We asked Get Ahead readers to send in firsthand experiences of supernatural phenomena. Anita Shetty tells us why she believes in life after death:
This is a real story, one that made me believe that people who have died come back if they love you; they come back in your dreams.
My grandpa died before my marriage. His wish was to see the marriage of every child in our family but he couldn't.
All my relatives had arrived for the wedding, many of whom had travelled quite far, and were staying with us. The wedding was to take place on June 31, but it rained heavily all day the day before, flooding the area all around. While everyone was worried about how the marriage would take place, we went to bed hoping that it would stop by the morning. I too went to bed. I was sharing the room with my aunty and her daughter.
Suddenly, at 2 o'clock I felt someone standing in front of me near the window and looking at me. I opened my eyes and blinked. I could see someone dressed in white with a shawl on his shoulder, just like my grandpa used to wear. Of course, I was shocked to see him and shouted to my aunt to wake up. When she finally awoke, I told her that I saw grandpa. She didn't believe me and told me to go back to sleep since I had to wake up early in the morning for the wedding.
Later that night I heard some sounds on the terrace, like someone walking very hard with a walking stick. My dog began barking as the terrace door began to repeatedly slam open and shut. I went to my mom's room and told her that I couldn't sleep. I asked my dad to check outside. It was still raining badly, but he checked anyway. When he returned he said there was nothing except for some dogs barking like they wanted to say something.
The next morning everyone asked me what had happened, what I saw. Shortly after that our pandit came home and started the puja for the wedding. I felt sick all through it, I felt nauseous and began to shiver. Everyone thought that it was because I had not got enough sleep the previous night but grandma said it was because we had not even thought of grandpa once since the marriage had been fixed. She said we had forgotten him, which is why he had come to remind us that he was still with us. That was when I began to believe that the previous night's happenings were not just a dream.
So we did one puja for grandpa, placing the marriage invitation with some sweets near the altar. Immediately after that my vomiting stopped and the so did the shivering. That one incident made me believe. I was pregnant he visited me again and blessed me. But I wasn't scared the second time, I looked straight at him and saw him standing looking at me. That was the last time I saw my grandpa.
This happened during early August 2002. I was in Kodaikanal with friends for a vacation. Early in the chill morning I dreamt that someone was digging in a graveyard. There were many people standing around the graveyard weeping, especially all my near and dear ones.
I could see my parents in great sorrow. Then I saw a corpse being carried out. When I awoke, I called up my parents and expained my dream to them. They told me that I was too superstitious and not to bother about that dream.
Exactly after three days my younger brother passed away due to a brain haemorrhage and the dream which I had dreamt came true.
Oh yes, there are some supernatural powers that are given to some people who can see the future.
Disclaimer: This is a reader-driven feature. The views expressed by the readers are their own, and not that of Rediff.com. Rediff.com does not endorse it in any way.
Have strange circumstances ever caused you to believe in ghosts or in the supernatural? Mail your experiences and beliefs to getahead@rediff.co.in, and don't forget to add your name, age, occupation and contact details -- we'll publish the best stories right here.