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Chinese zodiac: 2011, Year of the Rabbit!

Last updated on: February 3, 2011 17:20 IST

Monisha Singh Dudaney
On the occasion of Chinese New Year today, we bring you a look at what 2011, the Year of the Rabbit has in store for you!

The New Year according to the Chinese zodiac will fall on February 3 this year -- the Year of the Rabbit.

Based on the cycle of the moon, the date changes every year and each year is identified with one of 12 animals to express zodiacal time. The choice of these animals is based on a tale from Chinese mythology that has been given several interpretations.

The years of the Lunar Signs from 1912 to 2011 are as follows:

Rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Sheep: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Tiger:1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Move onto the following pages to see how 2011 will shape up for you, as per your Lunar Sign!

Illustrations: Uttam Ghosh

The Rabbit

The Rabbit symbolises graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. Their soft speech and graceful and nimble ways embody all the desirable traits of a successful diplomat.

They are reserved, artistic and posses good judgment and a sharp memory. Their thoroughness also makes them good scholars. Though flirtations and full of fun, with the help of the mind and brain, they will shine in the fields of law, politics and government.

While those under this sign are extremely lucky in business and monetary transactions, they also tend to be very moody!

Famous people born under the sign: David Rockfeller, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Albert Einstein

2011 for the Rabbit: Getting ready to run is the vibe for the Rabbits in 2011. Excited about the promise of the new, many of you may change jobs/work profiles or even start a venture of your own.

Those of you in the art and design industry travel to showcase their work in March, receiving rave responses. Viewing the bigger picture and yet making sure you take care of the minute details will prove to be key.

By the end of November, the spotlight and focus will be on you as fame comes knocking at your door bringing in much money too. Love life is steady and you enjoy companionship and compassion with your mate, ending the year on a secure note.

Tip of the year: Change is the only constant. Allow yourself many transitions for much transformation.

Best compatibility: Tiger, Dragon, Monkey

The Dragon

Magnanimous, full of vitality and strength, Dragons are a veritable storehouse of energy. In China, the dragon symbolizes the Emperor or the male. It represents power and those born in the Dragon year are said to wear the horns of destiny.

The Chinese also consider the Year of the Dragon to be the best year, as people born under this sign are highly intelligent, lucky, healthy and fully of confidence. They are extroverts and have strong will power. They are not always easy to get on with and can prove dangerous enemies.

If you get on their right side, they make for supportive and helpful friends. The Chinese call the dragons the guardians of wealth and power. Certainly a prosperous sign to belong to. However, it's also a sign most prone to megalomania.

Famous people born under the sign: John Lennon, St Joan of Arc, Frank Sinatra, Yehudi Menuhin, Che Guevara

2011 for the Dragon: Dragons will be faced with challenging situations and challenging people this year, who come into their lives only to test them and for the Dragons to figure the bigger picture. It's vital for you to honest with yourself for sustained success.

Staying away from shortcuts and manipulations will help you progress and achieve your goals. If connected with the interiors and architecture arena, you spend quality time on design and methods of advertising to give your best towards October. Receiving required response comes in increasing financial influence and helping you recycle funds towards the end of the year.

Travel throughout the year is a given as you spend time visiting friends, family and loved ones across the globe. Love life is well-balanced and nurturing and your mate is appreciative of the small, loving gestures you make!

Tip of the year: Your integrity will remain key to the success of this year. Stay on the right side.

Best compatibility: Rabbit, Tiger, Ox

The Snake

Philosophers, theologians, political wizards, wily financers -- Snakes are the deepest thinkers and the most enigmatic of the Chinese cycle. People born under this sign of wisdom are highly intelligent, wise, calm and understanding. They are endowed with an inborn wisdom of their very own right.

Graceful and soft spoken, they love books, food, music, theater and gravitate towards the finer things in life. Elegant in speech, dress and manners, they don't like indulging in useless small talk or frivolities. They are deep thinkers, love challenges though they take their own time in taking important decisions.

They can be quite generous with money but are known to be ruthless when they to want to attain an important objective. Snakes are generally good looking and have plenty of admirers.

Famous people born under the sign: Indira Gandhi, Mao Tse Tsung, John Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln

2011 for the Snake: The snakes this year may meander and stay in their circle of influence which maybe a good thing. Consolidation and collaboration may be the key as they achieve their big goals and plans this year.

Some of you may add more members to your team in order to expand your ideals and ideas. Doing the best you can will need perseverance and patience especially through the summer months.

Take time off over the weekends to give your feet the necessary rest they require and your head and heart creative something to think of. Spending time at theaters, movies and concerts will help you stay in tune and grounded.

Money inflow improves and you pay off your old debts and liabilities moving into much sunlight and success. Love life is warm and filled with togetherness as you enjoy many a memorable evening with your playful mate.

Tip of the year: Staying steady may not have the thrill of the chase but will give you a large dose of satisfaction and contentment.

Best compatibility: Ox, dragon, Rabbit, Rooster

The Horse

Cheerful, popular and quick-witted, the Horse has raw sex appeal rather than straight good looks! The Horse is a socializer and loves meeting people and making new friends.

The unpredictable horse will fall in love easily and out of love just as easily. People born under his sign will have a cheerful nature and revel in being the center of attention. They have leadership qualities and will not allow for any restrictions or rules that may come in the way of their freedom.

Adventurers at heart, horses are noted for their keen mind and ability to manage money. Self-reliant, vivacious, energetic, impetuous and even brash, they are known to be showy dressers, partial to bright colours and striking designs to the point of being gaudy on occasion.

They love exercise, both mental and physical. Often called the playboy or the playgirl of the cycle, they are just as skillful in business and love!

Famous people born under the sign: FD Roosevelt, Barbara Streisand, Rembrandt, Chris Evert, Amitabh Bachchan

2011 for Horses: Horses in 2011 will gallop to achieve their unfinished dreams. Big deals, contracts and much signing of documents is their destiny. You focus on maintaining standards and consistent goodwill in your chosen field of work. Your resolution will be to be less choosy and more versatile, more flexible and receptive.

Ask and you shall receive the kind of recognition and money by April that you truly deserve as the universe smiles on you for being patient and persevering. Long distance and frequent travel is a given, especially as you indulge your adventurous streak and will prove especially lucrative towards the end of November.

Students fare well academically and will get admissions in universities overseas by July especially if wanting to study finance and marketing. Those in long-term love relationships draw closer making many plans towards October.

Love life for many needs nurturing your beloved and spending quality time over weekends communicating, sharing which will make for all the positive difference.

Tip of the year: Run at the pace you desire and the rest will fall into place!

Best Compatibility: Tiger, Goat, Dog

The Sheep

This is the most feminine sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Called the Good Samaritan of the cycle, the Sheep are righteous, sincere and easily taken in by sob stories.

They are artistic, fashionable creative and appreciative of the finer things of life. Known for their gentle and compassionate ways, they can easily forgive and understand about others faults.

They dislike strict schedules and cannot take too much discipline or criticism. They are lucky in financial matters and rarely short of funds. They love to live in a relaxed and pressure free environment.

Famous people born under the sign: Barbara Walters, Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King, King George IV, The Shah of Iran

2011 for the Sheep: 2011 for the Sheep is all about being pushed to deliver your best. A year that truly belongs to you as meeting the right people, networking with the best is indicated. Professionally much of you will find that the summer months set the tone for much action and change.

Being ready for big moves, transition and other changes is imperative. Changing your vision along the way by July is a probability for those dealing with software, import-export and the media where new trends set in easily, you could especially be the trendsetter and keep up with the times.

Finances improve slowly and May brings with it much money and paperwork related to the same. The year ends on a hopeful note as many of you look back at your own portfolio with much happiness and trust.

Those looking for love will find many an answer by June and the winter months could see a celebrations of many sorts. For those in relationships, allow yourself to be the change that you want to see in your partner

Tip of the year: Create new opportunities by being open to change and transition.

Best compatibility: Tiger, Horse, Monkey, Dragon

The Monkey

The Monkey is the sign of the inventor, the improviser and the motivator in the Chinese Zodiac. They are clever, flexible and innovative. They can master anything under the sun and they usually have an aptitude for being good linguists.

No challenge is too great for them and the Monkey will be successful at whatever he chooses to do. They like to help and advise people. They can make for successful businessmen, politician and business figures.

They are a bit lazy in nature and sometimes neglect major issues of life. On the negative side, they have an inborn superiority complex!

Famous people born under the sign: Walter Matthau, Edward Kennedy, Mick Jagger, Duchess of Windsor, Nelson Rockfeller

2011 for the Monkey: The monkeys should prep themselves for a creative year. Staying on top will need you to give your best. And you are ready to push the envelope on both execution and ideas.

Some of you may have to be open to certain constructive criticism which will eventually lead to you understanding your product/venture better allowing you to experiment with new thought patterns and more. Success is yours for the taking especially if involved in media, entertainment and television towards June-July.

Balance in every area, adapting to a healthier lifestyle and keeping your word will become your mantra towards October resulting in a calmer day to say routine. Money matters stay upbeat especially as lucrative investments pay off.

The single find someone attractive and do what it takes to bring him/her in their life. Follow your heart and wedding bells will ring in Jan 2012 keeping you smiling.

Tip of the year: Brilliance in your ideas will need brilliance on the drawing board to make your dreams come true.

