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'It is better to study dentistry in India'

July 03, 2007 12:19 IST

Whether it's the US, the UK, Australia or New Zealand, Indians are going abroad en masse. They're seeking advanced degrees from prestigious institutions, hoping for plush jobs and rewarding careers.

Are you looking to join this trend? If so, you're not alone.

But before you commit yourself to any one course or institution, there are many questions you'll need to ask and answer:

How much will it cost? Which programme is best for me?

Will I have employment options in my host country? If I come back to India, will there be a job waiting for me? 

Karan Gupta, overseas education consultant, discussed the positives and negatives of foreign studies on June 25 in our expert chat. He covered MBAs, dentistry programmes and many other aspects of the study abroad process.

For those of you who missed the chat, here's the transcript:

Part I: 'Work two years before an MBA abroad'

Sasank asked, Hello Mr.Karan. Good afternoon! I am planning forward to do my BA(Hons) in Hospitality Management in UK. In your opinion, 1)How would my career be if I pursue my education in UK. 2)Do you think I can get employment once I finish my education and prosper in the field of Hospitality? 3)Once I finish my BA(Hons) in Hospitality Management in UK, I want to do MBA in USA.Kindly suggest me any good universities to do my MBA .Do you think, this is a good and ideal move. 4)Pls suggest me what sort of further education I can pursue once I complete my BA(Hons)?? Once I come back to India with experience (say about 2-3 years), do you think I can enjoy win-win situation here?? Currently I am ready with my admission letter from Thames Valley University at London.

Karan Gupta answers, 
No one can guarantee a job after your BA. However, if you graduate from a 'good' school in a central area, you will have a greater chance of finding employment. In general, it is hard to get jobs in the UK after you graduate. You can visit for a list of top business schools. Thames Valley University is an average university in the UK.

sam asked, Hi karan, Good Afternoon, my name is Sanjay. i am planning to do an MBA from the Germany(Karlsruhe University) how good this University and what are the Job prospectous after doing an MBA from this University. And how is the value for the european degrees ?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Getting jobs in Germany after your education is very difficult.

Rohit asked, Hi Karan How do you rate Queen Mary, University of London?

Karan Gupta answers, 
All colleges under the University of London are considered good colleges.

ajeya asked, i have 700/800 in gmat ,4 years work experience in an american consulting company, 87.5% in class 12 aggregate, but mediocre results in graduation. can i get into Ivy league colleges for MBA?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, you will have some chance to get into the Ivy League universities. Write good essays and prepare a good resume. Also, prepare well for your admission interview.

PRASAD asked, I am looking for Undergraduate programs in US university - Engineering. Is Sat 1 scores more important than SAt 2 scores. where should we look for Financial Aid -would it be 100% aid possible ?

Karan Gupta answers, 
The SAT I is more important than the SAT II. Private liberal arts colleges in the US sometimes give full financial aid to students.

dental student asked, sir plz may i know which country has the best scope for dentistry -- US australia or new zealend and what is it better to do mds in india or abroad with regards to the cost

Karan Gupta answers, 
It is better to do your MDS in India as getting admission to MDS programmes abroad is difficult. If you do want to study MDS abroad, consider programmes in the UK.

sam asked, Is it necessary to give the GMAT tofel or iltes for the european degrees also?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes. All top business schools will ask for the GMAT.

arvind asked, Hi Karan I am planning 2 do aviation management @ Concordia University Canada, Is this a good course /university. How is the aid scenario like in canada?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Concordia University is an average university in Canada. Aviation Management is a very good course to study. And funding in Canada is very difficult to earn.

lucky asked, i want to know about,is there any difficulties for students in getting visa if they apply for colleges in UK rather than universities?

Karan Gupta answers, 
No, as long as the university is accredited, you will have no problem.

pmd asked, Hi Karan this is Pranav (Age: 24), have 2.5+ yrs of exp in Telecomm Industry in India. Am going for a Telecom MAsters to the Univ of Maryland College Park. Ur Opinion on overall reputation on the college and the course if you would like to share that... Also I would like to do a MBA course in Telecomm from the same univ (I liked the courses a lot)...Do you recommend that straight after the MS or to wait for a couple of years before pursuin that?

Karan Gupta answers, 
UMCP is a very good college in the US. The Telecom course at UMCP is also good. If you want an MBA later, you must work for a few years to get experience.

sanj asked, karan, i want to do a short course in accountancy which would help me to immigrate to Newzealand. I have already done my M Com, PGDM and Company Secretary. Could you suggest

Karan Gupta answers, 
Maybe you could consider an MBA with a specialisation in accounting. This will help you get a job after you graduate.

PRASAD asked, Does NUS need Sat 1 and 2 compulsory ? How about NTU ?

Karan Gupta answers, 
NUS does not generally need the SAT scores. However, under some circumstances (poor marks) NUS may ask for the SAT scores.

akshay asked, i want to go to austrilia and presently i am working in company which deals with finaccial e-commerce.but i have not graduation .pls advise

Karan Gupta answers, 
You should pursue a Bachelor's degree as well as a Master's degree if you want a good job in Australia.

