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Tips to ace the NEET 2013

Last updated on: April 24, 2013 07:00 IST

Photographs: Courtesy Careers360

On May 5, 2013 more than three lakh students will appear for the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET).

Held by the Central Board of Secondary Education, the NEET is the common entrance test for admission to MBBS courses across the country.

In an online chat with readers on April Soumya Banerjee, CEO, Attano Media and Education Pvt Ltd, an interactive educational eBook store and Navin C Joshi, CEO, ENTRANCEi, a leading education services provider addressed queries on how to crack the NEET 2013 and pursue a career in medicine.

For those who missed the live chat, here's the unedited transcript:

munna asked, what is the minimum score to get eligible to get a seat? answers, at 2013-04-22 15:53:33To get into NEET or Cutoff marks you have to solve approx 48% questions . out of 720 I think the cutoff will be 349 marks
rajesh asked, Is silverbullet entrance dril is a gud choice answers, In year 2013 NEET will be offline so select such test series which are offline . yes for concept check it will be a good method
Soumya Banerjee, CEO, Attano says, Hi Everyone, welcome to this chat. We look forward to all your questions and queries for NEET.

munna asked, what could be last day preparation?

Soumya Banerjee, CEO, Attano answers, (reposting Navin's answer) For last day revision 1. From every chapter identify one experiment, e.g. VanDeGraff generator in electrostatics, Nuclear reactor from modern physics; everyday read one article. This will prepare you for comprehension and help you improve your reading skill in problem. 2.Assign a tentative timing for problems, e.g. assign an hour for 15-20 problems.Remember you have to attempt a problem in three minutes only, paper usually consists of twenty problems in one hour. 3.NEVER NEVER go for repeated reading of notes, it may help in Chemistry but not in Physics. Only numerical solving ( writing work) helps. ACTUALLY NEET requires people who can crack OBJECTIVE problems based on unknown situations. People who have LATERAL THINKING can crack them. Riding ON VEHICLE OF DOUBTS can help you to crack previously known questions only. For god sake fight with the problems that vastly improve your learning. 4. The paper timing must be most brain active timing of yours, ESSENTIALLY SYNCHRONIZE YOUR STUDY HOURS WITH EXAM TIMINGS. 5.For freshers solving last three year paper in stipulated time, his will help you in realizing the basic requirements. 1. From every chapter identify one experiment, e.g. VanDeGraff generator in electrostatics, Nuclear reactor from modern physics; everyday read one article. This will prepare you for comprehension and help you improve your reading skill in problem. 2.Assign a tentative timing for problems, e.g. assign an hour for 15-20 problems.Remember you have to attempt a problem in three minutes only, paper usually consists of twenty problems in one hour. 3.NEVER NEVER go for repeated reading of notes, it may help in Chemistry but not in Physics. Only numerical solving ( writing work) helps. ACTUALLY NEET requires people who can crack OBJECTIVE problems based on unknown situations. People who have LATERAL THINKING can crack them. Riding ON VEHICLE OF DOUBTS can help you to crack previously known questions only. For god sake fight with the problems that vastly improve your learning. 4. The paper timing must be most brain active timing of yours, ESSENTIALLY SYNCHRONIZE YOUR STUDY HOURS WITH EXAM TIMINGS. 5.For freshers solving last three year paper in stipulated time, his will help you in realizing the basic requirements

rajesh asked, what is your view on the online entrance drills that are there? any suggestions which ones are good? answers, For online test two things are require one is good platform and second is quality of questions, in my point of view you must see the quality of questions,is more important. for that you can see attano neet package

