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Best of the week
Best of the Week
July 09, 2005  
4 money management laws4 money management laws
Practise and prosper.

 How to start saving
 Home loans: Fixed or floating
 Money advice for couples
 Trouble with home finance?
 Fund not making money?
 SIP: The pros, the cons
 Tax and your inheritance
 Is your und manager leaving?
 Fund managers' IPOs hotlist
7 diet mantras

7 diet mantras to stay slim
Are more meals better?

 Approve of pre-marital sex?
 The kind of men women like
 Pineapple crush and cancer
 Get that hot bod NOW
 Mantra of the day -- exercise!
 Parenting: Chickenpox tips
 Exercises for your brain
 Can you get brain stroke?
 What's your child's aptitude?

Career vs moneyA career versus quick money
Which is better?

 MBA: Finance or marketing?
 6 steps to your dream job
 Joining a call centre?
 Fly high on a higher salary
 Planning, the key to success
 A checklist for college
 Your student visa rejected?
 Arts, Science or Commerce?
 Fared badly in your exams?
Scotland, en route to Goa

The art of wine tasting
The right etiquette.

 'Fried fish, very tasty'
 Limited editions, anyone?
 JK Rowling is the best
 Recipes: Exotic mocktails
 Lap up these energy drinks
 Godse imprisoned here?
 On the tiger trail
 New style mantra: dress desi
 The authorised version

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