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Okay To Live Apart When You're Married?

September 13, 2024 14:08 IST

Sometimes, relationships change form, and it's essential to be prepared for all possibilities.
The journey of mending a relationship requires effort from both sides, says rediffGURU Dr Ashish Sehgal.

Can A Marriage Survive Without Living Together?

Illustration: Dominic Xavier/

Is it okay to be married and live separately?

Can a relationship survive when two people want different things?

How can couples regain trust in a strained relationship?

rediffGuru Dr Ashish Sehgal, a neuro linguistic programming (NLP) trainer and life coach who has over 20 years of experience as a counsellor, can help you with your relationship concerns.

Hi sir, I am a 34-year-old woman with two girl children.
I'm working in an IT firm and earn a good amount.
I have been married for six years.
After one year of marriage, my husband and I started having issues. He wanted to dominate me in all sense, including finances. Initially, I was okay.
Within the first year my first daughter was born.
Soon, the issues became serious. I went back to my job and stopped giving all my salary to him.
I started saving for my kid. He was not happy. He indirectly demanded that my entire salary be given to him as I did earlier.
In 2020 when the lockdown happened he moved to his village where it was very difficult for me to work. He demanded that I come to his place. I refused and concentrated on my career. So he left us for two years. He called to check about his kid.
He returned in 2022 with his elders.
We moved together to the city and he again demanded money. He asked me to borrow Rs 50 to 60 lakh as a loan and give it to him to purchase property at his place which he'd agreed to buy under my name.
I denied it because I couldn't trust him. Meanwhile, our second daughter was born and I came to my mother's place.
During this time, he started talking ill about me and my family with our relatives.
When I confronted him, he stopped visiting me and my daughter. It's been a year now.
Sir I'm fed up with his behaviour and I don't trust him. As I have two kids it is really difficult to live without him in this society.

My relatives are suggesting that I bring him back. They say: How can you live alone with two daughters?
Sir please guide me on what to do now.
I tolerated him all these years for my children and society. Now I'm done.
But I am also scared thinking if I will be able to handle it all alone.
My parents are my biggest support.
Currently I am not in a position where I can take legal action against him.
Is my decision of living by myself with my daughters and parents correct or wrong? Should I go with him?

Your situation is indeed complex and emotionally taxing.

It's important to approach it with both clarity and compassion for yourself and your daughters. Here are some steps and considerations to help you navigate this:

Choosing to live independently with your daughters is a courageous and often necessary step for many women in similar situations.

You must trust in your strength and the support of your parents.

It's important to remember that living a life of peace and dignity, even if it means being a single parent, is a powerful and positive example for your children.

Remember that you are not alone in this journey. Seek the support you need, trust your instincts and prioritise your and your children’s well-being above all.


Sir, I have completed my 15 years of marriage.
I love my wife. Due to over love and affection, I doubted her which is costing our relationship.
In November 2023, she requested for mutual divorce. She wants to be a good friend of mine.
We have a 14 year old daughter.
Currently, she is with me as a good friend only.
I even apologised for hurting her.
Please suggest how I can avoid divorce. Thank you sir.

It's clear that your love and affection for your wife was genuine. However, doubts and insecurities can sometimes cast shadows even in the strongest relationships.

Here are some steps to help you navigate this challenging situation and possibly mend the relationship:

While it's important to work towards saving your marriage, you must also be willing to accept that the outcome may not be what you hope for.

Sometimes, relationships change form and it's essential to be prepared for all possibilities.

Remember, the journey of mending a relationship requires effort from both sides. By demonstrating genuine change and understanding, you may create an environment where love and trust can flourish once again.


Hello Dr Ashish, It has come to light recently that my own family members are working tirelessly to strain the relationship between my wife and me.
I came to know about it after almost two decades of my marriage.
I am shocked to know that my character assassination has been happening since Day 1.
As I was very busy with my work and other commitments, I was completely unaware of these developments. In fact my wife also never revealed it to me.
She is an independent woman working in a corporate organisation. These differences have caused so much strain in our relationship.
Our mutual trust had taken a severe beating.
At times I have seen her taken over by a feeling of helplessness.
As things are clearer now, I am trying to alienate circumstances that might lead to any kind of differences. However, my wife does not think it is a good idea to stay away from our own people.
The result is whenever these people come into our otherwise peaceful and comfortable life, we tend to fight over the differences created by them.
Please advise what can be done here.

Dealing with family dynamics, especially when it involves deep-rooted misunderstandings and long-standing tensions, can be exceptionally challenging. Here are some strategies you can consider:

Building a fortress around your relationship doesn't mean isolating yourselves from family; rather, it is about strengthening your bond to withstand external pressures.

Your wife's perspective about staying connected with family is valid and finding a balance that respects both of your views is crucial. It's about creating a unified front and handling external influences together.

This journey requires patience, understanding and a commitment to each other. By taking these steps, you can work towards rebuilding trust and harmony in your marriage.

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