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Football-inspired beachwear is so hot right now!

July 02, 2014 12:19 IST

We bring you snapshots from Iracema Scharf's latest fashion show held in Munich, Germany.

Germany's race to the FIFA World Cup finishing line may still be a long way from over but that hasn't stopped designer Iracema Scharf from drawing inspiration from the People's Game for her latest beachwear line.

Here are snapshots from a fashion show held in Germany recently.

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Football-inspired beachwear is so hot right now!

July 02, 2014 12:19 IST

The colour palette of the line (including Schraf's own wardrobe) seemed inspired by the shades of the Brazilian flag.

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Football-inspired beachwear is so hot right now!

July 02, 2014 12:19 IST

What's a beachwear line without a red bikini right?

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Football-inspired beachwear is so hot right now!

July 02, 2014 12:19 IST

Schraf seemed to favour the halterneck, which was used extensively in her line.

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Have you seen our Glamour section yet? You should! Right here!

Football-inspired beachwear is so hot right now!

July 02, 2014 12:19 IST

This sexy one-piece gets our thumbs up. Wouldn't you agree?

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Football-inspired beachwear is so hot right now!

July 02, 2014 12:19 IST

The line also featured beach-themed trunks for men. Do you have the stomach for one of these? 

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Football-inspired beachwear is so hot right now!

July 02, 2014 12:19 IST

And we wind up with this picture of designer Iracema Scharf who took centre stage with her models at the end of the show.

Have you seen our Glamour section yet? You should! Right here!