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ASK ROOPASHREE: I cry too easily... please help!

Last updated on: March 22, 2022 14:42 IST

Wellness expert Roopashree Sharma answers your health queries.

Alia Bhatt in Dear Zindagi

IMAGE: Alia Bhatt in Dear Zindagi. Kindly note that this image has only been posted for representational purposes.

Dear Reader,

We all take our health for granted. Aren't we always sure we are healthy? But then one day, we get a rude wake-up call and find that we can no longer do so.

Does your health bother you?

Do you want to strengthen your body or your immunity?

Do you have bad skin? Or hair issues?

Is your digestive system giving you trouble?

Or is belly fat your problem?

Mail your queries to wellness expert Roopashree Sharma at (SUBJECT: Roopashree, can you help?) for her advice.


Hello Roopashreeji,
My father has mild dementia since the past 3-4 years.
There aren't many psychologists/psychotherapists in Pune who can deal with this issue with less medication and more therapy.
Can you recommend good tips to help him deal with memory lapses?
If there is any mental health medication (Ayurveda or homeopathy), please do recommend.
Many thanks for your time.
With good wishes,

As you might be aware, some of dementia’s symptoms are not reversible.

What one can focus on is identifying its causes and preventing the dementia from getting worse.

Activities that tax the brain or prolonged depression and excessive fasting, especially cutting on good fats and sugar, are known to affect the brain’s health. At the same time, one needs to be careful with their intake if one has other ailments like blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

I would suggest you visit an Ayurveda treatment facility (Atmasantulan village near Pune is a good option) to get proper diagnosis and treatment.

At home, you can practise activities that relax the brain; gardening and being close to nature are especially beneficial. Pranayamas such as Bhastrika and Anulom Vilom will help relieve stress.


Dear Roopashree,
While the skin on the rest of my body is fine, the skin on my feet is black and thick… it looks really bad.
My age is 32. Can you please help with a solution?

As our skin is our largest sensory organ, it is a good indicator of inner health. For the same reason, it is also affected the most by outer changes.

To check on your inner health, you can do a simple blood test to rule out diabetes.

Enhance blood circulation through regular walks.

If it turns out to be just an external symptom, you should check your exposure to chemicals -- detergents can also affect the skin.

A simple remedy to remove dead skin is to apply potato juice (strain grated potato to get the juice) on the affected skin area. Wash it off once the juice dries.

If the problem still persists, do visit an Ayurveda practitioner to understand the root cause and get the necessary treatment.


Hi Roopashree Ma’am,
I have a regular problem with kidney stones and each episode is very painful.
No surgical intervention has been needed till now.
I have an adequate intake of water -- 2-3 litres.
Is there a natural way of resolving this problem?

It is important to understand why the problem is recurring.

As per Ayurveda, the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas can all play a role in the formation of gallstones.

Ayurvedic treatments aim to naturally dissolve the stones with herbal medication by cleansing the liver and restoring its function.

Visit a good Ayurveda practitioner; they will help identify the possible dosha imbalance and recommend a proper diet plan that you can follow.

Meanwhile, for good bladder health, you can drink barley water for 21 days (soak the grains overnight, strain and drink in the morning).


Dear Roopashree,
I am a young working professional.
I have two problems. One is that I cry easily. Second is that I cry when angry.
This is very unprofessional in a professional set-up.
Are there any yogic exercises or any other method to control tears?
Please help.
Best wishes,

It is good thing to express your emotions.

However, if you are not able to control them, you should dwell on the triggers and address any suppressed emotions.

Simple yogic meditation is the best way to deal with emotions.

You can start with chanting Om for 10-15 minutes a day; gradually increase the time. Also start Anulom Vilom pranayama to balance the mind.


Dear Roopashree,
The texture of my hair has changed after COVID. It has become wavy. I am also suffering from hair loss.
Is there any way for my hair to regain its earlier texture which was straight but not silky straight?
I am a south Indian.
Thank you,

COVID causes various weaknesses; it takes time for the body to heal and recover completely.

You should keep a check on your diet and consume the necessary nutrients via fruits, lots of vegetables, dry fruits, etc.

You can add amla fruit and soaked almonds to your diet. Since summer has begun, eat muskmelon 2-3 times a week.

To be on the safer side, do a standard thyroid test.

Amla is your hair’s best buddy -- start applying pure amla oil (check that it is LLP free). Wash your hair with amla water or amla powder.

Roopashree Sharma, a qualified yoga trainer and naturopathy enthusiast, is the founder of Atharvanlife (external link).

You can send in your health queries to Roopashree at (SUBJECT: Roopashree, can you help?). Do remember to include your age, height, weight, where you stay, health issues and any other details that will help. If you wish to remain anonymous, please let us know.

All content and media herein is written and published online for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It should not be relied on as your only source for advice.

Please always seek the guidance of your doctor or a qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Do not ever disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read herein.

If you believe you may have a medical or mental health emergency, call your doctor, go to the nearest hospital, or call emergency services or emergency helplines immediately. If you choose to rely on any information provided herein, you do so solely at your own risk.

Opinions expressed herein cannot necessarily provide advice to fit the exact specifics of the issues of the person requesting advice.