Photographs: Rahul Gaddi
We invited you to send in unique summer-themed photographs -- odd scenes that are captured on a lens for posterity -- to share with other readers. Here are a few more responses!
First up we have this image from Rahul Gaddi, of a what seems to be a well that doubles up as a swimming pool! "This picture is taken at a farm in Kolhapur," he says.
Share your interesting summer snapshots with us! They could be from anywhere across India or the world, but they have to be original.
Simply e-mail your photographs to (subject line: 'Unusual summer pics') -- we'll publish the most interesting ones on and in India Abroad. And make sure to include a little-write up of where you e is summer, so your photograph has to gel with the season. Hurry and send in your entry today!
Disclaimer: The photographs featured in this series are, to the best of our knowledge, original entries submitted by readers. does not assume any responsibility for their originality.
Scurrying for cover
Image: Scurrying for coverPhotographs: Neelabja Dutta
Next we have one from Neelabja Dutta, who explains, "This pic was taken on a beach in Pondicherry. The crab was just getting into his hole -- probably, it started feeling the heat like us!"
A fight for survival
Image: A fight for survivalPhotographs: Pramod Kumar
Pramod Kumar sent in this image clicked on a roadside in Noida, saying, "This is a photograph of a dried tree in summer. I was amazed that despite the odds, a little pink flower was smiling atop it without the company of any leaf or bloom. A fight for survival, really!"
Why Amir's so cool!
Image: Why Amir's so cool!Photographs: Nishant Jadhav
"Amir -- now you know why he's so cool!" says Nishant Jadhav of Pune, obviously referring to the Bollywood actor. "This pic was taken on a beach along the Konkan belt."
Willing to share
Image: Willing to sharePhotographs: Ashish Jain
And finally, we have Ashish Jain's contribution. "This photograph was taken at Kolapakkam in Chennai," he explains. "Both geese and a rabbit (if you look carefully) were escaping the sun under this van."