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Is your love life under pressure? Are you troubled by your relationship? Get Ahead's Love Guru hosted a chat with readers on November 12 to help them deal with love problems. For those of you who missed it, here's the transcript.
Love Guru says, Hi there, people...welcome back to the Love Guru chat! Let's get started with those relationship questions.
zakhmiDIl asked, in 2007 i ve brkup with my GF now she is dating someone else will she do it again with me if i will inititate ?
Love Guru answers, That was 3 years ago. I think she may have moved on if she's dating someone else, but you have nothing to lose, so give it a shot if you like. Although I have to wonder why you still haven't moved on after 3 years?
123 asked, My girlfriend had an affair with a person who happened to be a distant relative of mine.Later they parted ways and I entered her life giving her the much needed emotional support in those difficult times. We plan to get married soon.She is from a different religion and is 2 years elder than me. When her ex knew about our relationship,he threw tantrums which were very nasty.But now it is normal. My parents and relatives are opposing our marriage due to these reasons.. Please advise...
Love Guru answers, He should have kept his big mouth shut and lived his own life instead of throwing a tantrum. He broke up with her and she wasn't dating you then. It's not like he's your brother or something either, so keep the distant relative at a distance and explain to your parents that what is past is past and they shouldn't hold that against her. The fair thing for them to do here would be to at least give her a chance, get to know her...And if they are hellbent on not accepting her, you can still go ahead with your plans anyway. At the end of the day it's your life.
dfg asked, i have love with one girl. her parents not accepted my love. We want die for my love
Love Guru answers, Stop talking of suicide and start planning to get married without her parents' permission -- that's a less drastic, far happier option for both of you. Don't throw your life away.
rshh asked, I has started liking a girl in my office. But the problem is that she is 6 years younger to me. Will this work out?? Should I approach??
Love Guru answers, Depends how old you are, isn't it? If you're 25 and she's 19, she may be a little young for you. And be cautious how you approach, don't make her uncomfortable under any circumstances or your job will be at risk. Be friendly, not over-friendly and once you're good friend, then you can proceed with your proposal. But remember, if she shows no interest, back off!
Sylvia asked, I Luv a boy and he says he loves me, but I found that he is flirting with other girls also. What should I do
Love Guru answers, The best thing in such a scenario is to cut him off completely, even though you actually feel even more now than before that you want him all for yourself. That's human nature. If you walk out, put your foot down and show him you're not interested, he may want YOU more! The question is, do you want to give him another chance or would you rather just look for someone else who is not a flirt?
preet asked, i am married & i love some person she is also my best frnd & i m also her i want to marry her but she dont but she give me love as friend
Love Guru answers, You're married and this girl is not even interested in you, she only wants to be friends. So stop pursuing the matter for no good reason. Work on your marriage instead.
Advice from the Love Guru does not reflect the opinions of rediff.com and should not be considered in the capacity of professional counselling.
thakral asked, LUV GURUJI,Hi. Marri ed for last 14yrs. sudenly wife wants mutual divorce.offered every thing sep.house,car etc.Both r working. She told that she does not like me. may be reason Extra Marital. Kindly advs.
Love Guru answers, I think I responded last time to you too. I'm sorry about your situation, but if she is hellbent on divorce in spite of all your efforts, you should just let her do as she pleases. I can imagine how painful it must be after 14 years together, but it's never too late to start afresh. You can try again to get her to at least tell you the real reason behind the divorce, but it seems to me like she is keen on getting her way. Even if it is an extramarital affair, what's the point of carrying on with someone who doesn't love you?
ankit asked, i luv someone and we are in been relation for past 5 years and want to marry but my parents are not agreeing and we both dont want to marry against them,what shud we do
Love Guru answers, You can try to convince them and get her parents to convince them. If they still don't agree, your only option is to get married without their agreement or then break up. You can't dangle in the middle and not take a decision forever.
mervin asked, my gl friend refused my proposal this morning. It seems she is seeing someone. i am depressed
Love Guru answers, Hey, Mervin. Sorry to hear that mate, but cheer up -- there are plenty more fish in the sea! Don't dwell on it and move on.
