| | Name: Niti Place: India Age: 25 Date: Sat Apr 17 03:45:05 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Cleanliness in India | 2) | Health care in India | 3) | Education for the poor | 4) | More jobs | 5) | Safely for women |
| | Name: Narayan Place: USA Age: 38 Date: Sat Apr 17 05:23:21 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Education | 2) | Health care | 3) | Corruption | 4) | Contorl Poulation | 5) | Transport infrastructure |
| | Name: Ambuj Chawla Place: Panama Age: 28 Date: Sat Apr 17 05:30:29 2004
| Issues: | 1) | nationalism, we take our freedom very lightly, we take things for granted, if on 1% of indiant start thinking abt the country rather that thinking abt themselves then i think all the problems like curruption, unemployment,population, iletracy will be vanished and i think INDIA WILL ONCE AGAIN BE KNOWN AS SONE KI CHIDIYA | 2) | | 3) | | 4) | | 5) | |
| | Name: Arundhati Choudhury Place: Guwahati Age: 23 Date: Sat Apr 17 10:45:01 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Terrorism | 2) | Literacy | 3) | Communal harmony - There shd not be any place for any religious fanatics in our socitey. Religious leaders shd be barred from contesting election. | 4) | There shd be no reservation for any one. Neither on the basis of caste nor on the basis of gendre. Everyone shd be treated equally. | 5) | Corruption |
| | Name: Nitin Shah Place: Mumbai Age: 36 Date: Sat Apr 17 10:57:04 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Employment | 2) | Curreption | 3) | Rural Development | 4) | Overseas Business | 5) | 100% Educatated country |
| | Name: Raghavendra Gowda. C Place: Mysore Age: 25 Date: Sat Apr 17 10:58:47 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Corruption | 2) | Polulation | 3) | Neglect of Agriculuture and dairy. | 4) | Infrastructure and red tapeism | 5) | Over beurocratic |
| | Name: raghu anthadupula Place: hyderabad Age: 35 Date: Sat Apr 17 11:01:10 2004
| Issues: | 1) | roti, kapda aur makhan to all | 2) | 2 water for irrigation & drinking in all parts of india | 3) | 3 encouragement of youth in politics | 4) | corruption | 5) | information right to people |
| | Name: Thomas Place: Bangalore Age: 33 Date: Sat Apr 17 11:54:53 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Water Management | 2) | Transportation | 3) | Education | 4) | Religious/Language/Cate / Harmoney | 5) | Corruption |
| | Name: ramu Place: nz Age: 25 Date: Sat Apr 17 12:46:05 2004
| Issues: | 1) | corruption | 2) | population | 3) | education | 4) | women equality | 5) | peace |
| | Name: harini Place: Bangalore Age: 25 Date: Sat Apr 17 12:54:30 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Two Party System - this will avoid all the political tamasha(drama) and corruption | 2) | MPs and MLAs must visit their constituency every month just like they visit every house during the election to beg for votes. If they don't visit even one month they should be punished severly. | 3) | Uniform civil law (all the indians should be treated in the same way) | 4) | Awareness about pollution (deforestation) which will solve many problems like drought | 5) | And ofcourse the same old 50 years problem of population, water, electricity, employment, education etc.etc. so 5 issues are not enough to mention the problems in this country |
| | Name: chandani Place: ahmadabad Age: 54 Date: Sat Apr 17 14:27:41 2004
| Issues: | 1) | over population | 2) | availabilty of basic necessities | 3) | modesty among those in power | 4) | no election for 10 years atleastbut with proper watch | 5) | corruption |
| | Name: sateesh.P Place: Hyderabad Age: 24y Date: Sat Apr 17 14:41:28 2004
| Issues: | 1) | increase channels for self employment | 2) | basic aminities like food, water, & shelter to below poverty levels | 3) | No reservations to any caste/ community | 4) | Cosideration to poor people in upper castes | 5) | prompt & sincere work by all government servants & specially police people., minimisation of curroption |
| | Name: sarathy Place: tirupathi Age: 23 Date: Sat Apr 17 17:24:24 2004
| Issues: | 1) | corruption | 2) | POVERTY | 3) | EDUCATION | 4) | Developments | 5) | |
| | Name: ramana. Place: london. Age: 40. Date: Sun Apr 18 08:01:35 2004
| Issues: | 1) | education for all. | 2) | water for all. | 3) | power supply for all. | 4) | homes for all. | 5) | work for all. |
