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Yoga exercises to make your face glow

Last updated on: June 24, 2011 13:50 IST
Facelift yoga

Shameem Akthar, yoga acharya trained with the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, shows you five simple yoga face-lift poses that can be practiced anywhere, anytime.

For those who need to find novelty in their yoga practice, this could mean a nice diversion.

Though traditionalists sniff at these practices, these have been around as part of the kapalarandhradhauti (skull-cleansing moves) in classic yoga.

These are part of the kriyas or cleansing practices, and were done before asana (posture) practice.
The main work happens through application of appropriate pressure on marma points or energy points (also corresponding to the modern day acupressure points).

But those who have a rigorous practice really do not need to do these since every classical pose also activates these very same points.

Some examples are the fish pose (matysasana) in which the way the hands are placed under the hips activate the lymphatic drainage points along the fore and inner arms. Similarly, in the classic salabhasana (locust), the chin is placed on the ground and entire body weight shifts to it: here also acupressure points along the jaw, which are said to be powerful anti-aging, full-body health points, are powerfully massaged.

In fact, every classic pose works precisely by working these points.
Therefore, the facelift yoga, though based in classical style, is not necessary for those who already do a serious practice.

However, it may be used by the ailing, very sick, or those with little time, or space even, for the classical practice.

Important pointers:

Do not stretch the skin.

Use index or thumb to apply pressure.

Hold for just seven counts (seconds) at each point.

After applying pressure, tap for a minute or so in that point, very gently.

Do not do if skin is sore for some reason.

For more of Shameem's yoga writings visit Shameem's second book Yoga in the workplace, with photographs by ace photographer Fawzan Husain, is now available at online shops and bookshops across the country. It is also available as an e-book, with Kindle, Amazon.

Disclaimer: This column just shares the columnist's passion for yoga which is ideally learned under the guidance of an expert.

Kapalarandhradhauti: Lip lift

Last updated on: June 24, 2011 13:50 IST
Kapalarandhradhauti: Lip lift

Sit in a meditative fashion. Use index finger or thumb to apply pressure at the spot in the nasolabial cleft, between lips and nose. Hold the finger, with firm pressure for seven counts. Release. The tap that point lightly with the index finger for a minute.
Benefits: This works the upper lip lines. It is also an emergency point, and may be used when feeling dizzy, nauseated or suffer from any sudden sickness.

Forehead cleanser

Last updated on: June 24, 2011 13:50 IST
Forehead cleanser

Sit meditatively. Use middle and index finger together to improve the massaging pressure.

Start from the center of your hairline and work along the entire hairline, moving towards the temples.

Apply firm pressure, holding for seven seconds at each spot, and cover the entire hairline in this fashion.

After finishing that, tap softly along the same route, for a minute.
Benefits: Removes frown lines. It relieves tension headaches.

The pressure also activates major detox points.

Cheek and under-eye lift

Last updated on: June 24, 2011 13:50 IST
Cheek and under-eye lift

Use index finger or thumb to apply pressure at the socket at the corner of the eye, on top of the cheek bone, as shown.
Benefits: Lifts cheeks, and prevents crow's eyes.

Tension relief

Last updated on: June 24, 2011 13:50 IST
Tension relief

Use index and thumb together to improve pressure. Along the cervical spine, at the neck, off the column, start applying pressure, starting at the base of the neck and moving down to the upper back. You may do this several times.
Benefits: Removes overall tension, releases the pathways of major energy meridians running along the neck, so that flow of energy overall is maintained, keeping you feeling young and lithe.

Neck lift

Last updated on: June 24, 2011 13:50 IST
Neck lift

Under the ear, end of the jawline, as shown. Apply pressure at this spot, for seven counts. Then tap lightly for a minute.
Benefits: Relieves overall tension, keeps you looking younger longer. Improves neck tone.