GKC asked, hi, i am married we both are software employee's...my wife office is next the house i travel 25km one way....every night i don't get any feeling...only when my wife intiates i will get it....if she doesn't do we just sleep....i really don't know the reason behind it...i have sexual feeling when i see any movie..or when i remember previous encounters...why i am not getting with my wife...
Love Guru answers, I think you've gotten into the habit of letting your wife initiate sex. And it's not necessary that you should do it every night! in fact, that's probably one of the reasons why you are not so keen on it anymore. Get her to dress in clothes and lingerie you find attractive and make the first move once in a while.
ijas asked, i given clue to our family about our love but they checked our horoscope and its not matching and they saying if our marriage happens then our relation continue to only 2 yrears after that we wil become divorce...i m not so much believing in horoscope but i need family support... wat to do
Love Guru answers, Tell them that whether you divorce in 2 years or not is upto you and your wife. You want and need their support for marriage right now and it's ridiculous to go only by the horoscope. I know of several arranged marriages that have taken place and subsequently failed despite a very favourable horoscope match.
sachin asked, hi,my gf many male friends i did notlike that can itell her that or not
Love Guru answers, If you want to play it smart, Sachin, I don't think you should tell her that. She may have a lot of male friends, but she chose to date you, right? So why are you worried? Be mature and don't be possessive. The more understanding you are, the luckier she will feel to have you in her life and the more she will value your relationship.
jack asked, i am getting married to GIRL BUT I AM UNABLE TO FORGET HER PAST PLS HELP ME
Love Guru answers, YOU are unable to forget HER past? Why? Did you know her then? Did she cheat on you? Did she betray your trust in any way? No. Everything happened before she met you, before you came into her life. So stop behaving like a child and get over it already! I'm sure you have a few things in your past that you regret too -- everyone does!
john asked, i m in love with one of my cousin...she also loves me...the problem is that both of us are of same gotra......i m sure our parents will oppose it...we want to know its scientific implication
Love Guru answers, You need to visit a doctor for that.
WILD HOGG asked, HELOO i have aproblem i was in love with a girl so much that i emotionally got attached to her. she also loved me so much but my parents arranged my marriage against my will with another girl , she have started loving me a lot . now i dont know what to do .. i cant dump the girl i love but i cant go against my parents will . i have no option left just to run away or commit sucide please help !!!
Love Guru answers, You don't seem to have the guts to stand up for yourself. Now stop being a wimp and be a man -- tell your parents that you will not give up on the girl you love! And tell your fiance the truth -- break off the engagement. These decisions are tough, but you have to make them. If you decide to run away or take your own life, what good will come of that? You'll ruin your parents', fiance's and girlfriend's lives. All because you didn't have the guts to say you were going to marry the one you loved! So say it now, face the consequences bravely and do it already!
tintin asked, Hi... i was going on with a girl past 1 yr, but she was doubtful tht will her family accept our marriage, due to caste. Suddenly she called me and said that her family had selected a boy for her, and she has to choose between the two of us... and she can't go against her family, i was prepared for this thing, i wanna know ur suggestion, did she did this just to have someone in her life, btw. she is still in contact with me, we do chat sometimes.
Love Guru answers, Look, there are some people who simply don't have the guts to go against their parents. So while they may love someone truly, they are not individuals who are strong enough to fight for that love or their future. Cut your losses and move on. And next time around, go for a girl who has a mind of her own and who will not let someone else make such important life decisions for her.
spartons asked, I want to marry with my boss wife and she is too how can we do it
Love Guru answers, Find yourself a new job first! Or you'll be unemployed and have an additional responsibility!
Bhavin asked, I am married to my 2 yrs old gf now and there were some preconditions for me. I wanted her to complete her masters degree and hence she lied to me that she has. She still hasnt. I am still helping her out to complete it but she is not responding positively to it. This is straining our relationship continuously.. What do you think i should do to make it better and stronger? i love her a lot.
Love Guru answers, Look, the master's degree should be something she wants, not something you want for her. But since she lied about it, you can explain to her that she should come through with it or you will be very disappointed in her. To lie and then quit is not something that will raise her respect in your eyes. And instead of helping her yourself, hire a tutor for her -- that will relax the added tension.
ritesh asked, Dear sir, I have been already affaired twice in my life but they all broke in very short time of span, Now i am in relation with third girl , but i thought i have lost some beliveness on love , what should i do. how should i belive on her? please help me out.....
