What happens when your better half walks out on you and the belongings left behind continue to remind you of their presence? Here's what one smart cookie did with his ex-wife's wedding dress! Illustration: Uttam Ghosh
Relationships break up, so do marriages. When Arizona resident Kevin Cotter's wife of 12 years recently walked out of their home, he was left with her wedding dress. She apparently told him he could do anything he wanted with the wedding dress she left behind. Much to her horror, Cotter took her words seriously and did just that.
In a dexterously documented blog (myexwifesweddingdress.com), complete with pictures and videos, he lists out how one can put the discarded wedding dress of one's ex-wife to good use. So far, he has managed to come up with 85 such ideas and implemented 22 -- he hopes to touch 101 soon!
Yoga mat, pasta strainer, gym towel, skipping rope, scarecrow, fire escape rope -- the list runs pretty long and not only is Cotter's blog getting thousands of visitors, it's proving therapeutic in helping him get over the demise of his marriage.
What do you think of Cotter's idea? Have you ever used/ disposed of an ex's belongings in a similarly innovative manner? Let us know on the messageboard below, but please try to keep your comments clean and without malice. We'd love to hear from you!