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Urmila: Woman on top

While sceptics have been saying Urmila Matondkar has been lying low because she has no choice, the actress says she has been working towards fortifying her career with interesting female-oriented Bollywood films.Urmila

At present she's shooting at a flat in suburban Mumbai for Ram Gopal Varma's supernatural thriller Bhoot. She will also be seen in Chandraprakash Diwedi's partition drama Pinjar and Ek Haseena Thi. Read more...

Another multi starrer for Nadiadwala

All's well that ends well! After the release of Awaara Paagal Deewana an upset Sunil Shetty had lashed out at producer Firoz A Nadiadwala for giving him a raw deal in the film. But the producer and actor have decided to forget their differences and come together once again for the producer's new film – Police Force.

“It's true,” Firoz tells me when asked to verify the news, “Sunil is starring in the film.” After a pause, he continues, “I've signed him for 99 years (laughs aloud). Jokes apart, we sorted out our differences amicably.” Read more...

Britney opposite Salman Khan?

Here's more on the Salman front. We all know that Salman Khan is the chosen one to play the lead role in the Hollywood flick Marigold.

And with it, the Khan is riding high once again. Suddenly a whole lot of Bollywood producers have woken up to the new Salman and have realised the potential of the actor. Result? There's been a mad rush at his doorstep with crème de la crème offers. Read more...

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