| | Name: Divakaran Chenchery Place: Aurangabad Age: 56 Date: Sun Apr 18 16:22:57 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Solve unemployment problem, and wipe out poverty to the poor and common mass. Avoid sufferings of poor common mass and bring socialism and reduce disparity in income. | 2) | Castism should be wiped out and no castewise reservation for education, employment fields. | 3) | Education system to be changed to value added so as to avoid unemployment. The eduction system should be talentwise and not money power. | 4) | The homeless mass who sleep in the streets and under the pipes should be rehabilitated. | 5) | No one in the country should be jobless and should get sufficient income /salary/wage to increase the standard of living. |
| | Name: Abhijit Place: Saudi Arabia Age: 35 Date: Mon Apr 19 14:24:06 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Infrastructure | 2) | Curruption | 3) | Connecting rivers | 4) | restoring peace with PAK | 5) | Education |
| | Name: suneet saxena Place: new delhi Age: 39 Date: Mon Apr 19 14:53:19 2004
| Issues: | 1) | national integrity | 2) | unemployment nobody should be unemployed | 3) | poverty amoung poorest,not higher class | 4) | free education for children in schools all kind private or government,similarlt no fee in any kind of hospitals govt or private.if private wants to operate they must operate free of cost. | 5) | very hard law & order followed on everyone,no corruption at any level.if given me a chance ,i can make it possible.no politics of vote,it should be on basis of developments. |
| | Name: T.G.Neogi Place: Jabalpur Age: 41 Date: Mon Apr 19 19:32:37 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Unemployment | 2) | Development | 3) | Secularism | 4) | Casteless politics | 5) | Honesty |
| | Name: T.G.Neogi Place: Jabalpur Age: 41 Date: Mon Apr 19 19:32:56 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Unemployment | 2) | Development | 3) | Secularism | 4) | Casteless politics | 5) | Honesty |
| | Name: Dr.ashish Place: mumbai Age: 26 Date: Mon Apr 19 22:31:45 2004
| Issues: | 1) | interlinking of rivers if this occurs then unempoyment and poverty will be reduced at village levels | 2) | this should be accompanied by very good transpot and communication so that foriengn companies come and invest in india to end | 3) | poverty,unemployment naturally corruption will die a natural death | 4) | indo china russia common currency and free trade | 5) | good ties with pakistan |
| | Name: rajiv Place: Thane Age: 52 Date: Tue Apr 20 01:35:15 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Responsible promises to the people -- i.e. what government budget can afford. | 2) | Politiciansmustarticulate what India Shining means--- i.e.who are the interest groups,what are their priority needs and how these needs can be satisfied with efficient government action that makes people better off and economically independent. | 3) | Develope a political economy for India that represents Indian reality and is not a variant of theories aand research based on Western Perceptions. | 4) | recognise that quality primary, secondary and tertiary education is the key to social and economic transformation and evolution towards a more homogeneous society (without necessarily diluting cultural individuality). | 5) | Politicians must explain logically how they will achieve promises they make and there should be an independet body which can make an assessment aat the end of a government's tenure in a credible manner. Government must publish data that is analytically relevant.This needs a debate on what transparency should mean in India. We should not ape others in this process just because it is fashionable in the West. They do not understand our reality and the Constitution of India. |
| | Name: sarat ch. choudhury Place: orissa Age: 23 Date: Tue Apr 20 02:16:47 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Corruption | 2) | Pollution | 3) | Population | 4) | fully development of Infrastructure | 5) | Compulsory Education |
| | Name: sarat ch. choudhury Place: orissa Age: 23 Date: Tue Apr 20 02:20:07 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Corruption | 2) | Pollution | 3) | Population | 4) | fully development of Infrastructure | 5) | Compulsory Education |
| | Name: Parish Galaiya Place: Jamnagar,Gujarat Age: 25 Date: Tue Apr 20 09:24:38 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Development of State Transport Bus. | 2) | | 3) | | 4) | | 5) | |
| | Name: K.ANILKUMAR Place: MUMBAI Age: 34 Date: Tue Apr 20 10:13:40 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Efforts to raise the GDP | 2) | Youth employment | 3) | New technologies to reduce Road & Rail accidents | 4) | Simplification of rural & urban procedures of any kind by Information Technology | 5) | Implementation of providing roads & water in rural areas |
