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9 reasons to eat watermelon

April 20, 2016 12:53 IST

This sweet, thirst-quenching fruit will not only keep you hydrated but also reduce the chances of getting cancer.

Katy Perry

Photograph: Kind Courtesy

Do you like to cool off in the hot summers with refreshing watermelon?

It's not only tasty, but healthy too. Your heart, skin, hair, digestive system and muscles will all thank you if you make this fruit a part of your life.

Great for the heart

Lycopene gives watermelon its red colour. This pigment reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes.

Citrulline is an amino acid that is used by our body to make arginine, another amino acid. Arginine can enhance your blood circulation. Both these amino acids are in watermelon.

As per an American Journal of Hypertension study, watermelon extracts reduced blood pressure of obese participants with hypertension.

Keeps you hydrated

How much water do you think a watermelon has, as a percentage? Over 91 percent of this fruit is water.

Its electrolytes also help you avoid dehydration during the hot summer months. Potassium in this fruit works as an electrolyte, to improve your blood circulation.

Improves skin and hair

Your body needs Vitamin A to produce sebum, which keeps your hair moisturised. You also need Vitamin A for your body tissues (like skin) to grow. Watermelon has Vitamin A, so eat this fruit for attractive skin and hair.

Struggling to get your Vitamin C intake? A cup of watermelon will help you. It meets 21 percent of your daily Vitamin C needs. You need Vitamin C to make collagen, which gives structure to your hair and skin.

Prevents cancer

Since watermelon has Vitamin C -- which is a powerful antioxidant -- it reduces free radicals from forming. Free radicals increase the chances of getting cancer.

Many studies have shown that besides being good for the heart, lycopene reduces the chances of getting prostate cancer.

Reduces inflammation

Watermelon has choline, which lowers chronic inflammation. Lycopene in this fruit also has anti inflammatory properties.

Facilitates digestion

Watermelon's fibre and water content help you to avoid constipation. This fruit helps in regularising bowel movements, for a healthy digestive system.

Helps combat muscle soreness

In addition to improving circulation, citrulline helps athletes reduce muscle soreness from occurring, the day after a workout.

You, too, can drink watermelon juice before a session at the gym to avoid feeling sore the next day.

You can eat watermelon rind

A watermelon's rind actually has more citrulline than its flesh. The rind also has chlorophyll, which builds your blood.

Wondering how to eat the rind? Just blend it with lime and dig in.

Watermelon seeds are healthy

If you accidentally swallow black watermelon seeds, don't worry. They're good for you. That's because they have zinc, iron, fibre and protein.


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