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June 29, 2007
Negotiating tips for home loans
From the best possible time to apply for a loan to the strategies you should use to get a home loan, here are some must-know tips.

June 28, 2007
Tackle your home loan with these simple dos and don'ts
Paying your increasing home loan EMIs can be quite a task to meet. Here are a few dos and don'ts that can help you sort out your loan problem.

Filing tax online? Think twice
Now that income tax returns can be filed online, should you go for it? Tax expert Mahesh Padmanabhan answered this and other tax-related queries in a chat with Get Ahead readers.

June 27, 2007
Students: Can you claim tax exemption on tuition fees?
Can students who earn and learn claim tax exemption on tuition fees? In a chat with Get Ahead readers tax expert Mahesh Padmanabhan answered this and other tax-related queries.

June 26, 2007
Planning to switch home loans? Don't!
Changing your home loan provider to save on interest could actually mean you are losing money. Here's how.

June 25, 2007
5 ways to get financially organised
Financial organisation can help you achieve your goals in life. All you need to do is take these five steps.

June 22, 2007
Want a life of financial freedom?
You can win the game of wealth by following the four squares rule. However, you need to have some basics before you begin this game.

June 19, 2007
It's EMI time... No more parties, movies, presents
Two Get Ahead readers tells you how to cope with your home loan EMI blues. They have done it and believe others can do it too.

How the tax man keeps tabs on YOU
The income tax department keeps track of taxpayers through extensively connected data sharing arrangements and data mining systems. If you don't pay your taxes, you can easily get caught.

June 18, 2007
Tax returns: The July 31 countdown begins
Income tax expert Mahesh Padmanabhan says you will have to pay a fine of Rs 5,000 if you miss your deadline for filing tax returns. But then, what is the actual deadline for filing returns?

June 15, 2007
Home loan? Keep EMIs low
Get Ahead reader Sunil Agarwal tells you how a a low EMI can reduce your stress levels.

June 14, 2007
5 habits that can make you rich
The top among these are: keep track of what you spend, and save and invest regularly.

June 11, 2007
How to cope with your home loan EMIs
Are you worried about your home loan EMIs? Get Ahead reader Anil Mishra suggests three ways that may help you overcome your EMI blues.

10 ways to get the best out of your credit card
Getting yourself a credit card is easy. The problem arises when you don't understand how the system works. Here are some smart tips on how to make the most out of your credit card.

June 08, 2007
Is the time right for your first home loan?
Is it the right time for you to invest in your first home? Expert Harsh Roongta tells you what to do in such a situation and several others involving home loans.

June 07, 2007
Is your home loan burning a hole in your pocket?
The floating interest rates on home loans have increased sharply in the last few years. Home loan expert Harsh Roongta explains how to solve the problem.

Have EMIs crippled your life?
Home loan borrowers are facing a tough time. Interest rates have hit the roof and it has become difficult for them to manage their household expenses. If you are successfully coping with your EMI payments, share your story with us.

June 06, 2007
How your emotions can cost you MONEY
Retail investors sell when they should buy and vice versa. This is one of the main reasons why they lose money in the stock markets.

June 01, 2007
Have you chosen the right tax form?
Are you still confused over the new income tax return forms? Read this to clear all your doubts.

May 31, 2007
Your queries on the new tax forms answered
The new income tax return forms are a bit complicated feels tax expert Mahesh Padmanabhan. However, he suggests ways to overcome your difficulties in filing tax returns for this financial year.

May 25, 2007
Need an education loan? Here's help
Do you know that you can get an education loan of upto Rs 4 lakhs to pursue an MBA course from a recognised university? What's more, you don't have to bother about repayment till you complete the course! Read on to find out more.

May 24, 2007
Is a personal loan the last option?
Can you run a business by taking personal loans or structured loans? What are the drawbacks of doing business on such terms? Personal loan expert Harsh Roongta gives his advice on such tricky finance issues.

ITR-1? That's your new income tax form
The new income tax returns form, ITR-1, is relatively simpler than Saral. Here is a lowdown on what salaried individuals will now have to cope with.

