Financial planning is like a chess game. An investor will have to think in advance about investment option s/he would use and plan according to the options available. The year 2011 had many turning points for the retail investor in India. Growth in the Indian economy is being driven by consumption arising from a confluence of factors: a rising middle class, increasing urbanization and favorable demographics. As a result, retail and consumer goods and financial services have been among the most favored sectors for investors. While the main investment themes remain the same, experts noted that some new pockets of growth are also available now, such as education, healthcare, e-commerce, information technology and insurance.
Keeping all these points in mind, the retail investor will have to equip herself/himself to plan for her/his investments in the year 2012. Although there are many options like mutual funds, gold investments, tax efficient plans, the investor will have to choose which plans would suit her/his needs the best. The start of a new year is the best time to start afresh and use practical solutions to achieve your financial goals.
If you too are among the many who are confused as to which are the points to be kept in mind while choosing your investment option or are wondering which new avenues you must invest in this year then do join us for a chat with our financial expert, Anil Rego on Friday, January 20 between 4 pm and 5 pm.
About Anil Rego
Anil Rego is the Founder & CEO of Right Horizons, an end-to-end investment advisory and wealth management firm with multi-metro presence.
(Due to circumstances beyond our control, date and time of chat may change)