleasurable that I started masturbating. It's then that I found watching porn stimulating. What I like about it is that I can satisfy my needs whenever I want all by myself."

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Last updated on: November 24, 2011 14:50 IST

"For me, fantasising has never really worked. I don't get turned on by thinking about sex, I guess I am a more visual person. I need to see it to feel it."

"I hear people say that women prefer fantasising over watching porn and stuff like that. I don't know where they get these statistics from! Maybe women are just ashamed of acknowledging that they watch porn, you know how it is. I am talking about it but I am doing it anonymously!"


Last updated on: November 24, 2011 14:50 IST

"Nearly all the porn I have accessed has been for a male audience. I guess that's because the industry itself is male-oriented, also maybe because female bodies are just more attractive than male bodies."

"I don't mind it though. I don't watch it just to see the women strip. It just sets the mood, I like to see the act, the actual sex. I guess, I just like the whole graphic nature of it."


Last updated on: November 24, 2011 14:50 IST

"My boyfriend knows that I watch porn and I know that he watches porn, but we haven't tried watching it together. It's still kind of a private space we both have, and it's fine as long as both of us are comfortable with it."

"In my experience, I've found that the society I am around just doesn't accept that women wanting sex or indulging in masturbation is completely natural. I still can't believe I have agreed to talk about this. This is the first time I am sharing this part of my life. It's so private and it's so secretive."

The Internet

Last updated on: November 24, 2011 14:50 IST

"Getting good porn is a pain. The Internet is a good resource, but you have to be so careful with viruses. It can give you a tough time if you go wrong. It gets more difficult when you can't discuss these things with others."

"I have a buddy who advises me on these issues. He's a really good friend and we know each other for very long, so I'm comfortable talking about it with him. But not everybody can do that."