This article was first published 18 years ago

Living alone? The perfect breakfast


Last updated on: July 20, 2006 12:13 IST

A few weeks back we launched the eight weeks to fitness programme.

We prescribed a diet/exercise regime for every week for a time frame of eight weeks. If you follow this programme meticulously, you could lose up to seven kg!

Many of you may have had doubts about whether or not you are following the programme correctly. So, we organised a live chat on July 18 with fitness trainer Brinda Sapat, who designed the programme.

For those of you who missed the chat, here is the transcript.

 Brinda Sapat says, Hi! Good Evening everyone! I'm ready to take your questions. 

fmanish asked, my height is 177cm.also pls suggest an ideal breakfast for a vegetarian

Brinda Sapat answers, A veg breakfast: a bowl of cereal with milk, a fruit and wholegrain toast with a low fat cheese spread.  

fitnessfreak asked, Hi, I am around 40, ht. 166, wt. 80, I do cycling for 20 minutes daily but not getting rid of my paunch. What other exercise I should do to keep fit ?

Brinda Sapat answers, 
You need to increase the duration of cycling gradually every week. Increase to 30 minutes this week and gradually work your way up. You also need to do some weight training. I suggest you attend a gym.  

raam asked, hi, I am 6'5 tall and weigh 90 kgs.I am 30 years old.i do surya namskara, 3 sets of abdominal crunches and spot jogging for 10 mins. Is this ok or do need to join a gym

Brinda Sapat answers, 
Yes, you do need to join a gym in order to work other muscles of your body and include a variety of exercises in your fitness routine in order to see better and faster results. 

Rohit asked, Hi, I'm 28 male, 5'10", medium frame and 58 kg I can see my six pack, but still have a slight paunch. How do I get rid of the paunch?

Brinda Sapat answers, Hey there! A paunch is the biggest male problem.The paunch is basically fat so do cardio! Three to four days a week to start with.

Rakhi asked, i am rakhi, i am 5'3 i am 31 years & my weight had gone to 70 kgs in 6 mths, what should i do to lose my weight.
Brinda Sapat answers, Hi Rakhi! Follow the eight week plan to a slimmer you posted on the rediff web site. You'll have all your answers.  

Willie asked, Hi, i am 32 yrs, going to the gym everyday. i have a perfect body and want to maintain it. can u pls instruct me on what diet i should keep evryday. My weight now is 62kgs. i play football so i don't have a tummy. It's flat. Please let me knw abt the diet to keep me fit and have a good stamina and endurance.

Brinda Sapat answers, 
Hi! Eat cereals, eggs (whites only), whole grain toast and fruits for breakfast. Vegetables and roti with dal and some salad for lunch. For dinner try to eat more protein ie fish/chicken/paneer/lentils and vegetables. Also snack on nuts/fruits between meals

zaina asked, hi, i am 23 yrs old, 151 cms and 56 kgs. i live in a joint family so diet control is not possible i have been walking on the treadmill 3-4 times a week since a month but lost just 1 kg what else can i do to lose weight. i am a house wife. going to gym is not possible either. and for my height what is the ideal weight?

Brinda Sapat answers, 
Hi Zaina! Increase your walking time by five minutes every week. Increase the incline of the treadmill an increase your speed. Also start doing some weight training exercise at home. You can find these exercises in the eight week plan on rediff. Don't worry about the height to weight proportion.

wingsvino asked, hi i am 25yrs old, 5'9" in height & 93 kgs. my waist size has increased by 4" in the past 2 years. I am ready to go to gym but i could not control my food habits. I need to reduce my weight. Hence, kindly suggest some ideas to be reduce weight & to be fit.

Brinda Sapat answers, Hi wingsvino! When you go to the gym, tell your trainer your goals and have him/her chart out an exercise plan based on that. Also, try to work around your food habits, or the results will take ages.

ankur asked, hi i am 20 yrs old ..i am 5ft 8 inches tall ..can u tell me some exercise so i can become taller??

Brinda Sapat answers, 
Hey Ankur! Unfortunately no exercise helps to increase height and if anyone is telling you that, remember it's a myth. Exercise will only help to improve your posture making you look slightly taller.

Rohit asked, Other than keeping your back straight are there any precautions to be taken while doing normal, elevated and diamond pushups? Thank you.

Brinda Sapat answers, Yeah Rohit, make sure you don't lock your elbows as you come up. Also make sure you keep your arms wide so you really engage the pectoral muscles making the push up more effective. Fingers should point forwards!

varun asked, hi i am a 19 year old guy. my height is 5.5 and my weight is only 48. please guide me. how can i gain healthy weight? is there any way to increase my height (through yoga)? any special diet?

