How fitness conscious are you? Here's your chance to find out!
1. A 10 minute warm up is good enough. 1. True 2. False
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Wrong! It's true. 10 minutes of warming up makes the muscles supple enough for the exercise to follow. Make sure your warm up uses large rhythmic movements like jogging with the arms moving. Also fat burn starts after 10 minutes of exercise, so you'll be going right into it!
Correct It's true. 10 minutes of warming up makes the muscles supple enough for the exercise to follow. Make sure your warm up uses large rhythmic movements like jogging with the arms moving. Also fat burn starts after 10 minutes of exercise, so you'll be going right into it!
Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
2. When you sweat a lot it means you burn a lot of calories 1. True 2. False
Wrong! Sweating hasn't got a direct relation with calorie burn. It is merely a way of keeping the body cool to prevent it from overheating. The intensity of the exercise will dictate the calorie expenditure.
Correct! Sweating hasn't got a direct relation with calorie burn. It is merely a way of keeping the body cool to prevent it from overheating. The intensity of the exercise will dictate the calorie expenditure.
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
3. Is this breathing technique true or false: Exhale as you lift the weights, inhale as you lower. 1. True 2. False
Wrong! Exhaling allows the body to exert more force into the movement. More force is needed when you work anti-gravity with weights. However, try not to force the breath out but let it flow.
Correct! Exhaling allows the body to exert more force into the movement. More force is needed when you work anti-gravity with weights. However, try not to force the breath out but let it flow.
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
4. You should create a new workout every month 1. True 2. False
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Wrong! Your body needs a month to learn, master and then push the limits of a workout, after which it starts to get used to the exercises and you stop seeing further results. So you need to switch to a new routine after 30 days to challenge the body again.
Correct! Your body needs a month to learn, master and then push the limits of a workout, after which it starts to get used to the exercises and you stop seeing further results. So you need to switch to a new routine after 30 days to challenge the body again.
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
5. The going-back-to-start-position movement should be slow. 1. True 2. False
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Wrong! The downward movement or back-to-start-position should be slow; firstly, to prevent injury and secondly, to allow the eccentric contraction on the releasing phase. It also builds the skill of movement control.
Correct! The downward movement or back-to-start-position should be slow; firstly, to prevent injury and secondly, to allow the eccentric contraction on the releasing phase. It also builds the skill of movement control.
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
6. If you want to tone up/build muscle you should not do cardio. 1. True 2. False
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Wrong! Muscle and fat are two different types of tissue. Lifting weights builds and tones the muscle mass while cardio exercises burn the fat deposits. For the muscles to be visible, fat must be burnt. While there is an after burn post weight training, it is not enough for proper fat burn.
Correct! Muscle and fat are two different types of tissue. Lifting weights builds and tones the muscle mass while cardio exercises burn the fat deposits. For the muscles to be visible, fat must be burnt. While there is an after burn post weight training, it is not enough for proper fat burn.
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
7. Your workout should also include free weights and functional training exercises. 1. True 2. False
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Wrong! Free weights and functional training engage several muscles of the body at one time, making the workout more effective for day to day movements and injury prevention. It also creates a long and lean appearance, improves balance, control, flexibility and coordination. Make sure it features at least once a week in your workout plan.
Correct! Free weights and functional training engage several muscles of the body at one time, making the workout more effective for day to day movements and injury prevention. It also creates a long and lean appearance, improves balance, control, flexibility and coordination. Make sure it features at least once a week in your workout plan.
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
8. You stretch after you've finished working out. 1. True 2. False
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Wrong! The muscles go through a lot of contraction during the exercises causing them to shorten. It is important to stretch them back to the regular length to prevent post workout soreness and long term stiffness of joints. Forgoing your stretches could lead to joint problems. Stretching long enough can help improve flexibility levels. A stretch should be held for 20 seconds.
Correct! The muscles go through a lot of contraction during the exercises causing them to shorten. It is important to stretch them back to the regular length to prevent post workout soreness and long term stiffness of joints. Forgoing your stretches could lead to joint problems. Stretching long enough can help improve flexibility levels. A stretch should be held for 20 seconds.
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
9. Heavy weights are for guys. 1. True 2. False
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Wrong! Girls can lift heavy weights too! And don't worry you will not build bulging muscles but in fact get beautiful shape and become stronger. So lift up!!
Correct! Girls can lift heavy weights too! And don't worry you will not build bulging muscles but in fact get beautiful shape and become stronger. So lift up!!
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Test your fitness quotient. Take this quiz
Last updated on: May 16, 2014 10:33 IST
10. You do only cardio because you want to lose weight. 1. True 2. False
Wrong! Try again..
Wrong! While cardio should be your main focus to burn fat, resistance training like weights creates an after burn which helps the body burn fat even at rest. And while your body is knocking off the excess fat, it will simultaneously tone up. You could do 5 days of cardio and 3 days of resistance work. Or mix it up and do a cardio and resistance interval training session.
Correct! While cardio should be your main focus to burn fat, resistance training like weights creates an after burn which helps the body burn fat even at rest. And while your body is knocking off the excess fat, it will simultaneously tone up. You could do 5 days of cardio and 3 days of resistance work. Or mix it up and do a cardio and resistance interval training session.