Which are the best B-schools in Australia [Images]?
With three years of work experience are you eligible for a foriegn MBA?
Are you eligible for a scholarship? When should you start applying to US universities?
To answer these and a many other questions related to foriegn courses and colleges, Karan Gupta, an overseas education consultant, hosted a chat with GA readers on September 15, 2008. For those of you who missed the chat, here's the unedited transcript:
Karan Gupta says, Goodafternoon friends! This is Karan and I am ready to take your questions.
ayushi asked, hi karan i ma studying in Sybcom looking for college in UK around finchley for MBA in Hr can u pl tell me whne should i get registered and app fees i want ot stay with my uncle in finchley and study
Karan Gupta answers, While applying to B schools, it is best to apply globally rather than restricting yourself to a particular country. However, Cass Business School and Manchester Business School in UK are among the good B schools. Send your applications at least 9 -12 months prior to the course starting date. Application fees from university to university, therefore it is best to check with each university individually.
bharat asked, hi karan how r u doing i m doing M.Tech(CS) from RTU n i did B.E.(I.T.) n i wanna pursue phd from abroad can suggest me which contry n University is better for me
Karan Gupta answers, It is better to compare schools rather than compare countries. The US is a good option to pursue your PhD though PhD admissions generally are difficult. Try USC and NYU to check if they offer a PhD in your area of interest.
CKK asked, Hi Karan I am interested in doing MBA (1st choice is finance but I am flexible) from USA. I am an engineering graduate with four years of Work experience(by Fall 2009) as a IT consultant at Capgemini India. My GMAT score is 700 (50,34) Engineering aggregate : 76% Could you please suggest me some "Safe" schools for admission and Financial Aid also Thank you CKK
Karan Gupta answers, You have a good profile. Boston University, CWRU are some safe options for you.
Gautam asked, which is the best B-school is Aus!!
Karan Gupta answers, Melbourne Business School and Australian Graduate School of Management are the good B schools in Australia.
Manu asked, Hi Karan. I have just completed my engg in ECE. I want to go abroad for higher studies. Please advise on how to go bout it
Karan Gupta answers, If you are looking to apply fo an MS in Computers, you can consider applying to the US. Take the GRE and TOEFL, prepare your application documents and send your applications to the universities 1 year prior to the course starting date. USC and NYU in the US offer these programs.
kaivalya asked, hi i want to go abrod for Research(Ph D ) how to approach ? what u will advice
Karan Gupta answers, PhD admissions are extremely competitive. The procedure for PhD admissions many times requires you to find a professor at your prospective university who will be interested in your area of research. It is important to contact the professors at the universities you plan to apply to and discuss your research work with them. Your prior research work would definitely be a deciding factor during the admission process and may also affect your funding chances.
avroz123 asked, hi me doing bachelor in financial market, i want to pursue MBA after my graduation, pzl help me which country i choose for MBA , fees structure.
Karan Gupta answers, Most B schools worldwide require students to have at least 2-3 years of work experience as well as the GMAT and TOEFL score. Please apply to B schools worldwide and always compare schools rather than comparing countries. Average fees range between $35000 - 50000 per annum and average living expenses can be around $10000 per year
jayanth asked, Hi!!is mba in environmental management a good option because im keen on getting into env onsultancy..i have finished m.sc in zoology and would like to know which place would be best for it??
Karan Gupta answers, An MBA is a practical oriented degree open to people from all backgrounds. If environmental management suits your future career goal, you can search for schools that might offer it as a specialization. Try B schools in the US for the same.
santhu asked, hi kiran iam andiploma engineer in mechanical having sixyears experience in markettingand sales ,i want to know whether iam eligible for studyimng mba in abroad
Karan Gupta answers, Most B schools in the US require students to have 16 years of undergraduate education and most UK and Australian schools require 15 years. Since you have a Diploma instead, it is best to check with each school you plan to apply to individually. Some schools might accept because of your extensive years of work experience.
prince asked, Hi,karan, I have done BE mechanical and thinkung of doing MBA abroad at present iam not able to finalise which country should i go where after doing MBA job prospects are more and can settle there.I have 3 Choices UK/CANADA [Images]/AUSTRALIA
Karan Gupta answers, Opt for an MBA after 2-3 years of full time work experience. It is difficult to get a job in any country by virtue of just your Master's degree. In all cases it is important to constantly network with your peers, seniors, professors and so on. You can apply to schools in the US and UK.
