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Recipe: Bai's Spicy Cabbage Rolls

June 30, 2023 12:59 IST

If you are 101 per cent food-obsessed like me, a memory of something once eaten long ago can irritatingly set your wheels turning. And they won't stop their whirling till you can locate the recipe for the dish you suddenly remembered. And then go into the kitchen and actually make it.

A sweet memory came to me the other day of standing in the kitchen, as a child of 7 or 8 and watching my Estonian mother, who was a great cook of Indian food, cheerfully frying spicy stuffed cabbage rolls.

I remember their fragrance -- I could almost smell them as I thought about them -- and how delicious they tasted after you bit through the crunchy cabbage exterior. And I just had to rustle them up myself and eat them again.

My mom's dog-eared, yellowed cooking notebooks, neatly and painstakingly filled by hand, diagrams and all, of the traditional Indian recipes she had learnt from my Madhya Pradeshi dadi and my father's mausi, didn't have the recipe. But I found it among my own recipes.

I had at some point taken it from her fortunately; recipes are so valuable, like treasure.

The stuffing is spicy potato, akin to the interior of a samosa. You place little parcels of the mashed and seasoned potatoes in the centre of a tender cabbage leaf and roll it up. It's dipped in besan or chickpea flour batter and deep fried.

Have the cabbage rolls by themselves as a snack or with tamarind or imli chutney.

Photographs: Zelda Pande

Bai's Spicy Cabbage Rolls

Serves 4-5


For the stuffing

For the besan coating

For assembly and frying


For the stuffing

For the besan coating:

Cabbage roll assembly


Zelda's Note: To make imli chutney from scratch, do try Sheetal Mahurkar's Imli Chutney.

Lead Image: Kindly note the lead image has been posted only for representational purposes. Photograph: Kind courtesy: Yuval Hoffman/ Wikimedia Commons.