May 23, 2007
How to get a cheap personal loan
You can bargain with your bank and get a personal loan at a cheaper rate. It always helps if you approach more than one bank with your loan application.

May 21, 2007
Nine magic mantras: Save money as you shop
Saving on your monthly grocery bills is easier than you think. Here are some simple tips on how to do it.

May 17, 2007
7 reasons to avoid a ULIP
Unit linked insurance plans, though, a best selling product may not be actually best suited for you, says financial expert Amar Pandit.

May 15, 2007
Why you need the 'right' assets
Financial planner Gaurav Mashruwala explains the difference between good and bad assets. Creating bad assets can lead you towards penury while the opposite may help you create wealth.

May 14, 2007
Save money on your vacation
Saving during your summer vacation needs some careful planning. Here's some help.

May 09, 2007
Credit card problems? Here's help
Credit card companies cannot employ illegal means to recover dues from you. If you are being harassed, this is what you should do.

May 07, 2007
Six good habits for tax payers
Paying your taxes is not as difficult as you think it is. Here are some tips that will help.

May 04, 2007
Credit card: Remember these dos and don'ts writer Manoj Puranik alerts readers on the dos and don'ts of using credit cards to your advantage.

April 25, 2007
Things to remember while buying gold ETFs
Gold exchange traded funds are a new product, so investors should look at the cost of investing in them before making a decision.

April 24, 2007
How a rising rupee can make you rich
As the value of rupee vis-a-vis the dollar rises, the cost of travelling abroad comes down.

ELSS: A formidable tax-planning tool
You can no longer ignore equity linked saving schemes when you plan your tax-savinginvestments. Here's a look at how these funds have performed.

April 23, 2007
Plan your personal finance, make money
Personal financial planning can reward you tremendously if you have the self-discipline needed.

April 16, 2007
Insurance: How to secure your child's future
Insurance expert T Srikanth Bhagavat explains the advantages and disadvantages of insurance as an investment option.

April 09, 2007
How to plan your family budget
Planning your household budget is an art. And there's not much you need to perfect it.

April 05, 2007
Make your pocket money last. Here's how
Getting the best out of your pocket money is not a difficult task. Here's how you can do it.

April 04, 2007
14 mantras to create wealth
From putting together the right team to taking the right decisions at the right time, cricket can teach you a lot about making money.

April 03, 2007
Cricket and the game of wealth
Is cricket similar to the game of creating wealth? Sanjiv Mehta, the author of 'Winning The Wealth game' thinks so.

March 30, 2007
Sold a house? Will capital gains tax affect you?
Mahesh Padmanabhan of RelaxWithTax has the answers to your tax related queries.

Paid more tax? How to claim a refund
Your employer has deducted more tax than was due to you. Here's how you can claim your tax refund now.

March 29, 2007
Should you prepay that costly personal loan?
You need to think of the costs and prepayment charges before taking one but it is better than revolving credit on your card.

March 28, 2007
Don't borrow on your credit card! Here's why
There are many reasons why taking an unsecured personal loan makes more sense than borrowing on your credit card.

March 27, 2007
Too many financial options? Beware
A plethora of investment and financial products are available to you now. But you need to understand your requirement and choose a product through which the objective can be achieved.

March 23, 2007
Are credit card loans taxable?
Can you set off losses made in the stock markets against your taxable income? Are credit card loans taken to finance vacations taxable? Tax expert mahesh Padmanabhan answered these queries in a chat with Get Ahead readers.

March 20, 2007
How to become a crorepati in your lifetime
Becoming a crorepati is not that difficult. You can do it by investing a mere Rs 833 per month.

March 16, 2007
Buying mutual fund units? Do it your way
In the rat race to garner more assets and reach number one position, mutual fund houses look for distributors who can sell more. But does it serve your interests?

March 15, 2007
Mobile insurance: Dos and don'ts
It's estimated that 15 mobiles are stolen every one minute in Mumbai. It's time that you insure your favourite talking gizmo.