| | Name: K.ANILKUMAR Place: MUMBAI Age: 34 Date: Tue Apr 20 10:14:58 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Efforts to raise the GDP | 2) | Youth employment | 3) | New technologies to reduce Road & Rail accidents | 4) | Simplification of rural & urban procedures of any kind by Information Technology | 5) | Implementation of providing roads & water in rural areas |
| | Name: shyam singh bisht Place: delhi Age: 25 Date: Tue Apr 20 11:11:34 2004
| Issues: | 1) | provide a opportunity of job | 2) | our new government looking to rural areaand provied water,electerycity,road. | 3) | improve agriculture sector and consider much about labour& kissan. improvement our agriculture,and take care to labour and kissan | 4) | carry on negocait to pak | 5) | to stop scam(BHarstachar) |
| | Name: Mani Rangarajan Place: Thane Age: 50 Date: Tue Apr 20 12:08:05 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Corruption. All politicians having lot of money in swiss banks or anywhere and links with all unwanted should be debarred and all their wealth should be confiscated and they should be hanged in public. | 2) | Proper communications by road/rail/airlinks. Communications should be made cheaper and should cater to common public. | 3) | Electricity/Water to all | 4) | Joining of all rivers so that there should not be any water problem even in the remotest place in India. | 5) | All politicians should be shot dead whether it is present/future or past. India should be ruled by good administrators without any selfish attitude. The present Indo-Pak relations should develop to attain a friendly neighbourhood relations. Moreover, PM Vajpayee should continue to lead India for future ventures. He is the only PM with a vision. |
| | Name: Manjunath Kallupalli Place: Noida Age: 35 Date: Tue Apr 20 18:22:18 2004
| Issues: | 1) | The half finished Indo-pak dialog has to be finalised possitivly | 2) | Rivers Joining project which is at present in Proposal stage,Is to be Kicked-off and implemented | 3) | Corruption is all depatments & Domains has to be Controlled | 4) | Women bill has to be passed | 5) | |
| | Name: Narendra Vasavada Place: Surat Age: 67 Date: Tue Apr 20 18:59:56 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Change of Parliamentary pattern for stability | 2) | Transparency to remove corruption | 3) | Infrastructer Water gried Electricity Roads even Rural | 4) | Governor pattern at state level | 5) | Fix date for Election |
| | Name: Naveen Katta Place: Melbourne Age: 24 Date: Tue Apr 20 20:56:23 2004
| Issues: | 1) | All r equal in the eyes of Law,especillay politicians | 2) | Eduaction in practical aspects and improvement in terms of technology in constuctive aspects, | 3) | Avoid deforestration ,consider afforestration which can provide Basic needs to Our people, | 4) | Educate people | 5) | Educate people |
| | Name: Arun kalai nathan R Place: Chennai Age: 23 Date: Wed Apr 21 13:07:16 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Interlinking of rivers | 2) | Resolving disputes between neighboring countries | 3) | Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization acceleration | 4) | Improving the infrastructure of the country | 5) | Reducing the corruption |
| | Name: S.L.RAVICHANDRAN Place: COIMBATORE Age: 37 Date: Wed Apr 21 17:10:19 2004
| Issues: | 1) | linking of rivers | 2) | tribal welfare | 3) | high income tax ceiling | 4) | corruption free | 5) | more consentration to agriculture |
| | Name: shreekant melkundi Place: gulbarga Age: 20 Date: Wed Apr 21 17:45:17 2004
| Issues: | 1) | border disputes with neaghbours | 2) | internal security | 3) | corruption free goverment | 4) | education 4 all | 5) | GANGA-CAVERI LINKING |
| | Name: shreekant Place: GULBARGA Age: 20 Date: Wed Apr 21 17:50:58 2004
| Issues: | 1) | border disputes with negh | 2) | internal security | 3) | corrptuion free goverment | 4) | unemployment | 5) | GANGA-CAVERI LINKING |
| | Name: lavlesh Place: Delhi Age: 27 Date: Wed Apr 21 18:22:27 2004
| Issues: | 1) | Corruption | 2) | Economic prosperity for each state | 3) | Water & Electricity | 4) | Local Law & Order/explicit policy against Pakistan sponsored terrorism | 5) | Expeditious Agricultural growth |
| | Name: Ganesh Place: Pune Age: 24 Date: Wed Apr 21 18:26:05 2004
| Issues: | 1) | No red-tapes | 2) | Education | 3) | Infrastructre development | 4) | Globalization/Privatization | 5) | |
India Votes 2004