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The revolved poses in yoga have the prefix parivrtta. This is said to be named Goddess Parvati in her role as maya. Here is the story behind this clutch of poses named after her.
It is said once a group of rishis were eager to catch a glimpse of Lord Shiva. They were unwilling to acknowledge the presence of his wife Parvati, as she played her role as Maya, the goddess of illusion.
She revolved and twisted, confusing the rishis who were frustrated at not realising their goal. Then Lord Shiva is said to have explained to them that they were deluded by their own failure to see him through the illusions his wife created. These twisted, revolved poses are said to reflect this dualism.
Shameem Akthar takes you through five poses which bear the prefix Parivrtta. The difficulty of these poses could be also reflective of how difficult it is to take the idea of dualism from theory into practice.
These poses need a lot of warm-up. The depth in these poses can be only achieved through regular practice. They all have similar benefits for the whole body and mind complex: mentally stimulating, toning the spine, preventive in spinal problems, clear the digestive system, amongst others.
Stand up straight, with feet a meter apart. Right foot is pointed to the right side, with the left slightly turned inward. Hands are stretched out at shoulder level. Inhale. Exhaling, twist to the right side, placing the left palm over and above the right foot (those who are not flexible may place it in front of the foot).
Stretch the left hand above. Look up at the left hand, continuing normal breathing. Ensure knees are not bent. Hold for a few seconds, progressively increasing time in it to half or minute or more.
Inhale, to return to starting position. Repeat for opposite side.
Benefits: Tones the spine. Powers the digestive tract. The legs and hands become toned. Challenges the sense of balance, promoting mental focus. Shapes the waist, trimming fat along the stomach, hips and thighs. Prevents spinal problems.
Stand up straight, feet a meter or so apart. Right foot is pointed to the right side, left turned in, as shown.
Inhale. Exhaling, lunge towards the right side, bending right knee, with the back leg as straight as possible.
Continue normal breathing. Pass the right hand over the right knee, placing it near the right foot. Left hand is raised above as shown, palms facing ahead. Look to the raised palm.
Hold for a few seconds initially. Release, to stand up, with an inhalation. Repeat for the other side.
Benefits: Used in treatment of upper back problems. The rest as above, with more intense impact if you learn to hold it for long.
Stand up straight. Feet a meter apart. Both pointed ahead. Inhale. Exhaling, reach for left ankle with your right hand. Lift the left hand up in air. Continue normal breathing.
Once your balance in the pose is achieved, try to bend the right hand at the elbow to intensify the pose, aiming to create a right angle with the elbow, with the right forearm parallel to the ground.
Ensure that both knees are straight. Hold for ten to 15 seconds. Release. Repeat for the other side.
Benefits: Same as the previous asana, but more intense stretch and tone experienced along the back of the legs, the waist and hands.
Sit with legs stretched out in front. Fold the left leg at the knee, keeping the right leg stretched out as shown. Reach the right hand to grasp the right big toe. Inhale. Exhaling, drop the head towards the right knee, lifting the left hand overhead, to pass it over the left ear and reaching for the right hand, as shown. Hold for ten to 15 seconds, with normal breathing. Release to repeat for the opposite side.
Benefits: It tones the spinal nerves, relieving stress. Used in therapy for depression. Removes love handles, and abdominal fat. Tones inner arms, hips and legs.
Do as above, but with both legs stretched apart, instead of bending one at the knee.
Benefits: As above, with more impact on the pelvic region, thus therapeutic in problems of the uro-genital system.