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Unplanned pregnancy? Here's how to cope with it

Last updated on: May 4, 2013 11:05 IST

Why abortion isn't always the easiest thing to do.

Delay in periods, maybe it is some stress.

Delay of 10 days, something is fishy.

Pregnancy test -- it is POSITIVE.

These emotions come like a volcano if you are not really prepared for it. Pregnancy is not a welcome occurrence if you are not prepared for it. Bearing a child is a full fledged responsibility and the couple needs to be emotionally, physically and financially prepared for it.

First few things you must do when you get a home-pregnancy test positive:

The options which you have in case you are not prepared for pregnancy are:

You need to take decision based on your own health conditions, your age, your partner's consent, your finances and career.

If pregnancy is 'unplanned' each option will have its own sets of pros and cons. You need to decide what is best for you at that point and time.


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Unplanned pregnancy? Here's how to cope with it

Last updated on: May 4, 2013 11:05 IST

Terminating pregnancy

Abortion is no easy decision -- emotionally and physically. Talk to your doctor openly about it. Get to know about its complications and future consequences. Simply avoid self-medications for abortion. If you have to abort take this decision as early as possible.

Continuing pregnancy and upbringing child

Though it seems an uphill task initially, you would get prepared for it with passing nine long months. If your marriage is new try to utilise this time for bonding with your husband.

Now completely remove the thought that it was  an unplanned pregnancy. Get prepared and charged up for upcoming parenthood.

Unplanned pregnancy? Here's how to cope with it

Last updated on: May 4, 2013 11:05 IST

Continuing pregnancy and giving baby for adoption

This is usually done in cases where the girl is unmarried and her health does not allow for abortion and neither is she ready for single parenthood. Or in cases where you already have kids and do not want to extend the family further but the health doesn't allow termination.

But be aware giving away your baby is not easy. Moreover once you have given baby for adoption you can never claim your motherhood back.

You really do not have many options for 'unplanned pregnancy'. Try to figure out what is best for you. This decision can never be reverted.