Best Compatibility: Rat, Ox, Sheep, Snake

The Rooster

Roosters are hardworking, resourceful and have a colourful personality. They are extremely careful about all the minute details in any work they undertake.

The Roosters, especially men born under this sign will be attractive, dashing and handsome. Known to be sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, upright, alert and the most direct, they can also be critical to the point of being brutal.

They love to argue and debate showing how knowledgeable and smart they are, sometimes with little regard for the feeling of others. Witty and amusing, the roosters will never pass an opportunity to recount their adventures and enumerate their accomplishments.

They are very good organizers, although sometimes they display overconfidence which may damage their reputation, although they are extremely keen on helping others who are less fortunate.

Famous people born under the sign: Prince Phillip, Elton John, Pope Paul VI

2011 for the Rooster: The need to control and command drives the rooster this year as they get ready to consolidate their energies driving towards a big change. Peppy and energetic, you get assertive and move towards your goals. You calm countenance backed with enthusiasm and focus will bring in the results your desire towards August-September.

If dealing in online communication, training and people skills, you will find yourself surrounded by many new opportunities that will tap your talent to the fullest and November proves to be the lucky month this year.

A home away from home is indicated and many of you look at it as a stepping-stone towards much a needed jump in your career. Finances are good and spending in purchase luxury items/shopping sprees for your home/office space is given.

The single desire to change their status and those looking for love find it easily especially amongst common friends. Long term relationships need affection and space and you are in a happier state of mind towards the end of the year.

Tip of the year: Your enthusiasm makes miracles happen! Enjoy.

Best compatibility: Tiger, Horse, Monkey, Dragon

The Dog

Dogs are faithful, honest and courageous friends and have very firm views. The most likeable sign of the Chinese Cycle, people born under this sign are intelligent and straightforward.

Driven by a deep sense of loyalty and a passion for justice and fair play, they make for great friends. If you have a forthright dog for a friend, you must know that when you are in trouble, all you have to do is dial D-O-G. For no matter how much they complain or feign indifference, they cannot ignore a real call for help.

But, if badly treated by someone, they rarely forget. They are extremely steadfast in accomplishing their goals.

Famous people born under the sign: Charles Bronson, Pierre Cardin, Sir Winston Churchill, Elvis Presley

2011 for the Dog: 2011 promises to be a watershed year for the dogs. After topsy-turvy equations having dominated most years, this one will be relatively smooth and angst free.

All the hard work and the introspection in looking inside finally pays off for you and towards April, you find yourself much at ease. Professionally, moving up the ladder is indicated as your drive and determination to impact what business you operates in now gets rewarded.

Awards and rewards will follow suit by September and a windfall of money is expected along with it. Spend and splurge wisely as you make sure you invest and save in equal amounts. An old recurring health issue will find relief in alternative healing in August as you alter your lifestyle and take up yoga/meditation course.

Those in love, enjoy perfect companionship especially as they spend quality time with their mate and keeping communication channels open! The single will need to understand the meaning of friendship, trust and unconditional affection, before love comes their way. Be hopeful.

Tip of the year: Being grateful for what you have, will bring in more!

Best compatibility: Rabbit, Snake, Dog, Rat

The Pig

Pigs are born under the sign and grace of honesty. They are cultured, kind, caring and have an understaning peaceful nature. Gallant, sturdy and courageous, people born under this sign will apply themselves to an allotted task with all their strength and you can rely on them to see it through.

Outwardly they may appear rough-hewn and jovial, but scratch the surface and you will find pure gold. The Pig is bound to be one of the most natural people you could come across. They never hit you below the belt.

No doubt, they will have fights and differences with others, but they will not carry grudges unless given no choice. They could be lazy, but in a wondrous way, a true friend to have by your side.

Famous people born under the sign: Ronald Reagan, Julie Andrews, Woody Allen, Alfred Hitchcock

2011 for the Pig: 2011 for the pigs is a year of starting afresh. After having spent many months doing the same, holding onto memories and being lost on the career front, it is now time to look at your life and agenda.

Work-wise, a new assignment will keep you on your toes. April onwards, those starting or running their own business/venture, will find the going profitable and lucrative. Getting in the experts/professional advice will be wise and you find your financial matters benefit from the same.

November onwards, finances are more secure and you can go ahead and plan long-term investments. If single, developing new friendships and healthy dating help you discover what you truly want. In August, some of you will be dealing with tangled personal equations with friends and advice/support from elders will help clear up the mess.

Stay optimistic. Love life is a dream your mate communicative, caring and indulgent over long, romantic weekends.

Tip of the year: Asking for advice will help you get clarity. Be open.