DeeptiPandey asked, Hi, given there are few days left, which chapters should we focus on more? Any tips? answers, For Neet physic play a very important role so focus on modern physics and mechanics for chemistry read carefully GOC,aldehyde and ketones,ionic and electro. than move to your weak area and try to cover all topics in syllabus
PiyaliGuha asked, Can you help me understand the question pattern of NEET exam answers, The Entrance Examination consists of one paper containing 180 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered
Kumar asked, First of all my question is there is confusion on the syllabus when you had statewise exams questions were from that state syllabus now how is it going to be managed answers, dont confuse the syllabus is similar to cbse class 11 and 12 and this exam is conducted by cbse there for read NCERT books and try to restrict yourself in the content of NCERT
PiyaliGuha asked, I am writing from Howrah, West Bengal. I have not been able to lay my hands on quality books and tutorial material. Can you suggest me alternate ways for preparing better for the NEET exam. answers, In last days read NCERT book and solve the questions of attano NEET revision module (is prepared by team of entrancei)
DeeptiPandey asked, should we go through last years sample papers? has the pattern changed? answers, Yes you must see the last year sample papers it will give you clear idea regarding the pattern and the the level of difficulty they use to ask
LOKESH asked, IS YHERE NEGATIVE MARKING..... answers, yes it is +4 and -1 marking
Kumar asked, Secondly after one qualifies how will it be decided would each college have their cutt off and you qualify acc to your marks say an student from Mumbai if he scores X and the cutt off anounced by Mumbai colleges is less than X would he be automatically qualify answers, Prepare carefully for NEET such question must be come in mind after the exam or at counselling time
PiyaliGuha asked, Does the question paper of the entrance exam cover the entire class 12th syllabus? answers, yes if you see the pattern 60% question are asked from class 12 syllabus
RaviK asked, do we have to pass all the subject? i do not like zoology... what is pass mark? answers, Individual subject cutoff is not yet clear by cbse but generally this is very low marks so dont worry
Batchu asked, WHAT COULD BE THE PURPOSE OF NOT DECLARING THE METHOD OF COUNSELLING I.E. THRU NEET OR THRU AP EAMCET BY THIS TIME. AND WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF NEET FOR ANDHRA PRADESH COUNSELLING. answers, I think in AP the number of private colleges are large in number so such college get effected by neet that's why AP government oppose NEET. and the counselling will be same as last year
Batchu asked, As no previous question papers exist for NEET, working on AIPMT would help or any other previous papers ? answers, Yes previous year aipmt papers will help you I think the level of difficult will be same as that of AIPMT
Soham asked, What is the difficulty level of NEET? answers, In physic and chemistry the level of difficulty is approx 15% difficult,25% moderate and rest are easy . in biology 25 per cent moderate and rest are easy

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'There'll be 45 questions in biology, physics and chemistry each'

