Men, as many women would agree, simply couldn't care about what they eat. Here are ten foods for the healthy man.
Let's face it, we men are unhealthy creatures. Most Indian men especially, are overweight, obese and face the risk of at least one serious illness before they turn 50.
Here are ten superfoods that will keep you healthy and in ship shape!
Watermelon to lower your blood pressure
Image: WatermelonResearch states that upto 55 years more men suffer from high blood pressure than women. Potassium rich food like Watermelon helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
Tomatoes and tomato sauce especially good for men
Image: TomatoesPhotographs: Wikimedia Commons
Oats are called as fat burning foods
Image: OatsPhotographs: Rediff Archives
Eggs are considered to be fat burning foods
Image: EggsEggs are rich in proteins and fats that make you feel full for a longer period. Eggs also are rich in Biotin a vitamin that is critical for body process to move and burn fat more efficiently.
Apples are called fat burning foods
Image: ApplesGreen bananas help lower weight and cholesterol
Image: Green BananasPhotographs:
Green bananas (not ripe) contain resistant starches, which can help lower weight and cholesterol levels. Usually carbohydrates are burned first, but when resistant starch is present dietary fat is burned first.
Nuts help build muscles
Image: NutsPhotographs:
Nuts are rich in protein and contain many nutrients that are great for muscles such as fiber, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, antioxidants, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Broccoli and cauliflower helps build muscles
Image: BroccoliCruciferous vegetables like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and Cabbage are high in Fiber and Vitamin C and low in calories, so they're a great food source for building muscle.
Soup before a night of partying
Image: SoupBefore you go on a drinking spree have some soup preferably with veggies. Nutrients in the soup nutrients will line your stomach and protect your cells as well as keep you full.
A glass of milk for the morning after
Image: MilkPhotographs: Stefan Kuhn/Wikimedia Commons
A glass of milk before sleeping will pay off big time in the morning. Milk helps hydrate the body and contains Tryptophan that is metabolised in to Serotonin that helps you sleep better.