Co-borrowers cannot claim tax benefits
You and your spouse are co-borrowers on a home loan account. Your spouse, though, is not a co-owner. Can s/he claim tax benefits? Read on.

March 14, 2007
How to get your wedding insured
You are in the midst of your marriage and suddenly you hear your relatives scream. The caterer has turned tail at the last moment, they tell you. Don't worry. Simply insure it.

Prepay home loan to save money on interest
Home loan rates are increasing and more is in the offing. Can you prepay your home loan and save money on ineterst paid? Transcripts of the chat with home loan expert Harsh Roongta.

March 13, 2007
How to handle volatile stock markets
Equity markets have surprised everyone with their volatility. The best way to handle them is to understand how to face such ups and sowns.

March 09, 2007
Computer crash: Have you got insurance?
A computer, which conks out, brings the whole world crumbling down. To ensure PC protection, a way out is to insure it.

Is bonus and ex gratia taxable?
You pay the mediclaim insurance premium of your brother's policy from your salary. Will you be eligible for tax deduction? Will your bonus and ex gratia be tax exempt?

March 08, 2007
Car loans: Tax exemption on interest paid?
You had bought a spanking new car last year and are paying interest on it. Can you get tax exemption on interest paid?

March 07, 2007
How to plan for your child's future
As human beings, I guess there are hardly any stronger aspirations than providing the best of everything for your child/children. And the sonner you begin the better.

Why financial planning is a must for you
Most people, when they think of financial planning, think investments. Some also feel it has to do with mutual funds and insurance. Honestly neither of it is true.

March 06, 2007
Take personal loan to acquire that dream house?
Your bank shocks you by revising the interest rate on the home loan you had availed of a couple of years ago. And obviously you don't know what to do. Here's help.

March 02, 2007
FAQs: Tax refunds
Are you afraid that you have paid more taxes than what you were eligible for and want to claim a refund of excess taxes paid. Here's help.

March 01, 2007
Budget and your tax: The impact
The Union Budget 2007-08 seems like a mixed bag for individual taxpayers. The gain's not much.

February 28, 2007
Gold ETFs: 5 things you must know
Now that the gold exchange traded funds (GETFs) are being sold in the market, let's look at a few things to understand them better.

February 27, 2007
Budget 2007: What you should know
Come February and everyone starts talkinga about the Budget. Read on to understand what the frenzy is all about.

February 26, 2007
Why and how to have a PAN
Permanent Account Number (PAN) has become a very important tool to the Income Tax Department in tracking high value transactions and ensuring compliance with the tax laws. Here's a how and why you should get it.

Financial goals: 8 questions you must answer
One should focus on trying to find answers to the her/his financial needs. It is only these answers that will help you achieve your financial goals.

February 21, 2007
Things you can do with your ATM card
ATM cards can help you order a chequebook at your doorstep, get mini statements, pay utility bills and much more.

February 19, 2007
Home loans: Floating rates are better
'Transparent floating' home loan rates are better than fixed rates believes home loan expert Harsh Roongta.

February 14, 2007
Benefits of sequencing tax deductions
Tax deductions and prioritising their sequence will help you streamline your investments for efficient tax saving.

February 12, 2007
How inflation pinches your wallet
Inflation reduces your purchasing power. A pair of sneakers costing Rs 100 will cost more if the inflation rate increases.

February 09, 2007
How to avoid tax inquiries
Buying new cellphone could result in a tax inquiry. Here's how you can avoid the tax man's attention.

February 05, 2007
Getting a credit card? Beware
Read the fine print on the credit card application form carefully, so that you know exactly what you are signing up for.

January 30, 2007
Will your loan become more expensive?
Come January 31 and the RBI will announce its credit policy. To help you understand it, Get Ahead cuts through the RBI jargon.

January 23, 2007
Missed EMI payment? Now bear the cost
Missing your EMI payment means you have to pay a fine. You also have to make time from your busy schedule to meet the collection agent.

January 18, 2007
Don't want to pay tax?
You need to make your investments now; March 31 is barely two months away.

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