Love Guru answers, By believing in yourself first. If you see yourself as a loser who doesn't deserve a faithful woman, she will see you the same way. I know somebody who found happiness after 9 failed relationships. It's not necessary that you always hit it off with the first person you date. Be mature, confident and happy -- that will rub off on your partner and she will be happy with you too. If you behave suspicious and narrow-minded, you can expect trouble.
rtrt asked, I have physical relations with my wife's sister for past 6 months. The feeling of guilt engulfed me after every half an hour. I am not able to concentrate on my work. Pls guide how to come out of it.
Love Guru answers, So you're wracked with guilt, but you're still having the affair with her? End it now, or your marriage will end soon -- and not on a pleasant note. The relationship between two sisters will also be destroyed.
Rishi asked, hi.. love guru .. I am in a big dilema...I am in a relationship with a a girl who is elder to me by 1 year and 2 inches taller and heavier than me...She accept me and likes me but not ready to settle down with me due to this reason...I am lost.. pls advise
Love Guru answers, Rishi, that's a really stupid reason not to settle down! The two of you could look like Laurel and Hardy together, but what difference does it make if you're happy? Does she want a husband or a mannequin with suitable measurements? If she thinks at such a superficial level, you may want to reconsider the relationship in the first place.
sakku asked, Hi LG, My fiancee had someone in her life whom she couldn't marry because he had a elder sister to marry. She didn't tell me anything, I found. I told her to cut off all ties with him. I made her swear on my head that she wont meet him again. I told her that she can call him one final tima and say that its all over. She said she called him and told him not to contact her ever again and he has agreed. Later on I found out that not only she has been calling her ex 10 times, even at night everyday, but has met him in person too despite swearing on my head. She even claimed she is very happy with me. She looked happy. I said no to marriage with her. She always lied and told her mom that I am bothering her. But I am miserable. If I have done the right thing or could I have done something else?
Love Guru answers, I don't think you quite did the right thing, Sakku. I can understand your feelings, but the swearing and call were not her idea, they were yours. You forced her into it. So I'm not surprised that she broke her word. Now the thing is, I think she is in love with that guy. So it's fine that you said no to get married to her, as even though she said yes to you, I don't think her heart was in it. She was probably giving in to pressure from her parents to marry. And that boyfriend of hers is giving in to pressure from his family for his sister to get married first. A pretty sad state of affairs. But I think you're better off not getting together with someone who is getting married to you only for convenience sake.
Dinu asked, I have a freind, she loves a boy very much to the bottom of heart but the problem is that boy is 9 years older than her. Now He is forcing her to ask her parents for marriage but she is in college and want 2 more years to complete her B.E. but he is not ready to wait any more. What she shoud do now?
Love Guru answers, Just because he is 9 years older and in a hurry to get married doesn't mean she should compromise on her education! This is too important an issue for her to give in to him. She should put her foot down -- either he waits, or then they break things off. Seems to me this guy is more keen on settling down than on whom he settles down with!
Ranjit asked, HI Buddy I had an affair with a girl but we parted few days ago . The reason was that she had a friend who had proposed her but there was nothing from her side . He was involving too much in her personal life so one day i sent a sms to him which he forwaded it to her & from that day my girl friend is not talking to me . ( We both are married & i m in a stage from getting a divorce from my wife , Even she is planning to get divorce from her busband) Our affair started on 12th of may & ended on 28th of sep . She was the one who proposed me at begining she was very loving & caring . Pls comment does she has a soft corner on her friend . What shud i do i cant think of a life without her . I m ready to accept her & her kid
Love Guru answers, You should have told her that you didn't like this friend of hers interfering so much in her life instead of sending him a message directly. It's only natural that he would show her the message and it doesn't make you look good at all. Your possessiveness has left a bad taste in her mouth, that too at an early stage in your relationship. You've made her feel like you won't accept her friends gracefully. Now go back to her and apologise, not for the reason behind your irritation, but for the way in which you handled the situation. Explain to her that you should have told her how you felt and you don't like that friend of hers butting into your lives so much. Also apologise to the friend, even if it is a bitter pill to swallow. And try to remain on good terms with him from now on -- at least for the time being.
Love Guru says, Time to go, folks! See you next week, same time, same place! Till then, cheers!