Lara Dutt replaces Karisma Kapoor?
Sometime back, there was talk that Karisma Kapoor was all set to play the leading lady opposite Abhishek Bachchan in Vicky Nihalani's production Bombay Se Aaye Mera Dost. But, later, the grapevine was abuzz that Lara Dutta had stepped in. Read on...
Noor Jehan’s kin is Mumtaz Mahal
A set of eyes that bring back the memories of actress-singer Noor Jehan singing Awaz de kahan hai from the super-hit film Anmol Ghadi, seem to be affixed on the visage of Bollywood’s Sonya Jehan.
Sonya is director-producer Akbar Khan’s find to essay the role of Mumtaz Mahal in his epic film Taj Mahal. And her resemblance to Noor Jehan is no coincidence. She is the yesteryear’s popular singer-actress’s granddaughter. Read on...
Jagjit Singh making comeback to film music
Having charmed the international audience with his soul-stirring music in the just-released English film Leela, ghazal maestro Jagjit Singh seems poised to make a grand comeback to film music with at least four more projects lined up. Read on...
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