Photographs: Josh Ogden/Creative Commons Abhishek Mande
Surely you’re tired of hearing about why you must hit the gym. We bring you reasons you must not!
We know how tiring an annoying it can get with those gymnasium advertisements urging you to start working out. Then there are people like us who will bombard you with articles like this, this and this -- telling you to eat right, workout every day and what not.
But let’s admit it... nine on ten of us read those articles and say: ‘Must start tomorrow!’ And. Never. Do. Right? Eh? Eh!?
Ok! So let us give you a break today from all that fitness gyaan and instead, with our tongue firmly in cheek, help you list out all the reasons why you SHOULDN’T exercise.
With drum roll, we begin:
Number 1: Why gym when you can sleep?
Fair argument, as many of you may well agree. Think of it. You’re in bed with the AC on and have only just managed to fall into deep sleep like eight hours ago when the blooming alarm goes off reminding you to get up and get going! Isn’t that the most unfair thing to happen to you in the morning? No! Really! Tell us what could be worse?!?
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Tiffany Dawn Nicholson/Creative Commons Abhishek Mande
Number 2: My wife refuses to wake up!
So you and your wife have made a pact to hit the gym every morning. It means b-o-t-h of you must motivate each other to work out. Now imagine yourself being awake at the crack of dawn while your wife responds to your calls to wake her up by pulling your side of the blanket over her head. It’s y-o-u-r side of the blanket! This means w-a-r. Of course you must slink back into bed and claim it back before you lose it forever!
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Travis Nicholson/Creative Commons Abhishek Mande
Number 3: I am to receive an important telephone call
You’re could be an investment banker, businessman, reporter, travel agent or a receptionist. Remember, in today’s times you must be on call all the time. If your boss needs you on a con-call in the middle of the night, you need to be there. That is how today’s work culture is. So it is perfectly understandable that you are scheduled to receive an extremely important telephone call during the precise hour that you’ve allocated for the gym.
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: TJG Matthew Stroup/ Abhishek Mande
Number 4: Gyms make you put on weight
You’ve read somewhere that the moment you stop working out in a gym, you are bound to put on weight… like 40 kilos… that you won’t ever be able to lose. So what if you’re like a dozen-odd kgs overweight? It’s better than putting on thrice as much weight no?
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Danish Siddiqui/Reuters Abhishek Mande
Number 5: The gym is probably closed
It’s Ganesh Chaturthi or Diwali or Holi or Chrismas. We have so many festivals… today is one of them and the gym is almost certainly closed because of that. Gym trainers are also people. They also need to rest once in a while.
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Ammar Awad/Reuters Abhishek Mande
Number 6: Your car tyre’s punctured
That has got to be THE MOST genuine reason for you not to go to the gym/park/yoga class. How are you expected to get back home after that t-w-e-n-t-y-minute workout?
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Eliazar Parra Cardenas/Creative Commons Abhishek Mande
Number 7: Where do I put my clothes to dry?
It’s the monsoons so you’ve purchased a brand new treadmill. It’s the latest model and you’ve promised yourself to use it every single day during the rainy season. But you see, the rains bring with them another unique problem -- the acute shortage of places to put your clothes to dry. And what better place than the treadmill with its side bars, right?
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: China Daily China Daily Inform Abhishek Mande
Number 8: I fall asleep on the gym mat
Don’t laugh. This stuff happens. In fact we’re pretty sure there is a survey out there somewhere that proves that seven out of ten people fall asleep on the gym mat. But the point is why would you want to sleep on a gym mat when you’ve spent a small fortune on that brand new ergonomic spring mattress?
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Toby Melville/Reuters Abhishek Mande
Number 9: The water’s too cold
It’s like 25 degrees Celsius outside! This counts as winter in some cities. In Mumbai they even take out their jackets and shawls when the mercury drops that low.
Haven’t you studied science? Cold water is bad! You’ll catch pneumonia. Do you even know how to spell that thing?!? There is no way you’re getting into that pool.
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Adnan1 Abidi/Reuters Abhishek Mande
Number 10: Gyms are unhygienic
Don’t say you didn’t know this. There are several studies which prove that gymnasiums are one of the most unhygienic places you would visit. If you wanted to contract a disease, you could well stay in bed. No?
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Iveto/Creative Commons Abhishek Mande
Number 11: That hot girl is demoralising
Just if you thought hot fit girls are an inspiration to hit the gym or the yoga class, think again. Picture yourself working out next to her.
She is cruising along at 15kph on the treadmill (or defying all rules of gravity while doing Adho Mukha Svanasana) while you with your flab are struggling at 3kph and can barely stand without support for more than 25 seconds in your yoga class.
There has to be something called self respect.
Top 12: Excuses to NOT exercise today!
Photographs: Joseph RENGER/Creative Commons Abhishek Mande
Number 12: You do yoga for eight hours anyway
Why would you want to workout if you’ve already been practicing yoga for a good eight hours? Don’t believe us? Look it up in any basic yoga handbook -- it’s called Shavasana!