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Student killings & suicides: Your responses

Last updated on: January 02, 2008 14:56 IST

We recently published a message board asking Get Ahead readers to respond to the spate of student suicides and killings which shocked the nation.

Should we go on red alert due to the fact that such tragedies are increasingly coming to our notice?

Are we doing enough to avoid future incidents of such nature?

Here's what people had to say in this regard:

'We' need not do anything. It is entirely up to the parents to teach their children the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Parents first spoil their children and when things go wrong, raise an unnecessary hue and cry. If parents don't mend their ways, let them learn from their kids' mistakes and mischiefs.

-- Pramod Sharma

Yes we are not doing enough. We need to provide them more sophisticated weapons. Need to show them good war movies. Educate them how to use weapon properly.

-- Jcraghu99

What kids need is the right circle of friends to move around with. About violence and vulgarity in movies, well, they will always be there and I don't think the movies in late eighties or early nineties were all candy-floss stuff, violence was there filled in those movies too. I certainly didn't pick up a two-barreled gun and smoke the life out of my annoying aunty living next door. The first porn I saw was in when I was in class 9th and I certainly didn't become a fiendish raving sex maniac. I don't remember my parents talking about you know to keep the harmones in check or not to kill my next door aunty just because she blabbers mindlessly. But what I did have was a good circle of friends and that my parents did keep a check on from time to time. Its no secret that we spend a lot of time with our friends and what they do at times we try to do the same.
So lets make sure, we keep a check on what friends our kids are making or moving around with. Lets teach them about wisdom and respect.
About internet, well, we can keep them away from computers, why does a kid need a computer by the way?

-- Boyabouttown

Ban Bollywood movies & Obscene Hindi channels. You can atleast protect indian traditions.

-- B

Yes this is what schools have become and the blame is to be shared by students, teachers , parents and the entire society as a whole.

Today's kids are being shown the wrong way by us because it is we who are giving kids video games based on sex and violence, getting movie tickets for them for viewing movies which dipict nothing but brutal rape and raw violence, encouraging internet filled with porn stuff and other things.
From where else todays kids get their ideas from?

-- Sukhmeet Singh

The parental pressure is very high to get a good grade, good job. we in society teaching children/teenagers to make money, get jobs. we not teaching them to become better human beings. the entairtement is also disturbing teenagers' idea of successful life. the mind game is too invloved. we can follow the example of living in present movement so the chldren take it sometimes. the idea of living in present movement; into action.

-- Rohit Shah

In todays time when parents are so busy in order to earn and fullfill the growing needs of the children,that they hardly get time to sit with the children to discuss about their feelings and problems. In such a situation children tend to take their own decision unknowing of the consequences, therefore I suggest it is necessary that the schools have atleast one period daily in which they are tought to take fair decisions and discuss various aspects of life and especially to be a good citizen of India,to face challenges of the daily life and definely tought to respect their elders.

-- Vinita Dewan

I think we are not doing anything to stop such mishaps.We never take any preventive steps to do so.If girl dresses up in a salwar suit she is mocked as a behenji and thrown out of friends circle.Even her friends seemed to shun her.So its we who are ignorant of such situations.

-- Mukul Bhattacharjee

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