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The art of selling yourself!

September 13, 2004 16:57 IST

Formatting your resumeW

hat's a CV or resume?

It's simply an advertisement that helps you sell yourself to an employer.

It needs to present your skills and experience in the best possible light and emphasize your suitability and potential for the job.

That is why it is a good idea to spend time on preparing a targeted, effective, error-free document that will impress a potential employer.

Employers see a lot of CVs, so avoid imitating standard CV samples. You can score bonus points instead if your CV is just that little bit different and has your own personal stamp.

Some tips

The main section of your CV

1. Personal details

2. Education

3. Work experience

List past employment details in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first. Always reserve more space for your most recent or current position. Names of past employers, along with the date of appointment and the date you left, and a brief outline of responsibilities is essential. Some employers also like to see a brief description of the companies and a summary of their business.

Always include your specific contributions to each job, listing related responsibilities and achievements with each entry, rather than in a separate section.

List any affiliation to relevant professional associations.

4. Skills

Employers are often interested in specific skills you have acquired, such as

5. Interests and activities

Do not just list your interests. Show how they have helped develop skills a potential employer will value.

6. References

For references, choose people who can comment on different aspects of your professional personality. Two references are usually enough. Only give three if there is another person whose opinion you feel your potential employer really needs to hear.

General tips

Abha Kapoor, the co-founder of K & J Search Consultants, a premier Mumbai placement agency, spoke to Sita Menon.

Abha Kapoor