SiddarthBaliga asked, I want to go in for a PhD in Marketing...have 6 yrs exp in Sales & Marketing...I hold an UG degree in engineering...what is the probability of getting through?
Karan Gupta answers, PhD admissions are extremely competitive. The procedure for PhD admissions many times requires you to find a professor at your prospective university who will be interested in your area of research. It is important to contact the professors at the universities you plan to apply to and discuss your research work with them. Your prior research work would definitely be a deciding factor during the admission process and may also affect your funding chances. Since you have significant work experience, an MBA may be a good bet with Marketing as a specialization.
PM asked, yeah..wht is da prospec tof doin MS in australia?
Karan Gupta answers, Australia has a small economy, and thus jobs are few. It is difficult to get a job in any country by virtue of just your Master's degree. In all cases it is important to constantly network with your peers, seniors, professors and so on. If you are keen on Australia, study the course offered by RMIT and Griffith University to check if it suits your requirement.
Ram asked, hi karan, which countries offer special courses in agriculture/farming? any scholarships?
Karan Gupta answers, These courses are not restricted to a specific country. You can search for schools in the US that offer this course. Scholarships are difficult to get. However, they can be offered in the form of tuition waivers, and assistantships. Study the courses in Agriculture offered by Purdue University and Texas A&M in the US.
Kartik asked, Hi Karan , I am Kartik. I have 2 years work ex from a IT company. I have given my GRE(1330) and TOEFL(111). But i cannot take out a loan. Is there any alternative for me? I wish to pursue MS in Computer Science.
Karan Gupta answers, International graduate students are usually not eligible for financial aid. However funding in the form of graduate assistantships (GA), scholarship, tuition waivers are available are available for most programmes. Besides such awards, you can also look for on campus jobs (20 hours per week) while studying. The earnings through this are generally sufficient to take care of your living expenses.
ghori asked, i want to do course in animation which university provides this course
Karan Gupta answers, Study the course offered by RIT and Savannah College of Art and Design in the US.
naval asked, i just wanted to ask you a question that how is tasmac college,london????????
Karan Gupta answers, In my opinion, Tasmac is an average university. You may find it difficult to find a job after graduating from there. Remember, this is your own decision and make sure you carefully 'research' the university before making your final choice. Speak to university alumni, faculty etc. and you will find it easier to arrive at a decision.
gautam45 asked, hi. i want to pursue MS in financial engineering in usa. but the scenario right now isn't too good in that field. the course is also very expensive. is it worth pursuing?? please suggest
Karan Gupta answers, Financial Engineering is an excellent course and has a lot of demand. It is a good option if you love Math as a subject. If you have the available funds, and support of your family, go ahead and apply to universities in the US. Duke University and Polytechnic University in the US offer FE. Remember, you will not get a job in any country only on the virtue of a Masters degree. Networking is extremely important.
ankur asked, i have done mba in 1999, doing won business of computers since then now i want to go to usa to do sap, i am 33 yrs married and have a son, can i go
Karan Gupta answers, You will be required to take the GRE and TOEFL tests before you apply. Shortlist univeristies that offer this course and prepare ypur applicaton packets which include your resume, recommendaton letters, transcripts, degree and financial documents. Send your applications to the universities at least 9 months prior to the course starting date.
Prasad asked, Hi karan,This is prasad here .. I have 3 years of experience in software appln development. I want to persue M.S in C.S in USA. I am having average acedamics i.e 10th : 58%, 12th 60.5% & degree 60.19%. What are my chances of getting in to average university.I am writing GRE in NOV last week.I am really concerned about my academics ..
