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'I am dating my boss. It is affecting my work'

December 14, 2023 13:04 IST

Navigating a relationship with your boss, especially when it's causing stress and affecting your work environment, can be challenging, says rediffGURU Kanchan Rai.


Are you attracted to your boss or colleague at work?

Illustration: Dominic Xavier/

Do you feel attracted to someone at work?

Does it feel awkward when you have feelings for your boss, your colleague or an intern?

Are you struggling ensure your personal feelings do not impact your professional life?

rediffGURU Kanchan Rai, a relationship coach and founder of Let Us Talk Foundation, urges you to talk about your problems so you can seek solutions and transform your life.


Anonymous: I have been dating my boss for the last 5 years.
I am unmarried and he is committed to another woman.
It started as a fling but now I am getting serious and stressed.
My colleagues gossip about me and I want to quit as this relationship is affecting my work as well.
How do I control my emotions and walk away with dignity?

Hello there. It's understandable that navigating a relationship with your boss, especially when it's causing stress and affecting your work environment, can be challenging.

Communicate your boundaries to your boss.

Let him know how the relationship is affecting you and your work.

Establishing boundaries will help you maintain a professional environment and signal that you are serious about your decision.

Plan your exit strategy from both the personal relationship and your job.

This might involve finding a new job or preparing to face potential challenges at your current workplace if you decide to stay.

Focus on maintaining professionalism at work.

Regardless of the gossip or workplace dynamics, continue to perform your job to the best of your ability. This will help you leave the organisation on good terms and maintain a positive professional reputation.

If the workplace gossip is becoming unbearable or if the relationship is affecting your ability to work, consider talking to someone in HR or a supervisor. They can provide guidance and support, and they may be able to help address any negative impact on your work environment.

Understand that leaving the relationship and, potentially, the job may bring about significant changes.

Be mentally prepared for these changes and focus on the positive aspects of moving forward.

Prioritise self-care during this challenging time.

Focus on activities and practices that bring you joy, relaxation and a sense of well-being.

When you're ready to end the relationship, communicate your decision clearly and calmly.

Choose a private and neutral setting to have this conversation.

Be honest about your feelings and the reasons behind your decision. Remember, it's essential to prioritise your well-being and make decisions that contribute positively to your life in the long run.

Ending a relationship and making changes in your professional life can be challenging but it's a crucial step toward your personal growth and happiness.


Anonymous: I have a successful career.
My wife has a habit of calling my workplace female colleagues every time and embarrassing me.
This has happened in the last three organisations and in spite of strict warnings she's done it again where she called a very junior female staff cause she saw our team photos and started abusing her.
I somehow managed the situation at work and apologised to the employee and her family. This got spread anyway.
She recently walked into my office to open accounts and surprised me, which was noticed by my organisation.

Such behaviour has given wrong clues at my office about my character and I am now in a very vulnerable state.
My wife speaks to her male colleagues openly and once clicked objectionable snaps with them which was highlighted to me by her colleague but I respected her office stature and didn't create a scene.
Please help.

It sounds like you're dealing with a challenging situation that is not only affecting your professional life but also potentially damaging your reputation at work.

It's important to address this issue carefully and proactively.

Choose a calm and private setting to discuss your concerns with your wife. Express how her actions are impacting your professional life and reputation. Be honest about the consequences of her behaviour and how it's affecting your career.

Encourage open communication to understand her perspective and concerns as well.

Communicate and establish boundaries regarding personal and professional matters.

Discuss and agree on acceptable behaviours and actions within and outside the workplace.

If trust has been compromised, work together to rebuild it. This may involve setting mutual expectations and following through with them.

If your wife's actions have affected colleagues or subordinates, consider offering a professional apology. Make it clear that her behaviour does not reflect your professional values.

Reinforce the importance of keeping personal and professional lives separate. Discuss the potential consequences of intertwining the two.

Consider reflecting on the overall health of your relationship. Determine whether there are underlying issues that need to be addressed for the sake of both your personal and professional well-being.

Remember, it's crucial to address these issues delicately and professionally to minimise further impact on your career and personal life.

If the situation continues to escalate, it may be helpful to seek guidance from professionals who specialise in relationship counselling or workplace conflict resolution.


Avinash: Hi. I am a married person aged 45, I am in a relationship with a girl who used to work in our office.
Now she is working somewhere else but we are still in touch only by calls and WhatsApp.

For the last 4-5 months she has been asking to help her from some financial crisis, I am helping her also.
But she is treating me like a second-grade citizen after I am helping her financially and talks to me rudely.
A few times we had heated arguments also, but we never had a physical relationship, whether I should continue or not.

Dear Avinash, your situation is complex, involving both emotional and financial aspects.

Reflect on your priorities and values. Consider the impact this relationship may have on your overall well-being, your marriage and your personal life.

It's important to prioritise your own happiness and mental health.

If you are comfortable doing so, consider discussing your feelings and concerns with your spouse. Open communication is crucial in maintaining trust and understanding in a marriage.

Consider the long-term prospects of this relationship. If it is causing more harm than good, it may be worth reevaluating whether continuing the relationship aligns with your personal goals and values.

Evaluate the nature of the financial assistance you are providing. If you feel taken advantage of or if the person is not appreciative of your help, it's crucial to reassess whether continued financial support is appropriate.

Establish clear boundaries regarding your relationship, especially given your marital status. If the relationship is causing strain on your marriage or personal well-being, consider whether those boundaries need to be adjusted or reinforced.

Remember, it's essential to prioritise your well-being and the well-being of those around you. If the relationship is causing distress or negatively impacting your life, it may be time to reassess and make decisions that are in your best interest.

Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can provide valuable perspectives during challenging times.

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.

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