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10 EFFECTIVE home remedies to tackle indigestion

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Before you pop a pill, you may want to try any one of these remedies.

Does your stomach feels heavy? Do you burp frequently, or suffer from acidity and heartburn? Most of us know that these symptoms are related to indigestion and when it strikes, it can certainly make you uncomfortable and uneasy.

Indigestion is mainly associated with unhealthy eating habits and elevated stress levels, resulting in the erratic secretion of digestive juices in the stomach. But it is not an 'all hell breaks loose' kind of situation, and you do not have to rush to your local chemist and fetch antacids to deal with a troublesome stomach. All you need to do is try some of these home remedies in the comfort of your own home.

1. Lime and ginger magic

This one is really simple and all the ingredients are usually easily available in everyone's kitchens. All you need is two spoons of lime and ginger juice, and honey mixed in a glass of warm water. This can be taken after a heavy meal.

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2. Zesty orange

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

If you thought the previous remedy was cumbersome, try eating an orange after every meal and it will keep indigestion at bay. Experts claim that eating oranges gives rest to the digestive organs and supplies adequate nutrition.

3. Tangy grapes

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Now who would have guessed the connection between grapes and a healthy stomach? Munch away on this juicy fruit, which is known to eliminate indigestion and irritation of the tummy.

4. Lemony cure

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

If you are looking for prevention, then it is best to drink hot lemon water (one tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of hot water) before your meal -- it is known to prevent acid indigestion. Lemon juice also helps by fighting against bacteria.

5. Garlic and soya

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Whenever you suffer from stomach pain, mix equal amounts of garlic and soya oil and massage over your stomach. Allow the oil to be absorbed by the skin. It also gives instant relief from indigestion.

6. Soda relief

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Take one spoonful of baking soda, mix it in a glass of water and gulp it. It will give you relief from stomach pain and reduce indigestion.

7. Coriander cure

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Mix some cumin seeds and coriander leaf juice with a glass of water and add a pinch of salt. Drink to get rid of pain in the stomach. You can also try mixing two teaspoons of coriander, one teaspoon of ginger, three cloves and cardamom in a glass of water to relieve gas trouble.

8. Ice

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Doctors recommend placing an ice bag on your troubled stomach for at least half an hour after meals to ease the pain. Or you could even try some relaxing water treatment, by taking a cold bath or alternative hot and cold hip baths at night for a stress-free stomach.

9. Digestive drinks

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Drinking buttermilk after every meal is an effective way to prevent indigestion, as it speeds up the digestive process. Mint tea and blackberry tea are two other refreshing concoctions that can be taken to cope with stomach problems.

10. Bishop's weed therapy

Last updated on: June 29, 2012 16:27 IST

Carom seeds (ajwain), also popularly known as Bishop's weed, mixed with a little rock salt is yet another cure for stomach troubles.

'Health is wealth' goes the old adage. But you sometimes end up spending a fortune just to preserve your health, if you're not careful. Staying away from oily and greasy junk food can help your cause a great deal. Also, regular exercising helps good digestion. But if you are a die-hard fast food junkie, try following these easy home remedies for a healthy stomach.