Rajiv Sharma asked, Sir, Do prestigious foreign B-schools consider a Customer care executive job at a Call center as a VALID work experience ???

Karan Gupta answers, 
As long as you link your prior work experience to your career goals you will have no problem.

sdf asked, Tell us about the job opportunities after PURSUING MBA IN USA? Which country will be better to do MBA (USA,India, Australia)?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Compare universities instead of comparing countries. In general, the US has a large number of good business schools and getting jobs after you graduate in the US is easier than in other countries.

Ashok asked, dear Karan, i have got 15 years of work experience and a science graduate (11+2+2). want to pursue
an MS in IT in germany. I am in IT Training. Can u suggest me some university and their admission process

Karan Gupta answers, 
International University in Germany is one university that offers a Master's degree IT. You will have to send them your mark sheets and other documents such as an SOP to get admissions. You may also be asked to take the TOEFL.


Karan Gupta answers, 
Indian banks offers loans of up to Rs 20,00,000. You will spend around 13% a year on interest and the repayment period is around six years after taking the loan. In some cases, especially if you are looking at a one year MBA, you can fund the entire education through the loan. If the programme is for two years, you will not be able to fund your entire education through a loan.

Anuradha asked, Hello Sir, I am completing Post Graduation Diploma in Travel and Tourism management. whats the prospect of this course abroad? Thanks

Karan Gupta answers, 
In most countries, students of Travel and Tourism find it very hard to get placed after their education.

itabhiyanta asked, how good are the institutions in europe like ETM and EPFL

Karan Gupta answers, 
These are average institutes.

BharatK asked, hi Karan, I am interested to pursue MS in US. Can you suggest me good universities in US and also the possibilies for scholarship

Karan Gupta answers, 
You can look at Stanford University, MIT, USC and so on. Chances of funding are very dim at these top universities.

Tejas asked, I am planning to do Msc. Real Estate Management.Got admission in University of Salford & University of Central England. Which is better? Are there good work opportunities in UK after studies?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Both of these are average universities. Getting jobs in the UK after you graduate is difficult.

lucky asked, can i show all my tution fees and living expenses for studying in UK in bank statement as liquid funds?and please tell how can show all this money???

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, you can show all your expenses through liquid asset savings.

arun b asked, Hi, Currently working in Software company as senior software engineer. want to do the MBA in Finance.How is University of Northern Virginia for MBA Finance?

Karan Gupta answers, 
University of Northern Virginia is a very average university and it is likely that you will be jobless after graduation. I would highly recommend that you look at other universities.

Dumbu asked, Hello Mr.Karan. I finished my BA(Hons) in Hospitality Management. I am planning to do MBA in USA. Kindly suggest me good universities. In your opinion is my move to do MBA is worth? If I come back India, do I have WIN-WIN situation???

Karan Gupta answers, 
You can look at universities such as Cornell University. You will need work experience and a good GMAT score in order to apply for admissions.

chinmay asked, what abt doing MBA after a experience of 1 n 1/2 yr working in SAP

Karan Gupta answers, 
Two years is pretty much the minimum but schools may still consider you with slightly less work experience. You should have a good GMAT score.

sai asked, Hi Karan, My son is 89% visually handicpped by birth, currently in VIII Std, extremenly good in Maths, Consistantly scores over 90% in school. Goood English and even Hindi, but can't take Engg. Med studies becase of problem, we are concerned what should he do as he grows internation graduation or Some Adminstrative line in India.

Karan Gupta answers, 
International universities will make provisions for your son. There will be additional facilities extended to him. Plan to send him to study in US universities after the XII standard.

reddyvari asked, HI karan i got 3 yrs of IT exp and now plannign to write gmat, do executive MBA in US can you please tell me how are job oppurtunities of getting parttime jobs while doing MBA?

Karan Gupta answers, 
An Executive MBA is for people with at least ten years of work experience. Therefore, I recommend you pursue a regular MBA.

medicine asked, sir plz can u tell me which country is best suited for dentistry after bds? australia usa or nex zealend? which is best with regards to cost and future prospects???

Karan Gupta answers, 
Among the three, Australia will be the easiest for you to complete your medical education. However, the process is very expensive and time consuming.


Karan Gupta answers, 
You can approach the local British Council and speak to them. They will inform you of any scholarships available.

greaspirant asked, hello sir good afternoon,would u kindly tell me how are the future prospects after doing MS in industrial engineering from the way i have a two years job experience in a oil and gas industry.

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, there are job prospects but it's not easy. You will have to network a lot to find employment in the field of industrial engineering.

monil asked, Hi Karan.My name is Monil. I am doin MBA in HR from La Trobe University Melbounre. What are the chances of getting a job in HR in India?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Indian employers will most likely not recognise your degree. If you manage to convince them that you are talented and capable through an impressive interview, you may just get employed!

Part I: 'Work two years before an MBA abroad'

Karan is an overseas education consultant and can be reached at