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We asked you, our readers, to share motherhood advice Jhumoor Ghosh writes in:
My daughter Anouska never gave anyone any trouble while I was at work.
She'd settled well with the maid and would happily spend time with parents or in-laws or whoever else was present to babysit her.
The trouble started when I returned home.
She would demand my attention and wouldn't give me time to even change!
At the time she was three.
My husband suggested we find something that could hold her attention away from me.
But this was easier said than done.
What could hold a child's attention? We tried puzzles, dolls, audio renditions of nursery rhymes... nothing worked.
It was then that we discovered colouring pictures held her attention.
Over time we also learned that the interest wavers from one activity to another but there has always been one such activity which has engrossed her attention and allowed me to do my work and even been able to complete my PhD.
Every child has certain interests and it is the parents' duty to find out just what will hold his/her interests.
With Mother's Day around the corner, there's no better time than now to share the best motherhood advice you've received so far.
We would love to hear it because there's nothing quite so challenging like being a mother, is there?
Write in to getahead@rediff.co.in (subject line: 'Best motherhood advice') with a picture of you and your baby and we will publish the best responses right here on Rediff.com!