Photographs: Getty Images

PiyaliGuha asked, What should I do to attempt the entire question in three hours? answers, To attempt maximum question,give 5 min time to read the entire papers during reading the paper mark each question easy , moderate and difficult in your point of view that start solving all easy questions of PCMB that moderate and at last difficult . this will help you not only solve all easy questions but also decrease negative marking
swapandg asked, weak in physics but good in chem & Bio would be sufficient for crack NEET answers, Yes physic is the turning point in getting good rank in NEET . so try to solve as many numerical as you can and focus on theory part of physics
Batchu asked, Can you suggest one good online source for quick practising of NEET answers,
Kumar asked, Madam let me rephrase my question woould the cut off be decided on anational level or local eg in IIT the first 100 gets in Madras- Electronics would answers, Yes rank in neet will be the deciding factors for the college
Apurva asked, My coaching classes has not completed entire syllabus. We need to attend classes at some of the topics are new for use. We spent around 6 to 7 Hours in classes. Do we need to attend it or topics can be left out? answers, Attend class of the topic which you have not yet read . and try to complete it in time
doctor asked, Approximately what is the maximum rank to get seat in NEET answers, 25000
Senthil asked, How to score high marks in Zoology? What all to focus on? answers, Go for as many test as you can
SAMIR asked, iN neet SHOULD I start with biology, then chem and phy? answers, NO best plan is To attempt maximum question,give 5 min time to read the entire papers during reading the paper mark each question easy , moderate and difficult in your point of view that start solving all easy questions of PCMB that moderate and at last difficult . this will help you not only solve all easy questions but also decrease negative marking
csm asked, how many questions from each subject - biology, Physics and chemistry answers, 45
ssrao asked, In solving the physics problems/ questions, can u suggest any book for ex. Renick & Hallidey etc answers, No such books are good for subject but not for NEET .
DeeptiPandey asked, Should i allocate hours to different subjects in a day or should i complete one chapter and then move to the next subject? answers, Try to cover 15 topics in each day which include 4 topics in PCZB
PiyaliGuha asked, With less than a month left for the exam how can I revise better for the exam? answers, 1. From every chapter identify one experiment, e.g. VanDeGraff generator in electrostatics, Nuclear reactor from modern physics; everyday read one article. This will prepare you for comprehension and help you improve your reading skill in problem. 2.Assign a tentative timing for problems, e.g. assign an hour for 15-20 problems.Remember you have to attempt a problem in three minutes only, paper usually consists of twenty problems in one hour. 3.NEVER NEVER go for repeated reading of notes, it may help in Chemistry but not in Physics. Only numerical solving ( writing work) helps. ACTUALLY NEET requires people who can crack OBJECTIVE problems based on unknown situations. People who have LATERAL THINKING can crack them. Riding ON VEHICLE OF DOUBTS can help you to crack previously known questions only. For god sake fight with the problems that vastly improve your learning. 4. The paper timing must be most brain active timing of yours, ESSENTIALLY SYNCHRONIZE YOUR STUDY HOURS WITH EXAM TIMINGS. 5.For freshers solving last three year paper in stipulated time, his will help you in realizing the basic requirements.
Kumar asked, Also iread reports that apart from MBBS these scs also will be considered by Pvt Medical colleges and Pharmacy cectolleges is it correct answers, Yes
doctor asked, Can you suggest best plan to prepare? answers, No we generally teach subject and the best way plan may differ students to student. but it is good if you have completed NCERT books and go for test every day morning till neet you can give 30 home test full syllabus and check the weak part of your preparation.and rectify it
swapandg asked, What is the Minimum score for crack NEET seat answers, 48 per cent approx 356
doctor asked, How the combined studies and group discussions are beneficial in this current situation, are you suggest it? answers, No combined studies and group discussions are not good for last days revision
stuti asked, Most of the private colleges are conducting entrance of their own.What should be the rank to get admission in a govt college? answers, All private college will take the admission from NEET some seats are fill by there entrance exam
nalam asked, Andhra students are allowed to write DMAT which conducts MP answers, No
stuti asked, Most of the private colleges are conducting entrance of their own.What should be the rank to get admission in a govt college? answers, under 25000
doctor asked, How do we manage time in the NEET seat, while answering the questions answers, To attempt maximum question,give 5 min time to read the entire papers during reading the paper mark each question easy , moderate and difficult in your point of view that start solving all easy questions of PCMB that moderate and at last difficult . this will help you not only solve all easy questions but also decrease negative marking
ksr asked, In AP, both NEET and EAMCET is being conducted. what is the reason? answers, I think most of the private college are of politicians in AP and they oppose NEET that why both entrance are conducted
simran asked, I am interested in Homeopathy. Is NEET mandatory for me? answers, No
batchu 2 asked, Why dont you conduct a mock online NEET test to know the national standing of the students a day before the NEET exam. answers, yes we can visit this url and go for test
navreen asked, when should i start practising objective type tests? answers, from today
ksr asked, My son is now in 8th Std.How should i go ahead to train him towards betterment in NEET? answers, Not yet you must help him create interest in science
stuti asked, when the results of neet will be out? answers, NEET 2013 Entrance Exam result will declare on 5th June 2013 Admission into AFMC, and other central government Institues/colleges will be done through NEET. Valid neet score card is necessary for getting admission into any central Government Institute/College. CBSE will continue to send results/Rank letters to the meritorious/wait listed candidates through Speed post/Registered post/Courier depending on the circumstances.