What: Christina Ong AICI CIM and Lynne Marks AICI CIM, image consultants and co-directors of ImageAsia Training, will be conducting a 12-day foundation cours for aspiring image consultants in Delhi.
Image consultation helps an individual in becoming more poised and polished, guiding one to his/her own authentic style, and instilling the sense of success and confidence that comes with knowing one's appearance, behavior and communication.
The training starts from November 1, 2011 in Delhi.
Who can apply?
Women between the age group 21 and 40 years.
Important date
The last date for registration to the programme is September 15, 2011.
How to register
Call Sheena on 09650418886 OR Visit http://www.londonimageinstitute.com/begin-your-training/begin.html.
For more details, visit http://www.londonimageinstitute.com/
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