Best compatibility: Sheep, Tiger, Dog

The Rat

The charm of the Rat is as universally known and as loved as the Walt Disney character Mickey Mouse. Remarkably easy to get along with the hardworking and thrifty, the rats will be generous only to those they are inordinately fond of.

So if you get an expensive gift from them, you should certainly rate yourself high in their esteem. On the surface, a Rat may appear reserved, but this is not so. They are never as quiet as they look and make friends easily. They are charming, bright, happy and sociable and really cherish their friends, associates and family relations.

Famous people born under the sign: Pope John Paul, William Shakespeare, Yves St Laurent, Prince Charles, Karim Aga Khan

2011 for the Rat: The first half of 2011 rocks for the rats! Everything you decide to touch will now turn to gold. Over the next few months, your charismatic ways and your enhanced knowledge, along with your straightforward strategies and daring ideas will be appreciated by all.

You formulate great action oriented plans to back them and take one determined step towards achieving your difficult yet challenging goals. Watch out for complacency and pettiness towards the end of September, which could hamper your winning streak.

Those of you in the field of software and hardware, will find yourself in the limelight for your many contributions and great work by March, and forging ahead with many a prestigious project and a great team to match.

Financially, you can expect to ride the tide and have things your way till the end of October. Make wise investments and plan for contingencies.

If single, you mingle, build on your social life and meet someone sweet and interested in one of your relaxed weekends. Follow your heart, enjoy romance and perfect peace as you find love and harmony.

Tip of the year: Give and the doors to receiving will open. Be charitable and kind in your thoughts and ways

Best compatibility: Monkey, Dragon, Ox

The Ox

The Ox or the buffalo sign symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. People born under this year will be dependable, calm and methodical. Patient and tireless workers, they like routine and convention.

Beneath their modest but neat appearance, the Ox usually shields a resolute and logical mind. They walk with their head held high. People born under this sign are systematic. You can rely on their promises. Once they give their word, they will stick with it.

The Ox likes to take his/her own sweet time in the matters of the heart. They are slow to warm up and reveal their true feelings. If you marry an Ox and place your trust in them, you will never be disappointed. They generally excel in politics, farming and agriculture though their rigid and stubborn nature may lead to conflicts with others time and again.

Famous people born under the sign: Jawaharlal Nehru, Walt Disney, Richard Nixon, Margaret Thatcher, Adolf Hitler

2011 for the Ox: 2011 for the Ox begins with a change in your attitude as you desire to work more positively. You will start this year on an unsure yet enthusiastic and hopeful note.

Constantly evaluating your own contribution will be the key to your success. You work dedicatedly only to discover that you become quite an inspiring source for other associates and team mates.

If in the field of advertising, filmmaking, writing or publishing, major breakthroughs can be expected between January and May. Creative projects will take you overseas and a home away from home is indicated as you chase your dreams with a fervour and fascination to be famous and successful.

Money improves slowly and you enjoy spending power. You aspire to change the way you live -- raising the bar with a new home/new car or simply just new shoes!

July/August spells plenty of travel to exotic locales with friends and you let your hair down. Loved ones are supportive allowing you time and resources to back you and your dreams.

Tip of the year: Positive thoughts and actions create miracles

Best compatibility: Rat, Rabbit, Rooster

The Tiger

In the east, the Tiger symbolises power, passion and daring. This fearless and fiery fighter is revered as the sign that wards off the three main disasters of a household fire, thieves and ghosts.

The tigers are courageous and active. They have a strong character and make for excellent leaders. Restless and reckless by nature, they are always impatiently geared for action. However, because of their suspicious nature, they are prone to waver and make decisions.

While they are quick tempered, they are equally sincere, affectionate and generous. Blessed with a marvelous sense of humour, they love babies, animals, jazz or anything that spurs their imagination.

Famous people born under the sign: Charles De Gaulle, Groucho Mark, Queen Elizabeth II, Marilyn Monroe

2011 for the Tiger: 2011 for the tiger begins slowly but picks up towards the end of the year. Starting the year being steady and grounded, you tread cautiously yet surely up the ladder of success.

Over the next 12 months, you feel on top of things and in control and as your efforts are met with appreciation and your hopes rise when good results begin to show up. Those of you connected with travel, communication and creative cuts plan to take a break, and travel far and wide for research and further study in the winter months. Alongside you build a clientele and goodwill and bring in lucrative business and great finances.

November may prove tempting as quick rich schemes sound promising. Balancing between spending and saving is desired especially for those living away from home. If dabbling in stocks and shares, luck favours you between March and June.

The single are now ready to get over heartbreak/the past and move on to newer pastures, dating many. For those in relationships, love-life is steady and although there are trying moments and recurring arguments with your mate, you try to be more accommodating.

Tip of the year: Know that, slowly but surely, you will lead the pack!

Best compatibility: Pig, Dog, Horse