Heartbroken? Fighting too often? Want to propose? Love Guru is here to help.
Is your love life down in the dumps?
Has your chosen one left you for someone else?
Or maybe you don't know how to approach the person you fancy?
Don't fret! We've got just the cure for you.
The all-knowing Love Guru is here!
If you think your relationship problems are too tough for you to figure out, ask the Love Guru for help.
So tune in for a ZaraBol chat with The Love Guru, February 5 between 3 pm and 4 pm IST.
Click here to post your questions!
Also read
- 'We broke up but she still wants us to be friends'
- 'A married woman misses me'
- 'What's the secret to a happy marriage?'
- 'My GF's crying habit really disturbs me'
- 'She ignores me and refuses to marry'
- 'How do I impress a woman'
- 'Help! I am afraid to approach the girl I like'
- 'She slams her window shut when she sees me!'
- 'I tried approaching her and she yelled at me'
- 'I love a married man, what do I do?'
- 'Do you want to be the other woman in his life?'
- 'My wife left me and she refuses to return'
- 'She refused me because I live in a joint family'
- 'Should I marry a wealthy NRI or college crush?'
Advice from the Love Guru does not reflect the opinions of Rediff.com and should not be considered in the capacity of professional counselling.
(Due to circumstances beyond our control, date and time of chat may change)