You go to see the Ellora caves in Maharashtra for a different reason. But exploring caves in Meghalaya can produce an entirely different kick.
Headlamps, torch, straps... you're ready to enter the Krem Shrieh or Monkey Cave, the fourth-longest cave in the state, located near the village of Tangnub.
Cave exploration is a new sport in India and got a boost after the Meghalaya state government started assisting local adventure clubs like the Meghalaya Adventure Association to promote off-beat tourism.
The Meghalaya Adventure Association had taken the initiative to collect systematic data on hundreds of caves around the state like the 2.4-kilometre-long Krem Um Sngad, the Krem Ryngo (3.3 km) and Krem Mawshun (3.3 km).
Till 2000, over 26 new caves were discovered. Some of the caves also have underground river passages.
For more information, contact:
The Meghalaya Adventure Association
C/o Hotel Centre Point
Police Bazaar
Shillong -- 793 001
Phone: (0364) 225210
Fax: (0364) 225293
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