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Poll: What would YOU gift Kate and Wills?

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

Let's pretend you scored an invite to the wedding of the century. What would YOU present the royal couple with? Make a choice!

We all know that Prince William and princess-in-waiting Kate Middleton have requested guests who will attend their much talked-about (really, is ANYONE talking about anything else?) wedding this week to donate to the couple's favourite charities, instead of presenting them with lavish gifts.

But let's pretend that didn't happen -- and even more outlandishly, let's pretend you were invited too (a reeeal stretch of the imagination here, but play along, will you?).

We've come up with a few choice Indian presents for the royal twosome -- no cars or expensive jewellery, because, well, they have all of it. No, really.

So your gift idea need not be the most lavish or pricey, but it's gotta be desi for sure! Here are some suggestions we came up with -- vote for your favourite, or then paste your own original ideas on the message board below!


What's a wedding without a little mooh-meetha karne wala fare? A box (or boxes!) of India's choicest sweetmeats, from the kheer of Orissa to the rasgullas of Kolkata would have Kate and Wills drooling for sure.

Only you'd have to wait till the wedding vows were done with, because we don't want the brunette beauty stomping off in a huff while the prince is busy drooling at the sight of sweets instead of his sweetie!

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An all-expenses paid trip to see the Taj Mahal

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

Okay, so maybe a box of mithai (even if it is the size of the Queen's jewellery collection) is not your style.

Maybe you want to prove that you've got what it takes to impress royalty.

How about an all-expenses paid, first-class-all-the-way trip to the world's most famous monument dedicated to love? Kate and Wills can get cozy as they watch the Taj Mahal shimmer in the light of the early-morning sun.

Nevermind if you have to make the journey back to India yourself in the hold of an ocean cargo carrier -- at least you'll have made an impression!

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A bullock cart

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

You know, Kate and Wills are really quite a low-key, down-to-earth couple. At least that's the image they want to portray.

And eco-friendly, don't forget eco-friendly -- if reports are to be believed, their new home at Harewood Park in Herefordshire will have a reed-bed sewage system, wood chip boiler, solar panels and walls lined with insulating sheep's wool.

So in keeping with their reliable, efficient and eco-friendly image, how about a reliable, efficient and eco-friendly present?

A bullock cart is just the thing!

We can just see it now -- 'Wills, darling, I'm just headed for a spot of shopping, can you have Geoffrey bring around the cart?'

Or maybe they'll need two -- the bodyguards can ride alongside in the second!

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Astrologically prescribed gemstones

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

With the kind of intense scrutiny their relationship is going to be under, presumably for the rest of their lives, these two young lovebirds are going to need all the luck in the world.

And with our penchant for all things mystic and astrologically related, we're just the ones to give it to them. Maybe we can pry Bejan Daruwalla away from his crystal ball long enough to prescribe Kate and William astrological gemstones that will make their lives easier.

That would be a shubh-shubh wedding gift for sure!

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IPL tickets

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

We know Prince William is an avid cricket fan and who knows, maybe Kate is too.

So given that the IPL is already underway, tickets to watch the matches would make for a great gift, what say? The royal couple can explore India and catch the action on the pitch at the same time.

Since this would be their first trip to our part of the world, maybe British bombshell Elizabeth Hurley, who's here to support beau Shane Warne, could play tour guide. That is, unless she's sulking at not having received a wedding invite herself!

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A crate of Indian mangoes

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

Know what other season it is? Mango season.

And it goes without saying that you'd be hard-pressed to find tastier mangoes anywhere else in the world.

So here's our humble suggestion -- present the Future King of England with the King of Fruits. They're economical, unusual and sure to be enjoyed, all qualities that constitute a fabulous present. What more could you possibly ask?

And hey, we think Wills and Kate will love to receive aam from an aam aadmi!

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Ayurvedic hair oil for William

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

Sorry, Kate -- this one's exclusively for Prince Charming, whose hairline is alarming.

Don't be offended, Wills, we're only trying to help you. A rigorous champi everyday with one of our many miracle cures will not only do your hair (what's left of it) a lot of good, it will also help you de-stress and cope with the pressures of palace life.

In fact, you can ask Kate to give you one -- and maybe she can learn to belt out Eena Meena Deeka while she does!

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A traditional outfit from every Indian state for Kate

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

She may shop every high-end designer and high street store in the world, but if the future Queen truly wants to stand out, these would stand her in good stead!

Your gifting Kate a traditional outfit from every Indian state would ensure she had a wardrobeful of garments quite unlike any other celeb.

Can you imagine her stepping out in a nauvari sari from Maharashtra or a mekhala and chadar from Assam? We say she's pretty enough to carry off practically anything and it would definitely send the flashbulbs into overdrive!

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A tandoor

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

According to reports, Kate and Wills will not have servants to wait upon them when they commence with married life as they value their privacy.

So in other words, it looks like dear Kate is going to need all the help she can get in the household and culinary department.

We, therefore, propose a tandoor where she can cook up Indian specialties for her prince -- maybe an electric one if it saves her more trouble!

Plus we hear the prince enjoys Indian cuisine -- he once ran up a 1,300 pound bill at a curry house, so maybe you can throw in some ground Indian masalas as part of the present too!

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A Ganesha idol

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST

We desis are a devout people.

So this idea should come as no surprise to anyone -- a Ganesha idol signifies divine blessings for a married couple. Also good luck, good wishes, good health -- the whole package!

And of course, it's a very Indian present.

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Cast your vote!

Last updated on: April 26, 2011 07:54 IST
Choose a gift for Kate and Wills!

So which gift would YOU present the royal couple with? Take the poll below and let us know, or add your own original ideas to the messageboard!