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How the new insurance rules will benefit you

Last updated on: October 31, 2013 18:42 IST

In an online chat with Get Ahead readers on October 31 Anil Rego of Right Horizons discussed the impact of new insurance rules on their policies.

Here is the unedited chat transcript:

bhanuprakash m: I have sbi ulip and reliance,Lic of india what will happen to my insurancce policies

Anil Rego: The new regulations will not impact your existing policies. Hence, there would be no impact.

Dinkar Dosanjh: what will happen to insurance policies i have been buying for all these years? Will i lose out on the benefits guaranteed in these schemes?

Anil Rego: As mentioned, past policies will not be impacted

Dawar Sheth: Will I save money when these new rules set in? How?

Anil Rego: Yes, you will save money on traditional policies since the new policies would now refer to a more recent mortality table. Further, the surrender charges for prematurely surrendering a product is reduced.

Amit Shellar: How come IRDA has not yet announced such rules? I have five different policies but I don't know yet about these changes. How will these changs benefit insurance buyers?

Anil Rego: IRDA has announced the new rules and has been covered in the media as well. Regulatory changes are normally not retrospective and hence applicable only to new policies.

Lalji Margasahayam: What do you mean by yields of ULIP and how will it help me knowing that every month?

Anil Rego: Currently yields of ULIPs are mentioned in the illustration for a 6 per cent and 10 per cent return scenario. The yield lets you know what you get in hand. (after all reductions including charges). IRDA now requires companies to mention this on a monthly basis in your statement.

Jignesh Kaisth: What will be these guaranteed minimum rate of return on my ulips?

Anil Rego: ULIPs are market linked and hence, there is no minimum rate of return that is guaranteed.

Eknath Gangulee: what is the current lock-in for ULIPs? Has it been increased in the new rules

Anil Rego: The current lock in period is 5 years and there is no change in this regard.

Kartik Dhadda: Which is the best insurance policy to buy once the new set of rules kick in?

Anil Rego: The plan you choose is based on your needs. There would only be a minor tweaking of policies to comply with the new guidelines. It is difficult to point out one plan that will suit all needs.

VENKATESH N: traditional policies commission for agents will come down will par with ulip

Anil Rego: Agent commission are likely to come down, especially for shorter tenures.

VENKATESH N: what are the changes in the traditional policies as per new IRDA guidleines

Anil Rego: A key change for traditional policies is that they are likely to have higher life cover. It will be 10 times for those below 45 and 7 times for the others. The surrender values are also significantly increased in the new guidelines.

Gambhir Harbir: What are the salient features of these new IRDA regulations? Could you list all the benefits accruing to policy buyers?

Anil Rego: Traditional policies have a higher life cover, but are likely to benefit from lower mortality rates. Further, surrender values have been improved. Insurance companies now need to inform the net yield after charges every month. There are improvements to Variable Insurance Plans and will be treated on par with ULIPs. These are the key highlights of how policy holders would be impacted.

haresh: How can I get rid of my ULIP policy? The agent mis-sold? What strategy should I now use?

Anil Rego: It would depend on the circumstances of the case. You could take this up with the insurance company first and then with IRDA if required. It must be noted that insurance companies normally take proper documentation including signatures in illustrations. Hence, one must have a sufficient case to press for miss selling.

pranab roy: How do difft Insurance Companies determine the surrender charges for premature withdrawal?Dr P.Roy

Anil Rego: As per the new guidelines, for traditional plans, it is 30 per cent of the total premiums paid. (earlier, the 1st yr premium was excluded while calculating the surrender value. The same further improves to 50 per cent between 4-7 years and further improves in the last 2 years of maturity is 90 per cent of premiums.

anil: I want you to tell me what is the best child insurance policy in terms of less fees and admin charges to be paid to the policy issuer?

Anil Rego: It is not appropriate for me to comment on any specific products pls.


What are these new insurance regulations?

By January 1, 2014, all insurance policies -- linked and non-linked -- will come with added benefits once insurance regulator IRDA's (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority) new product guidelines kick in. The main points mentioned in the guidelines are as follows: