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Recipe: Anita's Chicken Porcupine

June 05, 2023 13:09 IST

Photographs: Anita Aikara

Whenever the craving for comfort food kicks in, I turn to chicken momos -- the plain variety with a steamed filling of minced chicken mixed with peppery sweet shreds of sauteed ginger, spring onion and garlic, and vegetables of my choice. Fancy tandoori momos, fried wontons, chicken and cheese momos don't seem to excite me anymore.

The outer covering of these steamed potlis of deliciousness is made with maida or all-purpose flour, which I'm trying to avoid and that got me to scout for healthier options.

Chicken Porcupine was one -- the filling is the same, but instead of stuffing it in a casing of maida, the momos are rolled in uncooked rice, that puff up once steamed and resemble the spikes of a porcupine, hence the name.

This recipe doesn't require much effort, most of the ingredients are easily available in any well-stocked kitchen.

It's perfect for as an appetiser for a Sunday brunch at home and can be enjoyed with a lovely Shrimp Coconut Soup with the aromatic flavours of galangal, lemon grass and kaffir lime leaves.

It can also be teamed with Bethica's Bajra Fried Rice or Sangita's Veggie Fried Rice, which is made in 20 minutes.

Chicken Porcupine

Serves: 3-4


For the filling

For the outer covering


Editor's Note: For vegetarian porcupines, replace the 500 gm minced chicken with 150 gm grated tofu, 150 gm grated mushrooms and 200 gm chopped pre-cooked rice noodles or Maggi.