Karan Gupta answers, Universities consider various factors such as academics, test scores and application documents while assessing an application for admission. Your BE percentage is fine. Try to score well in the GRE (1300 and above is a good score) and I am sure you will be able to apply to better than average universities. study the course offered by Polytechnic University and RIT in the US.
mihir asked, hi karan, I am a Chartered Accountant & CISA(USA). I wish to pursue MBA from a reputed university in US or UK. My queries are : Would I require 16 years of education?Since I have done only B.Com(15 years), will CA be recognised for the 16 years criteria?secondly, I have worked with deloitte for 3 years as a part of my articleship for the CA course. Will that be held as work experience?will it merit my application?
Karan Gupta answers, Since most US universities require students applying for a Masters degree program to have 16 years of undergraduate study, it is best to enroll for MCom I (correspondence is accepted) to fulfill this criteria. Additionally, full time work experience of around 2-3 years is a general requirement. If you have this experience, after your BCom, it will be considered.
Gautam asked, Hi, Im a B.E. Management Engineering, 84% Aggregate State Rank Holder, B.A. Public Admin, 3 years full time work-ex as director of Family owned private ltd concern. Partime prior to that. ICWA(Inter) Completed recently. Will be taking the GMAT shortly, expecting over 700 easily. Want to apply to top 4 b-schools in the time frame of 2 years from now. what chances do i have and what would you suggest me? Can you provide your contact details?
Karan Gupta answers, You have a strong profile. I would say, it is important to be prudent and thus while applyingit is best to apply to some top and some safe schools. Admission to the top 10 schools is very competitive. Research the top 30 schools (www.ft.com) and then narrow down your final list to 8-10 schools.
Mathews asked, Hi Karan, Which is more preferable after Graduation in Computer Science engineering-Mba or Master Degree in Computers?
Karan Gupta answers, If you want to pursue your postgraduation directly after your Bachelor's degree, then consider the MS in CS.
Amit asked, Hi Karan. I am interested in doing MBA (Management Consulting) from the US. I am a computer engineer with 5.5 years of experience(by Fall 2009) in information technology consulting. I am presently working with Sapient Corporation. My GMAT score is 680 (51, 29). Could you please suggest which schools should I target?
Karan Gupta answers, You can consider schools like NYU (US), IE Business School (Spain), Leeds Business School (UK).
guptamehul asked, Hi Karan,is it advisable to go back to B-school when the economy everywhere is slowing down.Also,if you can let me know some good colleges offering 1 year MBA
Karan Gupta answers, The situation is the same everywhere, but if you feel you need an MBA, you need it. You will find 1 year MBA program in the UK and in Europe. Study the MBA offered by Warwick, Cass Business School (UK) and IE Business School (Spain).
john asked, Good Afternoon sir, which is the best school in Australia to do management courses ? After sucessfully compleation of cousre in australia , can i apply for the Permenant residency ?
Karan Gupta answers, Usually, a student must complete his or her studies and satisfy relevant criteria before he or she can apply for Permanent Residency in Australia. This criterion includes a point scheme as part of the skilled migration program. To find out more information about permanent residency in Australia, you can log on to www.immi.gov.au .
mith asked, i have been accepted at the Bradford School of Management,UK for the Full Time MBA program.....should i go ahead w+ith it?
Karan Gupta answers, In my opinion, Bradford is an average school. Please check the accreditation of this school, as well as talk to peers and seniors before you decide to enroll.
sam asked, Hi Karan, I live in Denmark. Hence reaching to English ourses is a challenge. I need to take GMAT. Which are good preperation sites, where I can get all material online. Which are good forums to join.
Karan Gupta answers, Please refer to www.mba.com for more information
rahul asked, Hi Karan,im planning to study in australia but cant decide whether to do a masters degree or an mba...could u tell me which has more scope rite now?
Karan Gupta answers, Since an MBA is a broader degree, it covers various subjects like Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations and so on. A Masters degree is offered in a particular field only. Thus an MBA definately has more scope.
raminder asked, Hi Karan, I am a working professional having 2.5 years of experience. I want to persue MBA from Canada. Can you please let me know which universities should I prefer and what is the elgibility criteria for the same? Thanks Raminder
Karan Gupta answers, Most B schools worldwide require students to have at least 2-2 years of work experience. Study the course offered by McGill University and University of Toronto in Canada.
Karan Gupta says, Thank you all for joining us here and look out for more of these in the future.
Karan Gupta says, Good bye and have a great day ahead!