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Expert tips to crack the board exam

Last updated on: February 15, 2013 10:17 IST

In an online chat with readers on February 13, Anthony Fernandes, founder of addressed queries and offered advice to students on how to ace their preparation and crack the board exam this year.

For those who missed the live chat, here's the unedited transcript:
Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) says,
Hello everyone. I am Anthony Fernandes, CEO . Please post your questions and I will try my best to answer them
board asked, hi, can you please share some strategies for solving maths paper?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, at 2013-02-13 14:55:19For solving any math paper. you need speed. that means practice. 2 hours every day till u reach such speed is important
Ramesh asked, This forum addresses to all board exam or is specific to CBSE?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, all board preparation related questions can be asked
SoorajP asked, sIR, where i can download maharashtra ssc question papers of 2010 and 12

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Our website can provide you with all question papers u want. its free
student asked, sir, in english paper, i always struggle completing essay questions...please tell me how to solve fast and important questions

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi, For essay's. you need to read. At this point you can read 1 or 2 essay's a day. it wont take more than 15 mins. To solve fast increase your speed. that is practice solving papers.
student asked, thank you sir where can i find unseen passages and poems to practice

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, You can refer to any essay books, It will give you an idea on language and thought process. During the exam you will be able to write your own.
Mathew asked, Could you please let me know as to where I can get last years ICSE question papers ?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, You can get them on
SoorajP asked, how much should i score in prelims to ensure that i get over 90 per cent in final exam?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, you need to score atleast 70%. no hard and fast rule. if your prelims papers are easy then that is different
student asked, Sir, can you also tell us how scoring is done? how marks are distributed? where can we get that information

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, you will have to be clear when u mean "how is scoring done".
Evel asked, m veryy nervous sir. not prepared well how to score passing marks

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi Evel, You need to relax. and tell me when is your exams and what are you appearing for.
Naresh asked, Sir please tell me the solving the maths paper at limit time

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi Naresh, I belive you are asking how to solve maths paper in the time limit. You need to divide this in 2. Learn math and increase speed.
Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) says, Naresh -.First Learn by solving questions from your book. Then increase speed by answering past years question papers or sample quesiton papers.
Michael asked, I could not find maharashtra SSC question papers for 2012 anywhere online. Do you have them?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Check this link.
Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) says, Micheal - Copy paste the link in your browser
Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

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'Stress is a major problem among students'

student asked, if it is a 2-mark question, how many marks for formula, diagrams etc i want to know.

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Sometimes it's 1 sometimes 1/2. Depends on the question and the value the diagram and formula has for the answer
Deepak asked, is it important to draw diagrams for all answers? will it fetch me extra marks?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi Deepak - many times the diagrams are important part of the answer. Here you have to understand the question to know if the diagram is needed. if you have time then draw.
ashu asked, i have 2 yrs drop b/w my highschool h 12th,is dat goin to effect in any way after 12th??

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi Ashu, This a common scenario. No it will not affect your career or college plans. What you need is good marks to score in your next exam. they will matter the most.
Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) says, Deepak -- What I mean is if you have time to draw for all then draw for all. otherwise for the questions you feel its necessary.

vn asked, hello Anthony, My Son preparing for tamilnadu 12th Exams , he prefers to skip his revision exams in School because he say he can utilise that time for studing. How to make him attend rev exams

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi VN, If your son has been a top scorer he might be understanding the need to not waste time. At the same moment you can talk to your son and tell him that the revision exams can help him grade his knowledge. but if they are not compulsory and your son is smart it could be ok.
TAKEITEASYPOLICY asked, vn@ thats great idea. teachers only waste time there at school at last movement

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Sometimes they do waste time instead of allowing students to study.
muna asked, please suggest me what type of question faced by me in the recent exam

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, you need to refer to past question papers of your board or university to get the idea. It does help a lot.
iamparent asked, Hi anthony, appreciate your initiative and rediff. My son is in class 11 and is so stressed. In your opinion, where do you think students go wrong about their preparation?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi Parent, Getting stressed is the main thing going wrong in preparation. Ask your son to create a timetable to study and then revise and then attempt questions. In this order nothing can go wrong.
surbhi asked, I have been told that the internal exams are more scoring and thus better. I opted for boards since we perceived that board grades would hold more weightage as we need to shift to another city. Will the evaluation be stricter under the boards?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Each board is different. and you have to be well prepared. it does not matter which board you are appearing as long as you have time to prepare.
surbhi asked, Thanks Anthony.I'll be more specific.Is CBSE evaluation stricter than internal school class x evaluation? I mean is it possible for schools to go easy on checking?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Internals in school i think preliums, can be used as a parameter of your knowledge level. Boards like CBSE is what you will take home on your report card. Yes the evaluation is stricter sometimes. It is possible. asked, Once you are about to enter the exam hall....don't touch the books prior one hour dnt even discuss with friends just rlax with deep breaths and refresh yourself in every possible manner one more thing once you finish the paper forget abt it totally concentrate on the next papaer and even parents should also not ask to answer the question paper do it once the exam is over.

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi Deepak, Well said.
surbhi asked, Does opting for CBSE board exams for class X put me at a disadvantage?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Not at all.
surbhi asked, In that case will the CBSE score be given more weightage when applying for class XI in another school?

Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) answers, Hi Surbhi, You need to relax about which board you are appearing from. It does not matter. what matters is the marks that you achieve. this is possible from your level if preparation. Prepare well for your CBSE paper and you will score.
Anthony Fernandes ( CEO ) says, It was my pleasure to answer your doubts. I hope that this has helped you in some way. Remember the 3 steps to prepare. 1. Study by reading or practice 2. Revise 3. Answer papers to increase speed of thought and writing. (especially when everything is typed today :) )Thanks for your time.