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Best of the week

July 15, 2005 20:20 IST
Best of the Week
July 16, 2005  
Credit card can ruin A credit card can ruin you financially
A reader's story.

• Buying a home?
• How to read quarterly results
• Home loans: Want to sell?
• How my card works for me
• Saving for my new-born child
• Investing in a mutual fund?
• Nominating your investments
• 5 great funds to invest in
• Make the best of credit cards
Dandruff woes?

Say goodbye to dandruff trouble
Take action today.

• 'She has a stepsister!'
• Hitches in getting hitched
• Backward in Bangalore
• 7 diet mantras to stay slim
• Approve of pre-marital sex?
• The kind of men women like
• Pineapple crush and cancer
• Get that hot bod NOW
• Mantra of the day -- exercise!

Technical writing A must-read for B-school students
The guru's advice.

• Want to be a CEO?
• Is CAT running out of lives?
• More time at board exams
• Hot career in writing?
• 'MBA marketing is the best'
• Designing for success
• A career or quick money?
• MBA: Finance or marketing?
• 6 steps to your dream job
Scotland, en route to Goa

Back-to-college fashion
What's in, what's out.

• What is the customer worth?
• Home care for the rains
• The trouble with Harry Potter
• My blog to the world
• Yak skiing in Manali
• The art of wine tasting
• Lap up these energy drinks
• Godse imprisoned here?
• On the tiger trail

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