This article was first published 17 years ago

Get your US visa now!


Last updated on: May 02, 2007 15:37 IST

Concerned about your US student visa interview? According to Karan Gupta, overseas education counsellor, you shouldn't be.

In a chat with Get Ahead readers on April 25, this is what Karan suggested, 'Be honest in your visa applications and don't believe any rumors about visa processes. Never entrust someone else to apply for a visa on your behalf. Always make visa applications yourselves. And if you are a genuine student and your main goal is to get a good higher education, you really will have no problem in obtaining a student visa.'

For those who missed the chat, here's part two of the transcript!

Part I: US visa myths busted

sujatha asked, 
I am writing on behalf of my newphew who got his I20 from a univ in Illnois in Us , but he is nto sure of visa process and very nervous. Would you be able to give tips on what are the possible queries that the US visa would ask. He is from South India and so probably would go to Chennai US Embassy. Thanks Mrs. Srinivasan

Karan Gupta answers, 
The questions depend upon the visa officer interviewing you. Generally the consulate wants to know why you have chosen a particular university, how you plan to pay for your education, and what you plan to do when you come back to India.

supriya asked, hi.. i am currently a student of MIT in australia. I have heard the rules for PR are soon going to change for students in australia.. How will they effect the students

Karan Gupta answers, 
As of now, there is no indication that the PR rules will affect students. Student visas are straightforward and if you show that you have funds to cover your entire education and that you will come back to India after the completion of your education, you will have no problem in getting the student visa.

samiresh asked, Hi karan, i ahd met you and your brother in Mumbai for a visa counselling session. How do I apply for a visa if I have a Masters degree in ee from australia. I am working in India for the last 2.4 years and want to go to the US to work. I have been denied a US visa twice in 2002

Karan Gupta answers, 
Since your visa was denied almost five years ago, the denial should have no impact on your current visa application. If you have enough funds to cover your entire education and you have a definite career path after completing your education, you should have no problem in getting the student visa.

Sulagna asked, 
Hi, I got an offer from an US university for doing phd. My classes are due to start from 27th August. What is the earliest date I can get for a visa interview?

Karan Gupta answers, 
You can apply for your student visa 120 days prior to the date your classes start.

nilotpal asked, hi karan, what abt a visa for canada ?? is it tougher ?? and ya, what abt the work permit there ???

Karan Gupta answers, 
No, the student visa for Canada is not tougher or easier than a US visa. Work permits in Canada are not too difficult to obtain. In fact many students qualify for PR in Canada.

Harshit asked, 
Hello Karan, I have a query, does FDs and PFs count under the liquid funds ? or just the saving bank account can amount to liquid funds ???

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, they count as liquid assets.

sunny asked, 
sir i am applied for uk transit visa for bermuda but it reject 4 times due tobecause i am unmarried and mother and father both are deceased and my sister and brother unmarried thats why uk embassy think i not coming back to india i have job in bermuda ihave work permit and appoinment letter and that time my sister will get married and sister in london and his husband is also in bermuda from last 5 years how i get the visa for any country.

Karan Gupta answers, 
Since your visa has been denied so many times, I doubt that you will get a visa the fifth time you apply.

Baasha asked, 
How does showing property establish a student's ties with india?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Property shows that you or your family have invested a sizeable amount of funds in India, and hence would most likely not abandon these funds and stay back illegally in another country. However, most consulates do not even look at property papers anymore.

Gokul2 asked, 
Karan, does it make sense to tell them that I am planning to return to India as soon as I complete my studies ? or will they think am acting too smart to prevent being considered as an immigrant?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Be honest in your answers. Do not lie to any consulate officer. If you lie, you can be sure that your visa will be denied. So truthfully tell the consulate officers your plans after completing your education.

vinoth asked, i have funding from the university for one year. they have also promised to support me from second year (in the offer letter) though they have not specified any amount. in this case, do i need to show any funds?

Karan Gupta answers, 
No, if you have been funded by the university, you do not have to show any funds.

sunit asked, 
is this years h1 list of candidates selected by randon selection out ?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, pretty much. asked, Karan , my visa was rejected two years back . Can I again apply for visa ?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, you are eligible to apply for a visa again.

sudhindra asked, 
dear sir I have an admit card for MS course in one of the US University.In the I-20 the total expenses is shown as Rs 35000USD for one year and the course is for 21months. How much finacial proof I should Produce to the US embassy

Karan Gupta answers, 
You should be able to show funding for the entire duration of your course.

aakash asked, 
Hi karan, I have been working in bangalore for past 2 years but i belong to delhi. also the financial papers of my sponsors would be from delhi, so which consulate should i apply... delhi or chennai?

Karan Gupta answers, 

chinmay asked, 
Hi Karan, I want to know if I and my wife are both applying for student visa, should we reveal it to the VO and can that have a negative impact on our application ?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Please never lie to the visa officer. Students who lie to the visa officers can be sure that their visa will be denied and they will NEVER be allowed to travel to that country. Be honest and it will not affect your visa chances.

satarupa asked, Hi Karan! I am planning to take my GRE this July in order to seek admission in a PhD programme in English Lit. How do u think that I need to prepare for my visa interview?