Brinda Sapat answers, Hi Varun. Eat more carbohydrates and proteins in your dinner: fish/chicken/paneer/soya and rice/roti/bread or pasta etc. Also start weight training. Height cannot be altered. But since you are 19 you may have another year or two to grow taller!

sandeep asked, hi brinda i am sandeep 32 & 32 kg overweight as told by my instructor pls tell me apart from routine gym exercise what should i do in my day to day life to make wt loss more easy

Brinda Sapat answers, 
Hey Sandeep. Try to alter your exercises at your gym. Have your trainer give you some new exercises. Engage in some kind of sport like football/tennis etc. Also watch your food habits. Stay off fried foods and sweets.

Yogesh asked, Hi am 23 m 5'6 1/2 and 78 kgs. can u tell me which workouts can reduce my abs and how many hours of daily workout is essential for perfect body.

Brinda Sapat answers, Hi Yogesh. You need to do cardio three to four days a week. Either the treadmill/cycle or an aerobics class/walking. Start with 30 minutes and progress by adding five minutes every week. Also start weight training two to three times a week.

aishwarya asked, hi, i am 16 years old. my height is 150 cm & my weight is 46 kg. Is there a chance for me to grow taller at this age?

Brinda Sapat answers, Hey Aishwarya! Sure you have another two to three years to grow taller at least.

manish asked, my height is 177cm. also pls suggest an ideal breakfast for a vegetarian

Brinda Sapat answers, 
A veg breakfast: bowl of cereals with milk, a fruit and a wholegrain toast with a low fat cheese spread.  

zishan asked, Hi! brinda, i am a cricketer and ran around 3-4 kms at a good speed earlier .but after just recovering from malaria now even 15 days after recovering i am not able to run that much, i am quite a healthy person weighing around 70 kgs and my height is 6 feet. i am a 16 year old. please tell me why my fitness is not responding well.

Brinda Sapat answers, Hi Zishan. When the body suffers an illness it loses its training effects. You need to gradually re-introduce your body to exercise. So start by doing just a little bit of exercise and build up slowly. Don't worry you will be back to normal. Make sure you are eating enough of carbohydrates.


Brinda Sapat answers, Okay so the tummy is really the big dilemma. Cardio cardio cardio! Three to four days a week minimum for 30 minutes minimum. Throw in a couple of sets of crunches and back exercises. Stay off fried food, sweets and beer!

aloke asked, I have a tendency to put on fat. while i was in the army i was very fit. post that have gained 30 kgs. what should i do to reduce atleast 4-5 kgs/month.

Brinda Sapat answers, Hey! Follow the eight weeks to fitness plan on

thomas asked, hi, i am 41 yrs old, 6", 85kgs. Am working in a BPO organization. So i do have night work (alternate week), it is good doing swimming after my night work and go to bed. or what is the best exercise you suggest??

Brinda Sapat answers, Hey Thomas. Swimming is very good exercise. Make sure you swim non-stop for about 30 minutes minimum. Also do some weight training.

gauri80 asked, HI i am 25 yrs old and a s/w professional which makes me sit for 7-8 hours or sometimes 12 hours on chair. I do some kind of excercise like suryanamaskar and some ab excercise but no use. I am not able to reduce the tummy tyres. I am unable to find time to do other workouts as well. can u pls tell me the easy workouts which will reduce my tummy.
Brinda Sapat answers, Hi Gauri. When you can't get around to doing much of any exercise, walking is your best bet. Try to squeeze in 30 minutes of a brisk walk whenever you find time and watch your food!

manish asked, i am 32 years old, 78kg, have not done any exercises, want to start now , can you tell me the ideal weight for me and is brisk walking for 30 min a day help in reducing.

Brinda Sapat answers, Hey Manish. Brisk walks are perfect! Don't worry about ideal weight. Also do weight training

shubsukh asked, Hi Brinda, I am a male, 45 yrs, am 6 ft tall and weigh 81 kg. Have been hypertensive for over 10 years now but well under control with medication. Have a paunch and love handles (waist size is 38 – 39 inches). Am able to do power walk with occasional jogging without going breathless. However if I jog I develop mild pain in my knees that night. What exercise / diet would you suggest for my paunch / love handles / cholesterol control? Shubsukh

Brinda Sapat answers, 
Hi! Please don't jog if it causes discomfort. Stick to fast walking. This is what helps reduce your tummy and also keeps your cholesterol down. Don't eat fried/oily foods. Try to eat more cereals -- this helps lower cholesterol.

Tomorrow: Part II of the transcript

Brinda Sapat is a fitness trainer, currently running classes at Gold's Gym, Napean Sea Road. Certified with Training Zone & Progressive Fitness (USA), she has been a group exercise instructor for the last nine years.

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