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Have a New Year resolution? Tell us about it

December 28, 2017 10:31 IST

Share your New Year resolutions and we'll publish the best ones! Click here to share your resolutions.

New Year Resolution

Photograph: Courtesy mohamed_hassan/

New Year is just around the corner.

It's that time of the year again when you draw up a list of the things you intend to accomplish in the forthcoming weeks/ months.

Remember the New Year resolution you made last year -- the one that you could never work on!

But despite not living up to your New Year resolution, it's hard to stop making them. 

We ask you, Dear Readers, what's your New Year resolution for 2018. 

Do you want to lose weight?  Or Quit smoking?

Start exercising and go to the gym religiously? Or choose a healthier lifestyle?

Are you planning on splurging less in the New Year and investing more?

Or do you want to find a new job and are waiting for 2018 to begin before you can start the job hunt?

How about learning a new skill? Or making a resolve to spend more time with your family?

Do you have a travel bucket list and want to visit a foreign country in 2018?

Or is it about finding a partner and getting married?

Share your New Year resolutions with us. Mail us at and we will feature the best entries on

Don't forget to mention your NAME, AGE and the place where you LIVE. If possible, do share your pic too!

You may also click here to share your resolutions.

New Year