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Many of us have suffered from one tummy ailment or the other. The reasons for this may range from food intolerance to more serious conditions like piles.
Gastroenterologist Dr Jose Filipe Alvares helped debug some of the symptoms during a chat on March 29.
For those missed the chat, here's the transcript.
gastroenterologist Dr Jose Filipe Alvares says, Hi I am Dr Alvares and I am ready to take your questions.
Prasanthn_2007 asked, Last day I had noodles and since I am having ache in stomach. I pass out more frequently than usual. The temptation comes when I drink hot things or smoke.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, You have to take care where you eat your food. I would suggest you deworm yourself with Zentel (400 mg) and Secnodazole (2 gm) for a day. For the pain, you can take MEBIZ-SR 1-0-1 for about seven to ten days. Except for curd, avoid all milk and milk-based products.
giri asked, I undergone a complicated piles surgery and after one year of suffering now 90% alright. Is the piles likely to resurface in future?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Do you see blood in stools? The best way to avoid piles is not to strain yourself.. If possible, use a western toilet. Increase the fibre content of your diet by including more vegetables and fruits. If this does not help, you could start take a tablespoon of Cremadiet or Isabgol mixed with water at night. And yes, piles can recur if you do not take care.
hi asked, 2 years back. to reduce weight i cut down heavily on carbohydrates. And used to eat a lot of pulses. Especially moong in large quantities. I continue like this for 6 months, before developing a very irratable bowel with burning sensation while passing stools. Till date I have not been cured. My tummy has becoem very irratable and I cannot intake high protein food. Even normal food i eat outside causes constipation and there is burnign sensation when i pass stools. Is there any remedy ? Have tried allopathy and homeopathy as well with little respite.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Start Normaxin 1-1-1 for a month and a tablespoon of Cremadiet mixed with water at night. Have two to three litres of water daily. Exercise at leat half an hour everyday. Have two bananas daily. Go for yoga if possible and most importantly, do not strain while passing motions.
liberata asked, I am suffering from loose motion and a lot of mucus is also going in stool, also I have a fatty liver, and gall blader has been distended. at present I'm on Auyurvedic medicine past 15 days and now past few day my right breast and chest muscles pulls. Please advice if necessary I can visit and see you in Goa.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, You probably have an Irritable Bowel Syndrome with fatty liver. You have to get your sugar and fasting lipid profile, stool test for blood and microscopy, ESR, SGPT, SGOT, thyroid function test and chest X-ray done. Start Normaxin 1-1-1, Pantocid-DSR 1-0-0 for a month before meals. Also deworm with stat dose of Zentel (400 mg) and Secnidazole (two gm) stat. Avoid milk, chana and dal for the time being. You can always see me in Goa if things don't improve.
phule asked, 40 years old female, suffers from chronic acidity (and related migrane headaches, can tolerate only certain bland food and vegitables.. tried all tests. No postive diagnosis of ulcers or related problems.. we are stumped.. no long term effective treatment in sight..
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Unfortunately migraine can sometomes be associtaed with abdominal pain also. Kindly avoid food which aggravate your migraine. You can take Pantodac (40 mg) 1-1 before breakfast and dinner for a month. I would also suggest you try yoga to help with your problem. Also avoid food which you cannot tolerate.
ag asked, after any major meal I need to go to the toilet. At least 1 / 2 other than regular morning
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, It is a very common phenomenon. As long as you are not losing weight, running a fever, experiencing abdominal pain or thyroid problem, then you don't have to worry.
pravin asked, I have acidity for quite long time. Main question is last 8 weeks time I have pain in my tummy. I did try few home remedy but nothing help. I went to doctor and found gestroacid in my tummy that's the reason I have got pain. I am not aware of that also never heard before. Could you please tell me more about it also which food is best for that. What need to avoid.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Avoid citric fruits and excess chillies in your diet. Take one dose of Pantodac (40 mg) before breakfast for a month. I do hope you have done an ultrasound.
vineeta asked, My 7 year old daughter often gets reflux if she eats fatty food, although I make her sit for about 2 hours after each meal. I give her lo fat food - no ghee, butter. Could it be due to contaminated water or milk?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Fatty meals can provoke further reflux. Do not force her to have fatty food. Have your local doctor prescribed an antacid. If that does not work, she may require an endoscopy and esophageal PH metry to document the reflux.
prit asked, my motion is completely gone out of order .it is very less copared to older days. Please give me some advice
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Are you saying that you are constipated? If so, I would advise you to increase the fibre content in your meals by including leafy vegetables and fruits like bananas. Also, drink about teo to three litres of water. If this does not work, you can take a tablespoon of Cremadiet mixed with water after dinner for a month.
Hitesh asked, How can I reduce tummy?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, The best way to reduce your tummy is by exercise.
Harish asked, Sir,i am suffering from acute gastric problem. lot of gases forms after lunch and dinner with headache and leg ache in the evening. I am taking some homeopathy medicine and doctor told me that i have a weak lever and there is fermenation in stomach. My stomach gets tough and swollen due to gases. This probelm I am having from last 2 years.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Get a blood check with ESR, HB and TTG or anti-endomysial antibodies. Start Pantocid-DSR 1-0-0, Normaxin 1-1-1, Providac 1-0-1 and five mg of Folvite for a month. Take a stat dose of Zentel (400 mg) stat and two gm of Secnidazole stat. Avoid milk, butter, cheese icecreams/peda, channa and chappatis.
deb asked, Hi, is yoga useful for treating gastric problems?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, There's no harm in trying.
