Most guys detest getting dressed for a formal occasion. Understandably so, since picking a decent shirt, matching a tie and getting the old suit to sit well on the shoulders can get quite tiresome.
Well, if you're one of those guys, here's a quick and easy solution. Pick up a simple, well-fitting beige, blue or brown corduroy jacket. These are available in unbranded and branded variants for about Rs 900 to Rs 2000.
Once you've got the jacket, just pull on your favourite white tee-shirt (sleeveless works too) and slip into the jacket. While this is simple enough, make sure your tee is a bright white and free of any unsightly stains.
To complete the emsemble, don a pair of neat khakis or beige trousers and you're ready to roll.
The style works well for most social gatherings, and guarantees a clean, well-coordinated look.

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