This article was first published 14 years ago

50% of readers spend more than 25K on a cellphone!


October 21, 2010 12:07 IST

Can you text with your eyes closed? Do you form an opinion of people based on their ringtones? We quizzed you on your cell phone habits and here's what we found out! Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

Last month, we invited readers to participate in our Mobile Phone Habits Poll, to establish what kind of cell phone users they are.

After running the questions for a period of time, we now have the results for you and they're rather interesting -- for instance, 17 percent of those polled have answered a call or SMS while having sex and 43 percent base their opinions of others on particularly bad ringtones!

Here are the complete findings of the poll!

When asked what annoys you the most about other people's cell phones:

Of the 3,933 readers who voted,

67 percent affirmed that it's the ringtone, if it's loud and a song they don't like.
23 percent affirmed that it's the fact that they're switched off most of the time.
8 percent affirmed that they don't like ugly accessories and add-ons.

When asked how many cell phone lines you utilise:

Of the 2,188 readers who voted,

65 percent affirmed that they have only one, as otherwise it unnecessarily complicates things.
26 percent affirmed that they have two, but that one is for office use so as not to mix business and one's personal life.
7 percent affirmed that they have two, both for personal use.

When asked about the cost of your handset:

Of the 3,672 readers who voted,

50 percent affirmed that their handset costs more than Rs 25,000.
28 percent affirmed that their handset costs between Rs 3,000 and Rs 12,000.
12 percent affirmed that their handset costs between Rs 12,000 and Rs 25,000.
7 percent affirmed that their handset costs less than Rs 3,000.

When asked whether you've ever been lazy enough to call or SMS someone within 10 metres of you:

Of the 1,866 readers who voted,

61 percent affirmed that they never have.
25 percent affirmed that they've only done it so as to discuss something private with others around.
13 percent affirmed that they have, because they were too lazy to get up and make an approach.

When asked whether you've ever had an accident while using your cell phone:

Of the 1,807 readers who voted,

82 percent affirmed that they never have.
13 percent affirmed that they have, but that it's just been a little absent-minded clumsiness.
3 percent affirmed that they have had a serious incident, that may have been caused while driving.

When asked whether you can type out a message on your cell phone with your eyes closed:

Of the 1,804 readers who voted,

55 percent affirmed that they can't.
30 percent affirmed that they can, but with a few mistakes here and there.
14 percent affirmed that they can do so perfectly, using only one hand.

When asked what your average bill is per month:

Of the 3,067 readers who voted,

43 percent affirmed that it's over Rs 5,000.
39 percent affirmed that they try to keep it under Rs 1,000 with a pre-paid scheme.
12 percent affirmed that it's less than Rs 2,000.
4 percent affirmed that it's less than Rs 3,000.

When asked whether you form an opinion of other people based on their ringtones:

Of the 1,683 readers who voted,

43 percent affirmed that they do, but only when the ringtone is particularly ridiculous.
43 percent affirmed that they never do, because that's a shallow way of judging someone.
12 percent affirmed that they do so as a matter of course and that there's nothing wrong with it.

When asked how many personal calls and texts you make from your cell phone per day, on an average:

Of the 1,675 readers who voted,

76 percent affirmed that they make less than 25.
16 percent affirmed that they make more than 25, but less than 50.
6 percent affirmed that they make more than 50.

When asked whether you use your cell phone as a dating tool to hook up on match-making websites or through social networking:

Of the 1,592 readers who voted,

72 percent affirmed that they never do.
21 percent affirmed that they wouldn't mind giving it a try.
6 percent affirmed that they do.

When asked how often they break the law and/or rules regarding the use of cell phones in certain public places and situations:

Of the 1,565 readers who voted,

56 percent affirmed that they do so about half the time, but that they try to take only important calls.
37 percent affirmed that they never do.
6 percent affirmed that they do so 90 percent of the time because they see no sense in the rules.

When asked at what age you think children should start using cell phones:

Of the 1,545 readers who voted,

72 percent affirmed that they should do so only after the age of 15.
18 percent affirmed that children of 10 years and over are responsible enough to own one.
9 percent affirmed that they should start using cell phones as soon as they figure out how they work.

When asked how often you end up using your cell phone in the bathroom:

Of the 2,354 readers who voted,

66 percent affirmed that they never do.
21 percent affirmed that they do so from time to time.
9 percent affirmed that they do so only when it's completely unavoidable.
3 percent affirmed that they do so regularly, as they don't think it's reason enough to end a conversation.

When asked whether you would answer your cell phone/ reply to an SMS while having sex:

Of the 1,478 readers who voted,

78 percent affirmed that they never have, for fear of incurring their partner's wrath.
17 percent affirmed that they would, but only if it was very persistent or urgent.
3 percent affirmed that they already have.

When asked whether you answer your phone at the office, if you're in the middle of a meeting or a conversation with your colleagues or boss:

Of the 1,452 readers who voted,

53 percent affirmed that they never have, as it's disrespectful.
41 percent affirmed that they try not to, but that they do once in awhile.
4 percent affirmed that they do, because they see nothing wrong with it -- but they try to hang up quickly.

When asked how often you switch off your mobile:

Of the 1,400 readers who voted,

54 percent affirmed that they do so only when it's absolutely necessary, like in an aircraft, for office meetings etc.
36 percent affirmed that they never do, only switching the mode to 'Silent' instead.
8 percent affirmed that they do so at night and whenever they are resting.

When asked how often you upgrade your handset:

Of the 1,424 readers who voted,

88 percent affirmed that they do so only when it starts giving trouble or gets terribly outdated.
9 percent affirmed that they do so once every year to keep up with technology.
2 percent affirmed that they do so every 3-6 months because they like owning the latest.

When asked what according to you is the most important thing to have on you when you're leaving the house:

Of the 1,382 readers who voted,

48 percent affirmed that it's their wallet.
34 percent affirmed that it's their cell phone.
16 percent affirmed that it's their keys.

When asked whether you log onto the Internet from your phone to use Facebook, Twitter or your e-mail:

Of the 1,362 readers who voted,

40 percent affirmed that they do so.
34 percent affirmed that they don't because they see no need for Internet-activated phones.
24 percent affirmed that they haven't so far, but that they plan to soon enough.

When asked whether you can live without your cell phone:

Of the 1,456 readers who voted,

54 percent affirmed that they can, but only if they had to and that they'd miss it.
28 percent affirmed that they can do so with ease, because nothing is indispensable.
16 percent affirmed that they wouldn't be able to adjust to life without their phones.


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