Ask our reporters
Once again, rediff correspondents are on the campaign trail.
If you have any specific query/issues you want them to answer/focus on, or pose to the politicians they will meet, please write to us and we will try to accommodate as many as possible.
Scroll down, or click on the names on your left, to know about our reporters on the job.
Our reporters respond to queries.
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Deputy Managing Editor Amberish K Diwanji has Gujarat in his blood -- literally.
Originally from Baroda, he started off in Mumbai with The Indian Post, worked at The Independent and television before coming aboard.
Amberish is rather Sherlockian in his approach to stories: mind over muscle is his
unbending principle.
Politics, national and international, is one of his two passions -- the other being, according to some colleagues, contemplation.
He brings to this election a keen intellect backed by a wealth of knowledge on Gujarat's internal dynamics.
Click here, for his despatches.
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Don't let that angelic smile fool you for a second, for Chief Photographer Jewella C
Miranda can be the very devil with the camera...
Sharp, and as tough as they come, she is a veteran in campaign coverage. Her motto: Catch 'em unawares!
She will be in Saurashtra, Kutch and Ahmedabad.
Click here for her despatches.
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Besides a minor addiction to betting on the wrong horse, Senior Assistant Editor R Swaminathan suffers from a touch of poll fever -- a disease that has been with him since the 1996 general election, when he first got on the campaign trail.
This year he is on a whirlwind tour of western Gujarat.
Click for some of Swami's reports.
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In her 23 years as a journalist, Senior Editor Sheela Bhatt has developed a knack for covering polls and politicians, in the process pulling off more exclusives than can be listed here.
She goes through this election as a roving correspondent for Saurashtra, Kutch and central Gujarat.
Here are her despatches from Gujarat.
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Don't tell him, but we call him the Bulldog.
Which precisely is what Chief Correspondent and Associate Editor Syed Firdaus Ashraf is while on assignment. Persistent and tenacious, he would rather die -- no, make that kill -- than let go of a story.
A veteran on the campaign trail -- he joined rediff.com in December 1995 as part of our launch team, after The Free Press Journal, Mid-Day and The Sunday Observer, he has covered elections in central and north India extensively.
Firdaus will tackle Godhra, Naroda Patia, Maninagar, Patan and Mehsana.
Click for Firdaus's earlier updates.