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A guide to hepatitis: Symptoms, cause, treatment

Last updated on: July 27, 2012 17:08 IST

On World Hepatitis Day which is the 28th Of July, Dr Tarun Gupta, a gastroenterologist from Hinduja HealthCare Surgical, gives us more insight on this condition and has provided basic information for combating the condition successfully.

What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis is swelling and inflammation of the liver. It is a condition, often a result of viral infection of the liver. It may also be due to non-infective causes like excessive alcohol intake or other metabolic causes.

What are the causes of hepatitis?

There are different sources from which this condition arises such as:

A guide to hepatitis: Symptoms, cause, treatment

Last updated on: July 27, 2012 17:08 IST

Can such a condition be caused by inherited disorders?

Liver disease can also be caused by inherited disorders such as Wilson disease, alpha-1antitrypsin deficiency or hemochromatosis, a condition that involves having too much iron in your body (the excess iron deposits in the liver)

What are the symptoms of hepatitis?

The symptoms of hepatitis include:

How long does one take to recover from hepatitis? What are its long term effects?

Hepatitis may start and get better quickly (acute hepatitis), or cause long-term disease (chronic hepatitis). In some instances, it may lead to liver damage, liver failure, or even liver cancer.

How severe is the hepatitis depends on many factors, including the cause of the liver damage and any illnesses you have. Hepatitis A, for example, is usually short-term and does not lead to chronic liver problems.

A guide to hepatitis: Symptoms, cause, treatment

Last updated on: July 27, 2012 17:08 IST

What kind of tests or examinations must one go through while suffering from this condition?

A physical examination may show:

However, a doctor may order laboratory tests to diagnose and monitor the hepatitis, including:

A guide to hepatitis: Symptoms, cause, treatment

Last updated on: July 27, 2012 17:08 IST

In this nutrition centric world, what kind of food can a person with hepatitis consume and what must they avoid?

Your doctor will discuss possible treatments with you, depending on the cause of your liver disease. The doctor may recommend a high-calorie diet if you are losing weight.

One must also avoid consuming the following food:

While eating out what must one suffering from hepatitis choose to order?

One can consume the following foods while eating out: