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4 ways you can use social media to HIRE talent

Last updated on: March 11, 2013 18:53 IST

Find out how you can use social networking sites to both attract and retain talent.

You must all agree that we make better decisions when things are more transparent to us and there is easy visibility and accessibility of information in a way that convinces us that we are making the right decision.

And so is the case for job candidates, when it comes to whether or not to join an organisation.

They really look for more transparency when they search for a new career in your organisation and quit their current job.

While 80 per cent companies use LinkedIn to find talent, nearly 50 per cent use Facebook and about 45 per cent seek help from Twitter.

You might be thinking all of your regular Facebook updates, job tweets or LinkedIn groups and discussions can drive your candidates to apply for the job openings in your organisation and finally the best of them joins you.

However here are some additional social media strategies to help attract and convince talent on why they would want to work with you.

The author is a global HR professional and can be reached on Twitter @TheHrbuddy


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1. Make employees your social ambassadors

Last updated on: March 11, 2013 18:53 IST

Before joining an organisation, candidates tend to first look at the culture of your organisation and why your employees continue to work there.

So if you built a social media platform but are not really encouraging your employees to actively participate in it then you might be wasting time.

Get rid of your fear of putting your employees voice at public social media sites.

Rather help educate them on how to use and share information on social media, encourage them to be involved and share their thoughts on why they like to work with you.

Promote social networking by bringing all employees to your social media platform and that will reap you the benefit of top talent reaching you from your employees network.

2. Bring the human back to tech

Last updated on: March 11, 2013 18:53 IST

Failing to engage with your customers and potential employees can not only cost you money but also your good will too.

Constant updates and tweets won't be enough for a candidate who is looking for someone to answer his questions about his job applications or interview process.

Have your recruiters trained enough to spark conversation, connect and engage your candidates on social media.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

3. Provide a real job preview

Last updated on: March 11, 2013 18:53 IST

How about having video on YouTube involving employees and leaders, on how it is like to work with your organisation.

Nowadays employers give transparency to a job candidates by having these videos on social media that help their job candidates know if he sees himself working with that organisation.

Employers like Sodexo have shared videos on how to apply for a job in their organisation and what the job interview process looks like.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

4. Contribute to the community

Last updated on: March 11, 2013 18:53 IST

Having a corporate blog might not enough to contribute to the talent community.

You also need to become a social recruiter by making yourself visible and approachable to the candidates on social media.

Establish your presence in the online communities, participate in the discussions, provide job search advice and your views on various aspects and trends happening in your industry.

Represent your company and its culture to help the audience know why would they be working at your organisation.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh