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Modelspeak: It is not necessary to have six-pack abs

Last updated on: March 4, 2012 18:19 IST
Model Kritika Babu

Model Kritika Babu reveals the secret behind her svelte figure to Sonil Dedhia.

Have you always been a fitness freak or did modelling force you into it?

I have always been a fitness freak. When I was in school I was into athletics and during my college days I took up to dancing which also helped me stay in shape. My father is a doctor and a health freak. He has always taught us to stay away from junk food and eat the right food and. My mother is a yoga instructor so when I stopped dancing I started doing yoga.

Your fitness regime before and after full time modelling...

Before modelling I never made any extra efforts to take up fitness. It was happening automatically. As I said I was into sports and lot of extra circular activities. After modelling I have started going to the gym. For me going to the gym just a reason to lose weight or else I find it very boring. I still fill Yoga is the best exercise to stay in shape. Forty-five minutes of yoga is my fitness regime.

How addicted are you to working out?

I love working out and I always want to stay fit. I have seen a lot of celebrities who are so old but still look so fit and have a well-maintained body. I'll continue to be a fitness freak all my life (smiles).

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'It is difficult to pick up pranayama'

Last updated on: March 4, 2012 18:19 IST
Model Kritika Babu

Your fitness plan when traveling...

If it's a matter of couple of days then I skip my gym and yoga. I just try to eat less. If I am travelling for more than a week then I try and do yoga every alternate day in the morning so that I can energise myself and it helps me going through the day.

Your take on six-pack abs...

Being in the industry I think it is not necessary to have six-pack abs but it is necessary to look good and stay in shape. I think a flat stomach is what everyone desires and I don't think it is difficult to achieve if you maintain a proper fitness regime.

Which is the most difficult exercise?

I do a lot of yoga so I think it is difficult to pick up pranayama but once you get a hang of it I guess it is the best exercise.

The most common workout blunder

Last updated on: March 4, 2012 18:19 IST

The most common workout blunder that people commit...

A lot of people go on a crash diet and take up on doing crazy workout in the gym. I think that is the worst mistake anyone can every commit.

Your favourite workout attire...

I normally do yoga at home so I like to wear something which is loose and comfortable. When I go to the gym I like to dress up in tight fitted clothes.

What are the five essential things that you carry in your gym bag?

A bottle of water, my shoes, a fresh towel, lip-balm since I get dehydrated and my lips get dry and a bottle of deodorant.