Karan Gupta answers, 
If you are a genuine student and can clearly show your source of funds for your education, you will have no problem in getting your student visa.

fall asked, Good afternoon sir, I have been working in Bangalore for the past 1.5 years. But my family is in mumbai and also my passport was made from mumbai. I have a doubt regarding where should I apply for Visa interview (Chennai or Mumbai consulate)?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Apply from the city where your bank accounts, income tax papers, etc, are available from.

Harsh asked, Hi Karan, Do previous B-1 rejections have a bearing on f-1 application. My b-1 visa was rejected (1 1/2) and 2 years back. I'm planning to go for MBA with GMAT of 740.

Karan Gupta answers, 
No. Your past applications most likely should not affect your visa chances. However, I cannot comment on the success of your student visa as I don't know the reasons for your past denials.

Jaya asked, 
Hi Karan, It is a common question that students are asked in a visa interview. What would you do after 2 years of MS. If I say a Phd and then come back and teach in IITs is it convincing enough??

Karan Gupta answers, Be honest in your answers. If this is really your career goal, then feel free to say so.

samiresh asked, I have been denied a student visa twice in 2002. I am from Mumbai originally and currently work in Bangalore. All my documents would reflect Mumbai. If I want to apply for H-1 visa should I apply from Chennai or Mumbai?

Karan Gupta answers, 
In this case, you must apply at the same consulate where your visa was denied.

sujatha asked, 
I am planning to go to US on a tourist visa. I live in London,UK. Though I planned to go during summer, I am not sure of the exact dates of my travel. Surely between July 15th till 10thSept due to my kids' Summer holidays.If I go for my Visa interview in May,will I be given a 6 month tourist visa ? Have you any idea of how long is the tourist visa to US?

Karan Gupta answers, 
In most cases, tourist visas are given for a period of 10 years. However, the visa officer will decide the validity of the visa based on your interview.

Pooja asked, 

Karan Gupta answers, 
Have a definite career plan ready and discuss this with the visa officer. Honestly state your career goals and you will have no problem in getting the student visa.

Prashant asked, 
Hi karan, I am going to US in B1 visa can you please let me know that for Visa Interview Passing Certificate og 10th should be in english because i have certificate in hindi but my degree is in english please respond me asap because my interview is on 26th April

Karan Gupta answers, 
All documents you take to the consulate must be in English. However, in this case, you can take a translation from a notary along with your original degree certificate.

digvijaysingh asked, 
Hi karan, I am having my H1-B. My would be wife is not at all comfortable with English. Can she get visa after we are married in November?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, she can opt for a translator during the interview.

Aditya asked, 
Hi Karan,My F1 visa was rejected 5 times,recently I was rejected since I did not make any changes in my appication! Can I know wt are considered as singnificatn changes in a student visa application?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Since your visa was denied five times, I would recommend that you do not apply for a US visa again.

jay asked, 
hi can you tell me what are the financial papers should i carry for a visa ? tax stmts, bonds, fd's ????

Karan Gupta answers, 
Carry proof of all your assets -- FD, bank accounts, shares etc.

pavan asked, 
hi karan,can u please tell me for getting visa which one is easier i.e f1 or h1 b?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Always apply for the visa based on what you are really going for -- if you are studying, then apply for an F-1 visa. If you are working, then apply for an H-1 visa.

Amrita asked, 
How much does the whole process of getting a student visa made, cost?

Karan Gupta answers, 
I am not sure what you mean by "getting a student visa made". Student visas can never be "made" by anyone. Never ever apply through agents. Always apply directly to the consulate. Remember that no one can ever guarantee you a student visa, or any other visa for that matter.

Salil asked, 
I am about to apply for the F-1 visa process in a few days from now. Unfortunately my sister (currently in US) is funding me and has transferred the required amount (which is a large sum)to my Mother's accont who is also my primary sponsor on a monthly basis for the last 6 months. Does this have a negative impact anywhere on the process as I am showing my mom as the sponsorer whose income is well below the required fee amount. Please advice!

Karan Gupta answers, 
As long as you are honest and tell the visa officer where your funds have come in from, you will have no problem in getting your student visa.

hawk asked, 
Hi.. I have been admitted for MS programs in several univs in the US. For VISA I don't have savings funds totaling my two year course. My dad is a government employee. So apart from the savings which amount to ony 40% of the funds for two years Can I show PPF&GPF also. If yes, From whom should I be getting a balance letter for those two?

Karan Gupta answers, 
Yes, you can show all the assets you plan to use to pay for your education.

Karan Gupta says, 
Dear students, This has been a great chat. Thank you all for your insightful questions. Please remember to be honest in your visa applications and don't believe any rumors about visa processes. Never entrust someone else to apply for a visa on your behalf. Always make visa applications yourselves. And if you are a genuine student and your main goal is to get a good higher education, you really will have no problem in obtaining a student visa.

Part I: US visa myths busted

Karan Gupta is an education consultant and can be reached at

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