Prasanth asked, I'm 27 yrs old and usually have anything. Last day I had some noodles. Since then I have apainful stomach. My motion is okay but tempts to go more frequently than usual. This happen s when I drink a hot tea or coffe or smoke.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Are the motions loose or watery? If not; don't ignore them. You can start with Pantodac (40 gm ) 1-0-0 before breakfast for 15 days and Meva-SR 1-1 before meals. Deworm with a dose of Zentel (400 mg) stat and Seczol (two gms) stat. I would aslo suggest you get a basic stool examination done.
kesri asked, My daughter (5yrs) has bad breath and very often stomach ache. Her motion and eating habits are normal and timed. ur suggestion on this please ?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Get a dental examination done. She may require periodic deworming. If she experiences pain while drinking milk, she may be lactose intolerant. For this, probiotics like Reflora (one sachet mixed with water) can be given for three to four weeks.
WEAKY asked, I want to increase my tummy.Any easy method?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Usually people want to reduce their tummy. I think eating lots of food would increase your tummy.
P asked, hi, i have had herpes recently. Wanted to know if there was any way this is related to my eating habits. I am very particular about my diet. I eat salad and fruits daily. I used to eat a serving of papaya every night. Could this be the cause? i have heard papaya is a hot fruit. Pls clarify.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, No, no relation at all.
Suman asked, Hi Filipe, does a strong tummy reduce the chances of having varicoceles or hernia. And does it also help in reducing the gastro problem?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Varicocele ususally occurs in tall and thin people. Hernias are basically due to muscle weakness. There is no relation between a strong tummy and varicocele. Also, a strong tummy does not reduce gastro problems.
shreni asked, Could u pl. tell cure for constipation. I include mix fruits in my daily food still I suffer from constipation regularly.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Constipation has many causes. First check if your thyroid is functioning normally. You can take a tablespoon of Cremadiet mixed with water after dinner. Increase the dose to two after a week if you don't see any improvement.
gaurav_007 asked, hi. i'm 16yr old boy.. i've got a tummy which sizes around 45 inches. my height is also very less just 5' 3" can u plz help me in getting a perfect shape?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, You have to exercise and try not to overeat. However, there's nothing you can do about your height.
francesca asked, i try having lot of junk stuff in order to put on weight but i tend to get pains all the time. and whenever i eat i pass out very soon. why is that?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, You have intolerance to certain foods. Find out which and avoid those in future.
anant asked, I have lot of gas problems, i fart a lot especially when I eat dals, potatoes etc. what is the remedy?
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Avoid the above mentioned food. You can start Providac 1-0-1 and MEVA-SR 1-0-1 for a month.
Jaiteerth asked, doctor, my problem is whenever ( 2-3 times in a year) takes hot drink(max 2 pegs) with food then food is not digested and i get headache. Headache will continue for 1 day. After one day i do forcefully vomiting. When i vomit whatever i eaten 1 day before with drinks that will come out. It means for the whole day food is not digested. Please suggest me.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Don't drink too much. You could take Pantodac (40 mg) a day before your drink. Also, try to eat something with your drink.
sureshmakhija asked, sir good afternoon i havea very typical problem regarding the digestion whatever i eat it doesn't get digested and my stool is very oily and i have urge to go for stool all the time plzz suggest some remedies.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Please get an ultrasound of the pancreas done. Also, do a stool routine and microscopy test done. Start Normaxin 1-1-1 for a month before meals, Providac 1-0-1 for a month and deworm with a single course of Zentel (400 mg) and Secnodazole (two gms) stat.
vivekkumar asked, Hi doctor,I started with a new problem since last 8-9 months,in evening time mostly my stomach start forming gas and gives lots of trouble.My belly becomes hard and swells out with gas as if I devoured lots of food...There is aniother problem if I take hot milk and bread early morning or only milk also in empty stomach..my intestine starts twisting inside and forming lots of gas...Though I eat mostly vegetarian food and working as software engineer which is kind of sitting job on computer, I do morning walk, went though various medicinal treatment by my doctor but still the problem is not getting solved. I had endoscopy of stomach and all but there was nothing serious..four years back I had jaundice attack...is it affecting my stomach by any means now...my blood test urine test stool test were all normal....Please help me asap....
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares answers, Avoid milk and milk based products. Start Normaxin 1-1-1 and Providac 1-0-1 before meals for a month and Pantocid-DSR 1-0-0 before breakfast for a month. Also, take Itokine 50 mg 1-0-1 before meals for a month and avoid channa, chappatis and grams.
Dr Jose Filipe Alvares is a consultant gastroenterologist with Apollo-Victor Hospitals, Goa. He has 19 indexed publications in Indian and International journals to his credit and was an associate professor of gastroenterology for 31/2 years at Manipal Hospital.
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